V1 |
V2 |
V3 |
Bus Number. |
V4 |
Document Number. |
V5 |
Sequence Number. |
V6 |
Respondent Identification. |
V7 |
Weight Variable. |
V8 |
8: Area. |
V9 |
12A: Sex. |
V10 |
12B: Age. |
V11 |
12C: Marital Status. |
V12 |
13: Respondents Occupational Status: |
V13 |
14A: Education: |
V14 |
14B: Respondents Gross Income: |
V15 |
15: Total Family Income (Gross) |
V16 |
16: Occupation of Head of Household: |
V17 |
17A: Total Number of Persons in Household: |
V18 |
17B: Accomodation: |
V19 |
18A: Number of Children under 15 Years of Age: |
V20 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V21 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V22 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V23 |
19A: Number of Adults in Household (15 Years or more): |
V24 |
19B: Respondents Status in Household: |
V25 |
19C: Status of Housewife: |
V26 |
22-23: For which party would you vote, if a general election was to be held to-morrow? |
V27 |
70: Do you think that our present government has managed well, reasonably well, or not well at all, while in power? |
V28 |
71A: The balance-of-payments deficit and the inflationary tendency are the two main economic problems facing the present Danish government. Which government would be able to handle these problems more efficently, in your opinion: a liberal/conservative government, or a social democratic/ socialist government? |
V29 |
71B: It is a former practice, that a coalition government be formed if the national existence of the country as such is threatened. Do you think that the present situation calls for a coalition government that the economic problems may be solved? |
V30 |
71C: The formation of a coalition government also means that the democratic/parlamentary system is suspended for some time. Do you think that Denmarks immediate financial difficulties makes it necessary to take this step? |
V31 |
72A: Which do you consider more important in the present situation: to support and maintain a democratic, political leadership of the nation, or to call for a powerfull poli tical leader? |
V32 |
72B: After a compromise was reached between the government and the opposition as to economic measures, works all over the country were hit by a strike in protest against the agreement. In your opinion, was it right or wrong to strike because of the compromise on economic problems? |
V33 |
73A: Do you know whether the strikes were legal strikes or illegal strikes? |
V34 |
73B: After the strikes, rather considerable wage raises were proposed as a compensation for the latest duties. Do you think these demands were reasonable or not reason able? |
V35 |
73C: The government has burdened the population with new fiscal acts. Do you think it was necessary or not necessary to impose such burdens on the population, considering the economy of the country? |
V36 |
73D: Generally speaking, which group has been hit harder by the duties carried through by the government: the lower income bracket, or the higher income bracket? |
V37 |
74A: Rumour goes that the Communists were behind the strikes. Do you think this is true or not true? |
V38 |
74B: The effected strikes were illegal according to the agreement concluded between Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening (the Federation of Danish Employers) and LO (the T.U.C.). Now, should the workers respect these agreements under any circumstances, i.e. not enter into illegal strikes, or, do you think that the workers should launch a strike under certain circumstances, even if it is an illegal strike? |
V39 |
74C: It has been maintained that part of our difficulties is due to a too far gone welfare-administration - THE WELFARE STATE, especially in matters of social grants and education. Is that right or wrong? |
V40 |
74D: Did you personally strike against the governments fiscal acts? |
V41 |
74: Are you a member of a trade union under LO, the T.U.C.? |
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