Resp_ID1 |
Resp_ID1 |
Country |
nwspol |
News about politics and current affairs, watching, reading or listening, in minutes |
netusoft |
Internet use, how often |
netustm |
Internet use, how much time on typical day, in minutes |
ppltrst |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Most people can be trusted or you cant be too careful |
pplfair |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Most people try to take advantage of you, or try to be fair |
pplhlp |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Most of the time people helpful or mostly looking out for themselves |
polintr |
How interested in politics |
psppsgva |
Political system allows people to have a say in what government does |
actrolga |
Able to take active role in political group |
psppipla |
Political system allows people to have influence on politics |
cptppola |
Confident in own ability to participate in politics |
trstprl |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Trust in countrys parliament |
trstlgl |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Trust in the legal system |
trstplc |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Trust in the police |
trstplt |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Trust in politicians |
trstprt |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Trust in political parties |
trstep |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Trust in the European Parliament |
trstun |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Trust in the United Nations |
vote |
Voted last national election |
prtvtDK |
Party voted for in last national election, [Denmark] |
prtvtDK1 |
Party voted for in last national election, 1, [Denmark] |
prtvtDK2 |
Party voted for in last national election, 2, [Denmark] |
contplt |
Contacted politician or government official last 12 months |
wrkprty |
Worked in political party or action group last 12 months |
wrkorg |
Worked in another organisation or association last 12 months |
badge |
Worn or displayed campaign badge/sticker last 12 months |
sgnptit |
Signed petition last 12 months |
pbldmn |
Taken part in lawful public demonstration last 12 months |
bctprd |
Boycotted certain products last 12 months |
pstplonl |
Posted or shared anything about politics online last 12 months |
clsprty |
Feel closer to a particular party than all other parties |
prtclDK |
Which party feel closer to, [Denmark] |
prtdgcl |
How close to party |
lrscale |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Placement on left right scale |
stflife |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. How satisfied with life as a whole |
stfeco |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. How satisfied with present state of economy in country |
stfgov |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. How satisfied with the national government |
stfdem |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. How satisfied with the way democracy works in country |
stfedu |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. State of education in country nowadays |
stfhlth |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. State of health services in country nowadays |
gincdif |
Government should reduce differences in income levels |
freehms |
Gays and lesbians free to live life as they wish |
hmsfmlsh |
Ashamed if close family member gay or lesbian |
hmsacld |
Gay and lesbian couples right to adopt children |
euftf |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. European Union: European unification go further or gone too far |
imsmetn |
Allow many/few immigrants of same race/ethnic group as majority |
imdfetn |
Allow many/few immigrants of different race/ethnic group from majority |
impcntr |
Allow many/few immigrants from poorer countries outside Europe |
imbgeco |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Immigration bad or good for countrys economy |
imueclt |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Countrys cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants |
imwbcnt |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Immigrants make country worse or better place to live |
happy |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. How happy are you |
sclmeet |
How often socially meet with friends, relatives or colleagues |
inprdsc |
How many people with whom you can discuss intimate and personal matters |
sclact |
Take part in social activities compared |
crmvct |
Respondent or household member |
aesfdrk |
Feeling of safety of walking alone in local area after dark |
health |
Subjective general health |
hlthhmp |
Hampered in daily activities by illness/disability/infirmity/mental problem |
