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Navn Indhold
V3 Bus Number.
V4 Document Number.
V5 Sequence Number.
V6 Respondent Identification.
V7 Weight Variable.
V8 8: Area.
V9 12A: Sex.
V10 12B: Age.
V11 12C: Marital Status.
V12 13: Respondents Occupational Status:
V13 14A: Education:
V14 14B: Respondents Gross Income:
V15 15: Total Family Income (Gross)
V16 16: Occupation of Head of Household:
V17 17A: Total Number of Persons in Household:
V18 17B: Accomodation:
V19 18A: Number of Children under 15 Years of Age:
V20 18B: Age of Children:
V21 18B: Age of Children:
V22 18B: Age of Children:
V23 19A: Number of Adults in Household (15 Years or more):
V24 19B: Respondents Status in Household:
V25 19C: Status of Housewife:
V26 22-23: For which party would you vote, if a general election was to be held to-morrow?
V27 60A: Over the last two weeks have you borrowed books from the library for your own use?
V28 60B: Over the last month have you taken out books?
V29 61: How many books did you take out?
V30 62: How many of these books were fiction, travel books or the like?
V31 63: How many of the books were non-fiction (specialist litterature - classed books)?
V32 64A: Thinking of the whole year, summer and winter as well, how often do you usually take out books from the library?
V33 64B: How many books do you usually take out every time?
V34 65A: Which books do you borrow more often, fiction or non fiction?
V35 65B: Do you ever take out non-fiction (classed books) in order to acquire supplementary knowledge for use in your further education or in your work?
V36 65: Is it relatively often, now and then, or relatively seldom?
V37 66A: In your household how many children are between 8 and 14 years of age?
V38 66B: Have any of your children borrowed books from the library over the last two weeks? If yes: how many of your children?
V39 67: Over the last four weeks have you personally or anybody else in your household, e.g. your children used or had connection with the library for any other purpose than the borrowing of books?
V40 68: In what way? Records/listening to records.
V41 68: In what way? Casette tapes.
V42 68: In what way? Specialist litterature for study purposes/school work.
V43 68: In what way? Activities for children.
V44 68: In what way? Exhibitions.
V45 68: In what way? Reference library/reading room/newspaper and weeklies.
V46 68: In what way? Film shows.
V47 68: In what way? Musical events.
V48 68: In what way? Information service.
V49 68: In what way? Other.
V50 68: In what way? Dont remember.
V51 69A: A duty of 1,00 per book borrowed from the library has been proposed as part of the larger scheme for the re storation of the soundness and stability of the national finances, and also part of the general policy of retrenchment. This, of course, means extra expenditure for all cardholders, but seen as a small part of a general austerity plan, do you find the proposal very objectionable, somewhat objectionable, sound?
V52 69B: Has any member of your household bought books over the last few weeks?
V53 70A: How many books have the members of your household bought over the last four weeks in all?
V54 70B: Do you think that the contraceptive pill may be harmful to health?
V55 71A: Do you think there is great danger, some danger, or little danger that the pill have harmful side effects?
V56 71B: (TO WOMEN BETWEEN 20 AND 45 YEARS OF AGE - ALL OTHERS TO QUESTION 76A (V80)) Are you a buyer of the pill?
V57 72: For how long have you used the pill?
V58 73: Were you ever unpleasantly affected by the pill? No.
V59 73: Were you ever unpleasantly affected by the pill? (If yes) - in which way? Nausea/vomitting.
V60 73: Were you ever unpleasantly affected by the pill? (If yes) - in which way? Fatigue.
V61 73: Were you ever unpleasantly affected by the pill? (If yes) - in which way? Depression.
V62 73: Were you ever unpleasantly affected by the pill? (If yes) - in which way? Paramenia.
V63 73: Were you ever unpleasantly affected by the pill? (If yes) - in which way? Increase in weight/hydropsy
V64 73: : Were you ever unpleasantly affected by the pill? (If yes) - in which way? Leg pains/cramps.
V65 73: Were you ever unpleasantly affected by the pill? (If yes) - in which way? Other ways.
V66 73: Were you ever upleasantly affected by the pill? (If yes) - in which way? Dont remember in which way.
V67 74A: Have you bought the pill at an earlier time?
V68 74B: For about how long did you use the pill?
V69 75: Why did you give it up? Wanting a baby.
V70 75: Why did you give it up? Unpleasant side effects/a nuisance.
V71 75: Why did you give it up? Depressed/bad nerves.
V72 75: Why did you give it up? Varicose veins.
V73 75: Why did you give it up? Increase in weight/hydropsy.
V74 75: Why did you give it up? Afraid of thrombus/thrombosis.
V75 75: Why did you give it up? Migraine.
V76 75: Why did you give it up? Insecurity/afraid of consequences.
V77 75: Why did you give it up? Not in the mood for sex.
V78 75: Why did you give it up? Other reasons.
V79 75: Why did you give it up? Dont remember a reason.
V80 76A: (TO ALL) Do you think that the present government has managed well, reasonably well, or not well while in power?
V81 76B: Suppose you were to vote about a Danish membership of the EEC to-day. In that case, would you vote for or against a Danish membership?
V82 76C: the Liberal government practises a tight economic policy in order to ensure the restoration of the soundness and stability of the national finances. Do you think it is right or wrong to go on with the strict economic policy?
V83 77: Why not? (Answers are noted by interviewer)
V84 78: (If flat in ordinary apartment block) What is your monthly rent, exclusive of heating and without thinking of possible rent subsidies?
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