DocumentID |
Unique ID of the document |
SagID |
Unique ID of the case record the document belongs to |
CreationDate |
The DATE when document was created |
MotificationDate |
The DATE the document was last modified |
Author |
Name of the user that created the document |
Subject |
The document subject |
Direction |
Direction of the document (Incoming,Outgoing,Undefined) |
DocumentType |
Type of document |
Originator |
Originator name |
Status |
Status of the document |
Deadline |
The deadline date |
Owner |
Name of the user what owns the document |
Keywords |
Keywords |
VersionNumber |
The version number of the file |
DocClass |
Type of document |
StorageType |
The document storage type. Empty value means "Electronically" |
Comments |
The document comments |
DocumentNumber |
The document number within the system |
CommunicationDate |
Date when document was created |
EMailFrom |
e-mail - Sender |
EMailTo |
e-mail - Send to |
EmailCc |
e-mail- Copy to |
EmailBcc |
e-mail - Blind copy to |
Udvalg |
Dagsordenpunkt - Udvalg |
ModeDato |
Dagsordenpunkt - Möde dato, Dette felt var oprindelig et datofelt, men der er indtastet andre værdier i feltet, hvorfor det kun kan være en STRING. |
Klassifikation |
Dagsordenpunkt - Klassifikation |
BudgetKonsekvenser |
Dagsordenpunkt - Budget konsekvenser |
BudgetAr |
Dagsordenpunkt - Budget ar |
PunktOverskrift |
Dagsordenpunkt - Punkt overskrift |
Kommentarer |
Dagsordenpunkt - Kommentarer |
Bamaerkninger |
JournalArk - Bamearkninger |
TidligeraForlob |
JournalArk - Tidligere forlob |
SourceID |
Unique ID of document in the GoPro database |
SourceType |
Name of form stored in the GoPro database |