atchctr |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. How emotionally attached to [Denmark] |
atcherp |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. How emotionally attached to Europe |
rlgblg |
Belonging to particular religion or denomination |
rlgdnm |
Religion or denomination belonging to at present |
rlgdnDK |
Religion or denomination belonging to at present, [Denmark] |
rlgblge |
Ever belonging to particular religion or denomination |
rlgdnme |
Religion or denomination belonging to in the past |
rlgdeDK |
Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, [Denmark] |
rlgdgr |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. How religious are you |
rlgatnd |
How often attend religious services apart from special occasions |
pray |
How often pray apart from at religious services |
dscrgrp |
Member of a group discriminated against in this country |
dscrrce |
Discrimination of respondents group: colour or race |
dscrntn |
Discrimination of respondents group: nationality |
dscrrlg |
Discrimination of respondents group: religion |
dscrlng |
Discrimination of respondents group: language |
dscretn |
Discrimination of respondents group: ethnic group |
dscrage |
Discrimination of respondents group: age |
dscrgnd |
Discrimination of respondents group: gender |
dscrsex |
Discrimination of respondents group: sexuality |
dscrdsb |
Discrimination of respondents group: disability |
dscroth |
Discrimination of respondents group: other grounds |
dscrdk |
Discrimination of respondents group: dont know |
dscrref |
Discrimination of respondents group: refusal |
dscrnap |
Discrimination of respondents group: not applicable |
dscrna |
Discrimination of respondents group: no answer |
ctzcntr |
Citizen of country |
ctzshipc |
Citizenship |
brncntr |
Born in country |
cntbrthc |
Country of birth |
livecnta |
What year you first came to live in country |
lnghom1 |
Language most often spoken at home: first mentioned |
lnghom2 |
Language most often spoken at home: second mentioned |
blgetmg |
Belong to minority ethnic group in country |
facntr |
Father born in country |
fbrncntb |
Country of birth, father |
mocntr |
Mother born in country |
mbrncntb |
Country of birth, mother |
admdw |
Administration of how democracy works questions |
testhc32 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country governing parties are punished in elections when they have done a bad job |
testhc33 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government |
testhc34 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government explains its decisions to voters |
testhc35 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country governing parties are punished in elections when they have done a bad job |
testhc36 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government protects citizens against poverty |
testhc37 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government explains its decisions to voters |
testhc38 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country governing parties are punished in elections when they have done a bad job |
testhc39 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government protects citizens against poverty |
testhc40 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government explains its decisions to voters |
vteurmmb |
Would vote for [Denmark] to remain member of European union |
vteubcmb |
Would vote for [Denmark] to become member of European Union or remain outside |
evpdemp |
Paid employment or apprenticeship at least 3 months 20 hours weekly |
pdempyr |
Year first started in paid employment or apprenticeship |
lvpntyr |
Year first left parents for living separately for 2 months or more |
evlvptn |
Ever lived with a spouse or partner for 3 months or more |
lvptnyr |
Year first lived with spouse or partner for 3 months or more |
evmar |
Are or ever been married |
maryr |
Year first married |
bthcld |
Ever given birth to/ fathered a child |
nbthcld |
Number of children ever given birth to/ fathered |
fcldbrn |
Year (first) child was born |
ycldbyr |
Year youngest child was born |
ngchld |
Number of grandchildren |
ygcdbyr |
Year first grandchild was born |
ggchld |
Have any great grandchildren |
admge |
Administration of split ballot, ask about female or male |
ageadlt |
Age become adults. SPLIT BALLOT |
agemage |
Age reach middle age. SPLIT BALLOT |
ageoage |
Age reach old age. SPLIT BALLOT |
iaglptn |
Start living with partner not married to, ideal age. SPLIT BALLOT |
iagmr |
Get married, ideal age. SPLIT BALLOT |
iagpnt |
Become mother/ father, ideal age. SPLIT BALLOT |
iagrtr |
Retire permanently, ideal age. SPLIT BALLOT |
tygledu |
Leave full-time education, age too young. SPLIT BALLOT |
