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GoPro Teknisk

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Table containing documents stored under a case

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Navn Indhold
DocumentID Unique ID of the document
SagID Unique ID of the case record the document belongs to
CreationDate The DATE when document was created
MotificationDate The DATE the document was last modified
Author Name of the user that created the document
Subject The document subject
Direction Direction of the document (Incoming,Outgoing,Undefined)
DocumentType Type of document
Originator Originator name
Status Status of the document
Deadline The deadline date
Owner Name of the user what owns the document
Keywords Keywords
VersionNumber The version number of the file
DocClass Type of document
StorageType The document storage type. Empty value means "Electronically"
Comments The document comments
DocumentNumber The document number within the system
CommunicationDate Date when document was created
EMailFrom e-mail - Sender
EMailTo e-mail - Send to
EmailCc e-mail- Copy to
EmailBcc e-mail - Blind copy to
Udvalg Dagsordenpunkt - Udvalg
ModeDato Dagsordenpunkt - Möde dato, Dette felt var oprindelig et datofelt, men der er indtastet andre værdier i feltet, hvorfor det kun kan være en STRING.
Klassifikation Dagsordenpunkt - Klassifikation
BudgetKonsekvenser Dagsordenpunkt - Budget konsekvenser
BudgetAr Dagsordenpunkt - Budget ar
PunktOverskrift Dagsordenpunkt - Punkt overskrift
Kommentarer Dagsordenpunkt - Kommentarer
Bamaerkninger JournalArk - Bamearkninger
TidligeraForlob JournalArk - Tidligere forlob
SourceID Unique ID of document in the GoPro database
SourceType Name of form stored in the GoPro database