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Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Bus Number.
V4 Document Number.
V5 Sequence Number.
V6 Respondent Identification.
V7 Weight Variable.
V8 8: Area.
V9 12A: Sex.
V10 12B: Age.
V11 12C: Marital Status.
V12 13: Respondents Occupational Status:
V13 14A: Education:
V14 14B: Respondents Gross Income:
V15 15: Total Family Income (Gross)
V16 16: Occupation of Head of Household:
V17 17A: Total Number of Persons in Household:
V18 17B: Accomodation:
V19 18A: Number of Children under 15 Years of Age:
V20 18B: Age of Children:
V21 18B: Age of Children:
V22 18B: Age of Children:
V23 19A: Number of Adults in Household (15 Years or more):
V24 19B: Respondents Status in Household:
V25 19C: Status of Housewife:
V26 22-23: For which party would you vote, if a general election was to be held to-morrow?
V27 24: Of late, we have seen quite a heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused towards a centre in Danish political life, left of a centre, or right of a political centre. (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place the political parties mentioned in this card (SHOW CARD 23), - dont forget that you may place more than one party in the same place if you choose. Social democrats.
V28 25: Of late, we have seen quite af heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused toward a centre, left of a centre, or right of a political centre (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place the political parties mentioned in this card (SHOW CARD 23), - dont forget that you may place more than one party in the same place if you chose. Radicals.
V29 26: Of late, we have seen quite af heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused toward a centre, left of a centre, or right of a political centre (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place the political parties mentioned in this card (SHOW CARD 23), - dont forget that you may place more than one party in the same place if you chose. Conservatives.
V30 27: Of late, we have seen quite af heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused toward a centre, left of a centre, or right of a political centre (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place the political parties mentioned in this card (SHOW CARD 23), - dont forget that you may place more than one party in the same place if you chose. Liberals.
V31 28: Of late, we have seen quite af heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused toward a centre, left of a centre, or right of a political centre (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place the political parties mentioned in this card (SHOW CARD 23), - dont forget that you may place more than one party in the same place if you chose. Georgists.
V32 29: Of late, we have seen quite af heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused toward a centre, left of a centre, or right of a political centre (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place the political parties mentioned in this card (SHOW CARD 23), - dont forget that you may place more than one party in the same place if you chose. Communists.
V33 30: Of late, we have seen quite af heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused toward a centre, left of a centre, or right of a political centre (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place the political parties mentioned in this card (SHOW CARD 23), - dont forget that you may place more than one party in the same place if you chose. Socialists Peoples Party.
V34 31: Of late, we have seen quite af heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused toward a centre, left of a centre, or right of a political centre (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place the political parties mentioned in this card (SHOW CARD 23), - dont forget that you may place more than one party in the same place if you chose. Progressives.
V35 32: Of late, we have seen quite af heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused toward a centre, left of a centre, or right of a political centre (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place the political parties mentioned in this card (SHOW CARD 23), - dont forget that you may place more than one party in the same place if you chose. Christian Peoples Party.
V36 33: Of late, we have seen quite af heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused toward a centre, left of a centre, or right of a political centre (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place the political parties mentioned in this card (SHOW CARD 23), - dont forget that you may place more than one party in the same place if you chose. Left-wing socialists.
V37 34: Of late, we have seen quite af heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused toward a centre, left of a centre, or right of a political centre (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place the political parties mentioned in this card (SHOW CARD 23), - dont forget that you may place more than one party in the same place if you chose. Right-wing Social Democrats.
V38 35: Of late, we have seen quite af heated debate between political leaders whether their parties be focused toward a centre, left of a centre, or right of a political centre (SHOW CARD 22 WITH SCALE). Now please have a look at this card, in which 4 stands for a centre outlook, 1 for the extreme left, and 7 stands for the extreme right. Where on this line would you place your own person? Respondent.
V39 36: Do you think that the present government has managed well, fairly well, or not well while in office?
V40 37: Considering Danish housing policy as such, do you think that housing policy problems are of extreme importance, of some importance, not very important, or of no importance?
V41 38: In your opinion, what measures ought the political leaders to use in order to solve housing problems? An open housing market.
V42 38: In your opinion, what measures ought the political leaders to use in order to solve housing problems? Lower construction costs.
V43 38: In your opinion, what measures ought the political leaders to use in order to solve housing problems? Abolish exemption for interests paid.
V44 38: In your opinion, what measures ought the political leaders to use in order to solve housing problems? Reduce the rate of interest.
V45 38: In your opinion, what measures ought the political leaders to use in order to solve housing problems? Put a stop to speculation in real property.
V46 38: In your opinion, what measures ought the political leaders to use in order to solve housing problems? Increase subsidies under the Rent Subsidies Act.
V47 38: In your opinion, what measures ought the political leaders to use in order to solve housing problems? Lower rents.
V48 38: In your opinion, what measures ought the political leaders to use in order to solve housing problems? Other solutions.