tyglvp |
Start living with partner not married to, age too young. SPLIT BALLOT |
tygmr |
Get married, age too young. SPLIT BALLOT |
tygpnt |
Become mother/ father, age too young. SPLIT BALLOT |
tygrtr |
Retire permanently, age too young. SPLIT BALLOT |
tolvpnt |
Still be living with parents, age too old. SPLIT BALLOT |
tochld |
Consider having more children, age too old. SPLIT BALLOT |
towkht |
Be working 20 hours or more per week, age too old. SPLIT BALLOT |
anvcld |
Approve if person chooses never to have children. SPLIT BALLOT |
alvgptn |
Approve if person lives with partner not married to. SPLIT BALLOT |
acldnmr |
Approve if person have child with partner not married to. SPLIT BALLOT |
aftjbyc |
Approve if person has full-time job while children aged under 3. SPLIT BALLOT |
advcyc |
Approve if person gets divorced while children aged under 12. SPLIT BALLOT |
plnftr |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Plan for future or take each day as it comes |
hhmmb |
Number of people living regularly as member of household |
rshpsts |
Relationship with husband/wife/partner currently living with |
lvgptnea |
Ever lived with a partner, without being married |
dvrcdeva |
Ever been divorced/had civil union dissolved |
marsts |
Legal marital status |
chldhhe |
Ever had children living in household |
domicil |
Domicile, respondents description |
edulvlb |
Highest level of education |
edlvDDK |
Highest level of education, [Denmark] |
eduyrs |
Years of full-time education completed |
pdwrk |
Doing last 7 days: paid work |
edctn |
Doing last 7 days: education |
uempla |
Doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively categorie looking for job |
uempli |
Doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job |
dsbld |
Doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled |
rtrd |
Doing last 7 days: retired |
cmsrv |
Doing last 7 days: community or military service |
hswrk |
Doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others |
dngoth |
Doing last 7 days: other |
dngref |
Doing last 7 days: refusal |
dngdk |
Doing last 7 days: dont know |
dngna |
Doing last 7 days: no answer |
mainact |
Main activity last 7 days |
crpdwk |
Control paid work last 7 days |
pdjobev |
Ever had a paid job |
pdjobyr |
Year last in paid job |
emplrel |
Employment relation |
emplno |
Number of employees respondent has/had |
wrkctra |
Employment contract unlimited or limited duration |
estsz |
Establishment size |
jbspv |
Responsible for supervising other employees |
njbspv |
Number of people responsible for in job |
wkdcorga |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Allowed to decide how daily work is organised |
iorgact |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Allowed to influence policy decisions about activities of organisation |
wkhct |
Total contracted hours per week in main job overtime excluded |
wkhtot |
Total hours normally worked per week in main job overtime included |
nacer2 |
Industry, NACE rev.2 |
tporgwk |
What type of organisation work/worked for ISCO08 Occupation, ISCO08 |
isco08 |
stilling |
wrkac6m |
Paid work in another country, period more than 6 months last 10 years |
uemp3m |
Ever unemployed and seeking work for a period more than three months |
uemp12m |
Any period of unemployment and work seeking lasted 12 months or more |
uemp5yr |
Any period of unemployment and work seeking within last 5 years |
mbtru |
Member of trade union or similar organisation |
hincsrca |
Main source of household income |
hinctnta |
Households total net income, all sources |
hincfel |
Feeling about households income nowadays |
iincsrc |
Respondents main source of income |
edulvlpb |
Partners highest level of education |
pdwrkp |
Partner doing last 7 days: paid work |
edctnp |
Partner doing last 7 days: education |
uemplap |
Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job |
uemplip |
Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job |
dsbldp |
Partner doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled |
rtrdp |
Partner doing last 7 days: retired |
cmsrvp |
Partner doing last 7 days: community or military service |
hswrkp |
Partner doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others |
dngothp |
Partner doing last 7 days: other |
dngdkp |
Partner doing last 7 days: dont know |
dngnapp |
Partner doing last 7 days: not applicable |
dngrefp |
Partner doing last 7 days: refusal |
dngnap |
Partner doing last 7 days: no answer |
mnactp |
Partners main activity last 7 days |
crpdwkp |
Partner, control paid work last 7 days |
isco08p |
Occupation partner, ISCO08 |
emprelp |
Partners employment relation |
wkhtotp |
Hours normally worked a week in main job overtime included, partner |
