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UDSTEDELSESVALUTA States the "ISO-VALUTAKODE" in which the asset has been issued.
ISIN Unambiguous international identification of assets in ac cordance with ISO standard6166.ISIN stands for Internati onal Securities Identification Number.An ISIN share cann ot be formed unless the company is registered.Format: LL 000000000KK: Control digit calculated on the basis of mo dulus-10-double-add-double.0: National code, may include prefixed zeroes (in Denmark 00). Numerical.L: Country c ode (ISO-standard 3166). Alphanumerical.An example of a Danish asset: DK0009904567An example of the calculation of control digits:(zero is a validmodulus-10-double-add- double-control-digit, and alpha characters have a numeri cvalue: A = 10, D = 13,... K = 20,....):ISIN : D K 0 0 0 9 9 0 4 5 6"Numeric" ISIN. . . : 13 20 0 0 0 9 9 0 4 5 6To weight : 21 21 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2-------------------- ----------------------------------23 40 0 0 0 9 18 0 8 5 12Sum : 2+3+4+0+0+0+0+9+1+8+0+8+5+1+2 = 43Divide 10 int o sum (= 43) and the remainder is = 3Control digit = 10 - remainder (3) = 7
KORTNAVN Symbol, used in other connections, for the asset in ques tion.
CIRKULERENDE-MAENGDE-NOMINELT States the total quantity in circulation of the bond ref erred to at the nominal valuebefore drawing. (In DKK)
SIDSTE-TERMINSDATO States the last settlement date during the maturity of t he loan.Format: YYYYMMDD
OBLIGATION-NOMINEL-RENTE States the interest which the issuer pays on the bond.
MEDL-GNS-KURS Calculated as a weighted average of system generated and reported trades for anISIN, in which the trade has been made (and reported) within the opening hours ofthe ISIN 's order books in question, and where the trade has not been cancelledbefore the closing time of the order books + cancellation deadline.Bonds include all system genera ted trades and reports within the same ISIN, if thefollo wing criteria are met:" the class of trade is standard." the trade is reported as reporting type "Off-exchange" - i.e. while the order bookis in "Continuous transaction "-mode." the trade is reported by a member, including cr oss transactions.Shares include system generated trades, where the quantity larger than or equal to1 round lot, or the sum of small trades, which are included in a matc h, amount tolarger than or equal to 1 round lot, and rep orts within the same ISIN, if the followingcriteria are met:" the class of trade is standard." the trade is repo rted as reporting type "Off-exchange" - i.e. while the o rder bookis in "Continuous transaction"-mode." quantity larger than or equal to 1 round lot." the price is withi n the spread of the order book in question, on the regis trationtime (the time where the two reports match)." the trade is reported by a member, including cross trades.
OMS-MAENGDE-MEDL-GNS States the turnover (units/nominal) for all transactions which are part of thecalculation of "MEDL-GNS-KURS".
MEDL-GNS-KURS-HOEJ States the highest price among system generated and repo rted trades for an ISINwhere the trade has been made (an d reported) within the opening hours of theISIN's order books in question, and where the trade has not been canc elled beforethe closing time of the order books + cancel lation deadline.Bonds selected among all system generate d trades and reports within the sameISIN, if the followi ng criteria are met:" the class of trade is standard." t he trade is reported as reporting type "Off-exchange" - i.e. while the order bookis in "Continuous transaction"- mode." the trade is reported by a member, including cros s transactions.Shares selected among system generated tr ades, where the quantity larger than orequal to 1 round lot, or the sum of small trades, which are included in a match,amount to larger than or equal to 1 round lot, an d reports within the same ISIN, ifthe following criteria are met:" the class of trade is standard." the trade is reported as reporting type "Off-exchange" - i.e. while the order bookis in "Continuous transaction"-mode." quan tity larger than or equal to 1 round lot." the price is within the spread of the order book in question, on the registrationtime (the time where the two reports match). " the trade is reported by a member, including cross tra des.
