V1 |
V2 |
V3 |
Bus Number. |
V4 |
Document Number. |
V5 |
Sequence Number. |
V6 |
Respondent Identification. |
V7 |
Weight Variable. |
V8 |
8: Area. |
V9 |
12A: Sex. |
V10 |
12B: Age. |
V11 |
12C: Marital Status. |
V12 |
13: Respondents Occupational Status: |
V13 |
14A: Education: |
V14 |
14B: Respondents Gross Income: |
V15 |
15: Total Family Income (Gross) |
V16 |
16: Occupation of Head of Household: |
V17 |
17A: Total Number of Persons in Household: |
V18 |
17B: Accomodation: |
V19 |
18A: Number of Children under 15 Years of Age: |
V20 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V21 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V22 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V23 |
19A: Number of Adults in Household (15 Years or more): |
V24 |
19B: Respondents Status in Household: |
V25 |
19C: Status of Housewife: |
V26 |
22-23: For which party would you vote, if a general election was to be held to-morrow? |
V27 |
24-25: Then some questions about your affiliation with the political parties. Would you say that you generally think of yourself as a Social Democrat, a Conservtative, a supporter of the Socialist Peoples Party etc., or do you not feel attached to any of the parties? |
V28 |
26: (If a party mentioned in question 24-25) Do you regard yourself as a strongly convinced supporter of your party, or are you not especially strongly convinced? |
V29 |
27-28: Is there nevertheless a party that you are closer to than other parties, and if so, which one? |
V30 |
33-34: (Show card 22) I have here a card with the names of the political parties. Disregarding ... (the party mentioned in question 22-23 (V26)) - what party do you then like best? |
V31 |
35-36: And after that party, what party do you then like best? |
V32 |
37: Are you a member of a trade union under LO (the Danish T.U.C.), are you a member of a trade union outside LO or are you not member of a trade union at all? |
V33 |
38: First a question about the military defence in our country. A says: The way the world is today it is necessary that we spend at least as much on the military defence as before. B says: The defence costs our country too much. We must cut the spending on the military. |
V34 |
39: Then a question about the spending on social security. A says: The social reforms in this country have gone too far. People ought to get along more than they do without social security and contributions from society. B says: The social reforms that have been carried through in our country ought to be maintained at at least the present level. |
V35 |
40: Then a question about the position of the banks and the big industry in our country. A says: The Folketing (the Parliament) should pass a law nationalising the big industry. B says: The banks and the big industry should continue to be privately owned. |
V36 |
41: Let us imagine that it proves difficult to get essential political reforms passed in the Folketing. The question is whether one should then put pressure on the Folketing through a big strike or through mass demontra tions. A says: A big strike or mass demonstrations should not be used as means of pressuring the Folketing. B says: In certain situations we should be willing to use a big strike or mass demonstrations to put pressure on the Folketing. |
V37 |
42: Next a question about incomes and standards of living. A says: The differences in incomes and standards of living are still too big in our country, and therefore people with smaller incomes should have their standard of living impro ved quicker than those with larger incomes. B says: The equalisation of incomes has gone far enough. The differences in incomes that still exist should by and large be maintained. |
V38 |
43: Then a question about nationalisation on a larger scale, i.e. transfer of companies to the state. A says: In addition to big industry, all other industry of any consequence should be nationalised. B says: It would be wrong to nationalise all industry of any consequence. |
V39 |
44: Then a question about public expenditures. A says: The politicians are too extravagant with the taxpayers money. B says: The money that are paid in tax are spent on sensible things. |
V40 |
45: We now come to a question about how the state should act when a large scale labour conflicts threatens. A says: The state should intervene and settle such conflicts before they have time to develop into strikes or lockouts. B says: If the workers have turned down a proposal for a settlement, they should naturally have a right to strike in an attempt to have their demands met. |
V41 |
46: Further we have the question of whether it should be possible to inherit large fortunes. A says: Large fortunes - say over 10 million Dkr. - should devolve upon the state at the death of the owner, so that they could not be inherited. B says: The right of inheritance is already limited today through extensive succession duties. To completely abolish the right of inheritance to the large fortunes would be a much too great intervention in private property. |
V42 |
47: Then we have the question of state control over the economic life. A says: Businessmen and industrialists should have more to say over their own business. B says: The state should control and coordinate trade. The extent of state control should certainly not be less than it is in Denmark today. |
V43 |
48: Now a question about class conflict in Denmark of today. A says: As long as the companies in industry are privately owned in this country, there is also a natural antagonism between the employers and the employees. B says: In a few cases the employees and the employers may have conflicting interests, but by and large they work together for the common good. |
V44 |
49: Finally we imagine that the Folketing has settled a labour conflict in a way that gives the employees reason for dissatisfaction. The question then is how the employees should react. A says: The employees should strike then, even if the strike thereby will be held illegal. B says: Neither the employers nor the employees should disregard the decision of the Folketing in a labour conflict, even though they have reason to be dissatisfied with the decision. |
V45 |
50: We now continue with some other questions. Do you think that most of our politicians are to be trusted, that some of them are to be trusted or that almost none of them are to be trusted? |
V46 |
51: There is a lot of talk about different classes in society. Most people would say that they belong to one of two classes: either the working class or the middle class. Do you now and then think of yourself as belonging to one of these classes? |
V47 |
52A: (If yes in question 51 (V46)): What class? |
V48 |
52B: If you had to choose, would you then say that you were closest to the working class or to the middle class? |
V49 |
53: In the latest years there has been a certain amount of discussion about abortions. On this card we have collected some of the points of view that have been advanced in the debate. (Show card 23) - Which of the statements on the card comes closets to your view? |
V50 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Ekstrabladet |
V51 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? BT |
V52 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Berlingske Tidende |
V53 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Politiken |
V54 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Aktuelt |
V55 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten |
V56 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Aarhuus Stiftstidende |
V57 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Aalborg Stiftstidende |
V58 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Fyens Stiftstidende |
V59 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Vestkysten |
V60 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Jydske Tidende |
V61 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Demokraten |
V62 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Land og Folk |
V63 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Fyns Tidende |
V64 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Dagbladet |
V65 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Sjællands Tidende |
V66 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Minavisen |
V67 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Vendsyssel Tidende |
V68 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? Other newspapers |
V69 |
54-55: What newpapers do you subscribe to or buy regularly in this household? No newspapers |
V70 |
56-57: Respondents year of birth. |
V71 |
58A: If England resigns from the European Common Market. - Are you then for or aginst that Denmark resigns from the Common Market? |
V72 |
58B: Did you vote at the last referendum on the 2nd of October, 1972? |
V73 |
59: Did you then vote for or against a membership of the Common Market? |
V74 |
59: There has been talked and written about abolishing the from of adress you, so that everybody should say thou to one another. Are you for or against this? |
Løbenummer |
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