Muskelskeletal modellering af manuelt løftearbejde i den danske supermarkedssektor, 2018 - 2019 (2018-2019)
Musculoskeletal modelling of manual materials handling in the Danish supermarket sector
The project has the following overall objectives to identify MMH tasks in the Danish supermarket sector with a relatively high physical load using 3D inertial motion capture and electromyography (EMG) in the field. The kinematic data will subsequently be used as input to musculoskeletal models, which, combined with ground reaction force prediction, can estimate the forces in the knee, lumbar spine and shoulders. These data will provide immediate feedback to the industry about potentially hazardous work tasks and help identify ways to reduce the physical loads on the workers through ergonomic initiatives.
Perform musculoskeletal modelling of common MMH tasks (e.g. two-handed symmetrical and asymmetrical lifting) to determine the joint reaction forces at the L5-S1 joint based on marker-based motion analysis and strain gauge measurements to assess the influence of so-called lifting factors (e.g. reaching distance, weight and angle of asymmetry) typically used for ergonomic evaluation of MMH. By determining the influence of these widely used lifting factors on the spinal forces in detail and under dynamic conditions, we seek to improve the basis for regulating MMH tasks in general.
- Rigsarkivets afleveringsbestemmelse
- Project description for the Danish National Archivesx
- Materials and Methodsx
- Contents_Datax
- ASTA testlog
- ASTA konverteringslog
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Dækker perioden
Fra 02-10-2018 til 15-05-2019.