MEDL-GNS-KURS-LAV States the lowest price among system generated and repor ted trade for an ISINwhere the trade has been made (and reported) within the opening hours of theISIN's order bo oks in question, and where the traden has not been cance lled beforethe closing time of the order books + cancell ation deadline.Bonds selected among all system generated trades and reports within the sameISIN, if the followin g criteria are met:" the class of trade is standard." th e trade is reported as reporting type "Off-exchange" - i .e. while the order bookis in "Continuous transaction"-m ode." the trade is reported by a member, including cross transactions.Shares selected among system generated tra des, where the quantity larger than orequal to 1 round l ot, or the sum of small trades, which are included in a match,amount to larger than or equal to 1 round lot, and reports within the same ISIN, ifthe following criteria are met:" the class of trade is standard." the trade is reported as reporting type "Off-exchange" - i.e. while t he order bookis in "Continuous transaction"-mode." quant ity larger than or equal to 1 round lot." the price is w ithin the spread of the order book in question, on the r egistrationtime (the time where the two reports match)." the trade is reported by a member, including cross trad es.
MEDL-GNS-KURS-SENEST-DATO States the date for the latest "MEDL-GNS-KURS-SENEST"For mat: YYYYMMDD
ALLE-HANDLER-KURS Calculated as the weighted average of system generated a nd reported trades for anISIN. The trade has been made ( and reported) during the opening hours of theISIN's orde r books in question, and has not been cancelled before t he closing timeof the order books + cancellation deadlin e.Bonds include all trades within the same ISIN, if the following criteria are met:" the class of trade is stand ard." the trade is reported as reporting type "Off-excha nge" - i.e. while the order bookis in "Continuous transa ction"-mode.Shares include system generated trade, where the quantity larger than or equal to1 round lot, or the sum of small trades, which are included in a match, amo unt tolarger than or equal to 1 round lot, and reports w ithin the same ISIN, if the followingcriteria are met:" the class of trade is standard." the trade is reported a s reporting type "Off-exchange" - i.e. while the order b ookis in "Continuous transaction"-mode." quantity larger than or equal to 1 round lot." the price is within the spread of the order book in question, on the registratio ntime (the time where the two reports match).
ALLE-HANDLER-KURS-HOEJ States the highest price among system generated and repo rted trades for an ISINwhere the trade has been made (an d reported) within the opening hours of theISIN's order books in question, and where the trade has not been canc elled beforethe closing time of the order books + cancel lation deadline.Bonds selected among all trades within t he same ISIN, if the following criteria aremet:" the cla ss of transaction is standard." the transaction is repor ted as reporting type "Off-exchange" - i.e. while the or derbook is in "Continuous transaction"-mode.Shares selec ted among system generated trades, where the quantity la rger than orequal to 1 round lot, or the sum of small tr ansactions which are included in amatch, amount to large r than or equal to 1 round lot, and reports within the s ameISIN, if the following criteria are met:" the class o f trade is standard or based." the transaction is report ed as reporting type "Off-exchange" - i.e. while the ord erbook is in "Continuous transaction"-mode." quantity la rger than or equal to 1 round lot." the price is within the spread of the order book in question, on the registr ationtime (the time where the two reports match).
ALLE-HANDLER-KURS-LAV States the lowest price among system generated and repor ted trade for an ISINwhere the trades has been entered ( and reported) within the opening hours of theISIN's orde r books in question, and where the trade has not been ca ncelled beforethe closing time of the order books + canc ellation deadline.Bonds selected among all trades within the same ISIN, if the following criteria aremet:" the c lass of transaction is standard." the transaction is rep orted as reporting type "Off-exchange" - i.e. while the orderbook is in "Continuous transaction"-mode.Shares sel ected among system generated trades, where the quantity larger than orequal to 1 round lot, or the sum of small trades which are included in a match,amount to larger th an or equal to 1 round lot, and reports within the same ISIN, ifthe following criteria are met:" the class of tr ade is standard." the transaction is reported as reporti ng type "Off-exchange" - i.e. while the orderbook is in "Continuous transaction"-mode." quantity larger than or equal to 1 round lot." the price is within the spread of the order book in question, on the registrationtime (th e time where the two reports match).