V49 38: In your opinion, what measures ought the political leaders to use in order to solve housing problems? Dont know solutions/refused.
V50 39A: The Government has now put a fiscal reform (taxation reform), at the same time providing for economic measures to make up for the income tax reduction. Are you for or against the political compromise mentioned above?
V51 39B: Everything considered, what would you prefer, a different compromise, the compromise in hand, or, a general election?
V52 39C: Taken as a whole, do you think that Denmarks financial position will improve, will remain unchanged, or will it weaken as a result of the political compromise?
V53 40A: Do you think that the compromise will tend to lower the unemployment figure?
V54 40B: Do you think that the inflationary tendency will be curbed as a result of the compromise?
V55 40C: When the concliation act was put to the vote, some of the Progressive Party M.P.s did not follow their group, but cast dissentient votes. Do you find this right or wrong, considering that a majority of the group went in for unanimous voting?
V56 41A: Have you seen, heard, or read that a Danish trading concern adressed Folketinget (the Danish Parliament) in an advertisement in the daily papers, on the day when the conciliation act was passed?
V57 41B: Do you know what trading concern?
V58 42: Do you remember what the advertisement said? (SEE INSTRUCTION)
V59 43A: Are you a member of a trade union under the LO (the Danish T.U.C.)?
V60 43B: In spring a new collective bargaining will take place between LO (the Danish T.U.C.) and the Association og Danish Employers. Will it be easier or more difficult to come to terms as a result of the political agreement?
V61 44A: Will LO (the Danish T.U.C.) moderate or will they increase their wage claims because of the agreement?
V62 44B: What do you think, - ought LO (the Danish T.U.C.) to moderate or increase their wage claims after the agreement?
V63 45: One part of the conciliation act of St. Bededag (danish public holiday falling on the fourth friday after Easter) was a scheme of compulsory savings. Was a compulsory saving imposed on you personally?
V64 46: This is a card showing various ways in which compulsory savings may be paid. Please have a look at the card and tell me how YOU paid the compulsory saving imposed on you? - (SHOW CARD 24) - all you have to do is to mention the letter referring to the way in which you paid? (CONSULT INSTRUCTION) A: Raise a loan for the amount in a bank, a saving bank, or elsewhere, then making a cash payment to the taxing authorities.
V65 46: This is a card showing various ways in which compulsory savings may be paid. Please have a look at the card and tell me how YOU paid the compulsory saving imposed on you? - (SHOW CARD 24) - all you have to do is to mention the letter referring to the way in which you paid? B: Raise a loan for the amount in a bank, a saving bank, or elsewhere, then buying bonds on deposit.
V66 46: This is a card showing various ways in which compulsory savings may be paid. Please have a look at the card and tell me how YOU paid the compulsory saving imposed on you? - (SHOW CARD 24) - all you have to do is to mention the letter referring to the way in which you paid? (CONSULT INSTRUCTIONS) C: Withdraw savings equivalent to the amount, followed by a cash payment directly to the taxing authorities.
V67 46: This is a card showing various ways in which compulsory savings may be paid. Please have a look at the card and tell me how YOU paid the compulsory saving imposed on you? - (SHOW CARD 24) - all you have to do is to mention the letter referring to the way in which you paid? (CONSULT INSTRUCTIONS) D: Withdraw savings equivalent to the amount, then buying bonds on deposits.
V68 46: This is a card showing various ways in which compulsory savings may be paid. Please have a look at the card and tell me how YOU paid the compulsory saving imposed on you? - (SHOW CARD 24) - all you have to do is to mention the letter referring to the way in which you paid? E: The transferring and depositing of bonds already possessed.
V69 46: This is a card showing various ways in which compulsory savings may be paid. Please have a look at the card and tell me how YOU paid the compulsory saving imposed on you? - (SHOW CARD 24) - all you have to do is to mention the letter referring to the way in which you paid? F: Take the amount from the current receipts followed by a cash payment directly to the taxing authorities.
V70 46: This is a card showing various ways in which compulsory savings may be paid. Please have a look at the card and tell me how YOU paid the compulsory saving imposed on you? - (SHOW CARD 24) - all you have to do is to mention the letter referring to the way in which you paid? G: Take the amount from the current receipts, then buying bonds on deposits.
V71 46: This is a card showing various ways in which compulsory savings may be paid. Please have a look at the card and tell me how YOU paid the compulsory saving imposed on you? - (SHOW CARD 24) - all you have to do is to mention the letter referring to the way in which you paid? Other ways.
V72 47: Did you pay your compulsory saving in full, or do you pay by instalments?
V73 48: In which bracket does your compulsory saving, i.e. the total compulsory savings amount, belong. You only have to mention the letter referring to the said bracket? (SHOW CARD 25)
V74 49: As a result of this years final tax-regulation did you get a tax refund, or was an additional tax imposed on you?
V75 50: Within which of the following brackets does your total additional tax come? You only have to mention the letter referring to the correct bracket? (SHOW CARD 25)
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