edulvlfb |
Fathers highest level of education |
Fathers highest level of education, [Denmark] |
emprf14 |
Fathers employment status when respondent 14 |
occf14b |
Fathers occupation when respondent 14 |
edulvlmb |
Mothers highest level of education |
Mothers highest level of education, [Denmark] |
emprm14 |
Mothers employment status when respondent 14 |
occm14b |
Mothers occupation when respondent 14 |
atncrse |
Improve knowledge/skills: course/lecture/conference, last 12 months |
anctry1 |
First ancestry, European Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups |
anc1DK |
First ancestry, [Denmark] |
anctry2 |
Second ancestry, European Standard |
anc2DK |
Second ancestry, [Denmark] |
frprtpl |
Political system in country ensures everyone fair chance to participate in politics |
gvintcz |
Government in country takes into account the interests of all citizens |
poltran |
Decisions in country politics are transparent |
ifredu |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Compared other people in country, fair chance achieve level of education I seek |
ifrjob |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Compared other people in country, fair chance get job I seek |
evfredu |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Everyone in country fair chance achieve level of education they seek |
evfrjob |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. Everyone in country fair chance get job they seek |
fvgabc |
Filter variable: ask about pay, pensions, or social benefits |
infqbst |
Your [pay/pensions/social benefits], which frequency do you know best |
grspnum |
What is your usual [weekly/monthly/annual] gross pay |
grsplet |
Which letter describes your gross pay |
netinum |
Your usual [weekly/monthly/annual] net [pay/pensions/social benefits] |
netilet |
Which letter describes your net [pay/pensions/social benefits] |
grspfr |
Would you say your gross pay is unfairly low, fair, or unfairly high |
netifr |
Your net [pay/pensions/social benefits] is unfairly low, fair, or unfairly high |
frlgrsp |
Fair level of [weekly/monthly/annual] gross pay for you |
frlneti |
Fair level of [weekly/monthly/annual] net [pay/pensions/social benefits] for you |
occinfr |
Net [pay/pensions/social benefits] of people same occupation as you in country, how fair |
topinfr |
Top 10% full-time employees in country, earning more than [amount], how fair |
btminfr |
Bottom 10% full-time employees in country, earning less than [amount], how fair |
wltdffr |
Differences in wealth in country, how fair |
recskil |
Influence decision to recruit in country: persons knowledge and skills |
recexp |
Influence decision to recruit in country: persons on-the-job experience |
recknow |
Influence decision to recruit in country: person knows someone in organisation |
recimg |
Influence decision to recruit in country: person has immigrant background |
recgndr |
Influence decision to recruit in country: persons gender |
sofrdst |
Society fair when income and wealth is equally distributed |
sofrwrk |
Society fair when hard-working people earn more than others |
sofrpr |
Society fair when takes care of poor and in need, regardless of what give back |
sofrprv |
Society fair when people from families with high social status enjoy privileges |
ppldsrv |
By and large, people get what they deserve |
jstprev |
Confident that justice always prevails over injustice |
pcmpinj |
Convinced that in the long run people compensated for injustices |
ipcrtiv |
Important to think new ideas and being creative |
imprich |
Important to be rich, have money and expensive things |
ipeqopt |
Important that people are treated equally and have equal opportunities |
ipshabt |
Important to show abilities and be admired |
impsafe |
Important to live in secure and safe surroundings |
impdiff |
Important to try new and different things in life |
ipfrule |
Important to do what is told and follow rules |
ipudrst |
Important to understand different people |
ipmodst |
Important to be humble and modest, not draw attention |
ipgdtim |
Important to have a good time |
impfree |
Important to make own decisions and be free |
iphlppl |
Important to help people and care for others well-being |
ipsuces |
Important to be successful and that people recognize achievements |
ipstrgv |
Important that government is strong and ensures safety |
ipadvnt |
Important to seek adventures and have an exciting life |
ipbhprp |
Important to behave properly |
iprspot |
Important to get respect from others |
iplylfr |
Important to be loyal to friends and devote to people close |
impenv |
Important to care for nature and environment |
imptrad |
Important to follow traditions and customs |