OMS-MAENGDE-ALLE-HANDLER States the turnover (units/nominal) for all transactions which are part of thecalculation of "ALLE-HANDLER-KURS" or "ALLE-HANDLER-KURS-GML".
KURSAFVIGELSE States the difference (positive/negative/zero) between t he"ALLE-HANDLER-KURS" of today's trading day and the pre vious trading day.If it has not been possible to calcula te a difference, the value zero is stated in the"KODE-FO R-KURSAFVIGELSE"-field.
EFFEKTIV-RENTE-KURS States the price on which the calculation of "EFFEKTIV-R ENTE" is based.
RENTE-FOER-SKAT This field specifies the redemption yield for bonds in p ercent per year, beforetaxation.For T-bills, this field specifies the redemption yield in percent per year, befo retaxation.States the "reference interest" for bond inde x.
RENTE-DIREKTE States the interest which is produced by multiplying EFF EKTIV-RENTE-KURS by"OBLIGATION-NOMINEL-RENTE" and dividi ng this by 100.
RENTE-EFTER-SKAT-2 States the effective rate of interest in percent per yea r, after company taxation of30% (including taxation of c apital gain)
RENTE-KORR-FAKTOR-FOER-SKAT States the adjustment in the redemption yield before tax ation for every point adjustedin the price basis for bon ds.For T-bills, it is the correction factor for the rede mption yield according to the bondconvention.
RENTE-KORR-FAKTOR-EFTER-SKAT-1 States the adjustment of the redemption yield after taxa tion of 45% for every pointadjusted in the price basis f or bonds.States the correction factor in connection with T-bills for the yield to maturityaccording to the money market convention.
RENTE-KORR-FAKTOR-EFTER-SKAT-2 States the adjustment in the redemption yield after taxa tion of 30% for every pointadjusted in the price basis f or bonds.
VARIGHED DurationThe average term of the bond in number of years, i.e. the period of time before theaverage payments are received.
FONDSAKTIV-STOERRELSE The size of the asset states the nominal value of a bond , future or option.The size of the asset states the nomi nal size of one share.
UDBYTTE-SIDSTE-AAR States the earnings per share paid last year.
UDBYTTE-NAESTSIDSTE-AAR States the earnings per share paid in advance of "Sidste ar".
KURSAFVIGELSE-MEDL-GNS States the difference (positive/negative/zero) between t he "MEDL-GNS-KURS" oftoday's trading day and the previou s trading day.If it has not been possible to calculate a difference, the value zero is stated in the"KODE-FOR-KU RSAFVIGELSE-MEDL-GNS"-field.
BEDSTE-BUD-KURS States the highest bid price of the units of trading ord ers entered in the tradesystem at the end of the day. Th e prices stated for bonds and interest derivativesare re al market prices only.
FONDSAKTIV-ART States whether the asset is a bond or a Treasury bill.Va lle set 01 = bond02 = Treasury billIkke medtaget i TARGI N
OBLIGATION-LUKNINGSDATO States the last day of issue in current the bond series. Format: YYYYMMDD
OMS-MAENGDE-REPO States the turnover (units/nominal) for all Repo agreeme nts entered into on theSAXESS system (ELECTRA for deriva tives) or reported to the system during thetrading day ( 5 p.m. - 5. p.m.).
ULTIMOKURS States the last registered "ALLE-HANDLER-KURS" in "ULTIM OKURS-AAR".
ULTIMOKURS-AAR States the year to which "ULTIMOKURS" is related.Format: YYYY