birthdat |
Foedselsdato |
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Ansaettelsesdato |
ophdate |
Fratraedelsesdato |
eksp |
Eksponering |
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status i analysen |
uddate |
Dato for afgang fra analysen |
sex |
Koen |
d1 |
Doedsaarsag - for afkodning af doedsfald inden 1-1-69 henvises tilWHO's Manual
of the International statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death
Based on the Recommendations of the Seventh Revision Conference 1955, and Adopted by the
Ninth World Health Assembly under the WHO Nomenclature Regulations
og doedsfald efter 31-12-68 henvises til WHO's Manual of ther International statistical
Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death, Based on the Recommendations of
the Eighth Revision Conference 1965, and Adopted by the Nineteenth World Health Assembly |
d2 |
Bidoedsaarsag 1 - for afkodning af doedsfald inden 1-1-69 henvises tilWHO's Manual
of the International statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death
Based on the Recommendations of the Seventh Revision Conference 1955, and Adopted by the
Ninth World Health Assembly under the WHO Nomenclature Regulations
og doedsfald efter 31-12-68 henvises til WHO's Manual of ther International statistical
Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death, Based on the Recommendations of
the Eighth Revision Conference 1965, and Adopted by the Nineteenth World Health Assembly |
d3 |
Bidoedsaarsag 2 - for afkodning af doedsfald inden 1-1-69 henvises tilWHO's Manual
of the International statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death
Based on the Recommendations of the Seventh Revision Conference 1955, and Adopted by the
Ninth World Health Assembly under the WHO Nomenclature Regulations
og doedsfald efter 31-12-68 henvises til WHO's Manual of ther International statistical
Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death, Based on the Recommendations of
the Eighth Revision Conference 1965, and Adopted by the Nineteenth World Health Assembly |