impfun |
Important to seek fun and things that give pleasure |
testhi1 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country governing parties are punished in elections when they have done a bad job |
testhi2 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government protects citizens against poverty |
testhi3 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government explains its decisions to voters |
testhi4 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country governing parties are punished in elections when they have done a bad job |
testhi5 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government protects citizens against poverty |
testhi6 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government explains its decisions to voters |
testhi7 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country governing parties are punished in elections when they have done a bad job |
testhi8 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government protects citizens against poverty |
testhi9 |
Skala anvendt. Ikke alle koder har kodebeskrivelse. In country the government explains its decisions to voters |
Region, [Denmark] |
Gender of interviewer |
Start of interview, day of month |
Start of interview, month |
Start of interview, year |
Start of interview, hour |
Start of interview, minute |
End of interview, day of month |
End of interview, month |
End of interview, year |
End of interview, hour |
End of interview, minute |
End of module a, hour |
End of module a, minute |
End of module b, hour |
End of module b, minute |
End of module c, hour |
End of module c, minute |
End of module d, hour |
End of module d, minute |
End of module f, hour |
End of module f, minute |
End of module g, hour |
End of module g, minute |
End of module h, hour |
End of module h, minute |
End of module i, hour |
End of module i |
F10 |
F10 |
F11 |
F11 |
F12 |
F12 |
F13 |
F13 |
Age of interviewer |
Gender |
Year of birth |
edlvpdDK |
Partners highest level of education, [Denmark] |
Gender of second person in household |
Year of birth of second person in household |
Second person in household: relationship to respondent |
Gender of third person in household |
Year of birth of third person in household |
Third person in household: relationship to respondent |
Gender of 4 person in household |
Year of birth of 4 person in household |
4 person in household: relationship to respondent |
Gender of 5 person in household |
Year of birth of 5 person in household |
5 person in household: relationship to respondent |
Gender of 6 person in household |
Year of birth of 6 person in household |
6 person in household: relationship to respondent |
Gender of 7 person in household |
Year of birth of 7 person in household |
7 person in household: relationship to respondent |
Gender of 8 person in household |
Year of birth of 8 person in household |
8 person in household: relationship to respondent |
Gender of 9 person in household |
Year of birth of 9 person in household |
9 person in household: relationship to respondent |
GNDR10 |
Gender of 10 person in household |
Year of birth of 10 person in household |
10 person in household: relationship to respondent |
GNDR11 |
Gender of 11 person in household |
Year of birth of 11 person in household |
11 person in household: relationship to respondent |
GNDR12 |
Gender of 12 person in household |
Year of birth of 12 person in household |
12 person in household: relationship to respondent |
GNDR13 |
Gender of 13 person in household. |
GNDR14 |
Gender of 14 person in household |
GNDR15 |
Gender of 15 person in household. |
GNDR16 |
Gender of 16 person in household. |
GNDR17 |
Gender of 17 person in household. |
GNDR18 |
Gender of 18 person in household. |
GNDR19 |
Gender of 19 person in household |
GNDR20 |
Gender of 20 person in household |
Year of birth of 13 person in household |
Year of birth of 14 person in household |
Year of birth of 15 person in household |
Year of birth of 16 person in household |
Year of birth of 17 person in household |
Year of birth of 18 person in household |
Year of birth of 19 person in household |
Year of birth of 20 person in household |
13 person in household: relationship to respondent |
14 person in household: relationship to respondent |
15 person in household: relationship to respondent |
16 person in household: relationship to respondent |
17 person in household: relationship to respondent |
18 person in household: relationship to respondent |
19 person in household: relationship to respondent |
20 person in household: relationship to respondent |
Party voted for in last national election 1, [Denmark] |
Party voted for in last national election 2, [Denmark] |