V1 |
V2 |
V3 |
Bus Number. |
V4 |
Document Number. |
V5 |
Sequence Number. |
V6 |
Respondent Identification. |
V7 |
Weight Variable. |
V8 |
8: Area. |
V9 |
12A: Sex. |
V10 |
12B: Age. |
V11 |
12C: Marital Status. |
V12 |
13: Respondents Occupational Status: |
V13 |
14A: Education: |
V14 |
14B: Respondents Gross Income: |
V15 |
15: Total Family Income (Gross) |
V16 |
16: Occupation of Head of Household: |
V17 |
17A: Total Number of Persons in Household: |
V18 |
17B: Accomodation: |
V19 |
18A: Number of Children under 15 Years of Age: |
V20 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V21 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V22 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V23 |
19A: Number of Adults in Household (15 Years or more): |
V24 |
19B: Respondents Status in Household: |
V25 |
19C: Status of Housewife: |
V26 |
22-23: For which party would you vote, if a general election was to be held to-morrow? |
V27 |
24: Let us start with some questions about womens educational prospects. First: what are womens educational prospects like, next how can they put them to use. Do you believe that womens educational prospects of to-day, rank equally with the educational prospects of men? |
V28 |
25: Do you believe that womens possibilities of making use of their educational prospects are just as good as are mens to-day? |
V29 |
26: Why not? Home and children. |
V30 |
26: Why not? Tradition/womans traditional role. |
V31 |
26: Why not? Sex discrimination. |
V32 |
26: Why not? Less suitable. |
V33 |
26: Why not? Other reasons. |
V34 |
26: Why not? Dont know a reason. |
V35 |
27: Everything considered, do you think that womens educational prospects have been greatly improved, have been somewhat improved, have improved little, or have not improved at all during the last 10 to 15 years? |
V36 |
28: Suppose we try to compare the possibilities of men and women as to education, in theory as well as in practice, in that case do you think that women, theoretically, rank equally with men as to education? |
V37 |
29: Do you think that women rank equally with men in practice? |
V38 |
30: Disregarding trades which involve much physical labour, do you believe that men and women are equally gifted by nature? |
V39 |
31: And now some questions about womens status in the labour market. Do you think that men and women on the same educational level have equal opportunities in the trades and industries, or, do you think that women have the better or the poorer opportunity? |
V40 |
32: How does this become apparent? Discrimination. |
V41 |
32: How does this become apparent? Duties in the home. |
V42 |
32: How does this become apparent? More often ill. |
V43 |
32: How does this become apparent? Less suitable. |
V44 |
32: How does this become apparent? Other reasons. |
V45 |
32: How does this become apparent? Dont know a reason. |
V46 |
33: What in your opinion, is the reason for this? Home and children. |
V47 |
33: What in your opinion, is the reason for this? Tradition and upbringing. |
V48 |
33: What in your opinion, is the reason for this? Physically not strong enough. |
V49 |
33: What in your opinion, is the reason for this? More days lost through illness. |
V50 |
33: What in your opinion, is the reason for this? Less suitable. |
V51 |
33: What in your opinion, is the reason for this? Discrimination. |
V52 |
33: What in your opinion, is the reason for this? Not so steady. |
V53 |
33: What in your opinion, is the reason for this? Other reasons. |
V54 |
33: What in your opinion, is the reason for this? Dont know a reason. |
V55 |
34: If we compare men and women with a very high education, say university people, professional people, or the like, are you of the opinion that women actually, and everything considered, rank equally with men in their jobs? |
V56 |
35: If we compare men and women without special training, do you think that women actually, every thing considered, rank equally with men in their jobs? |
V57 |
36: Everything considered, do yu believe that during the last 10 to 15 years - womens status in the trades and industries and on the labour market taken as a whole has been greatly improved, has been somewhat improved, has improved little, or has not improved? |
V58 |
37: Then a few questions about womans work at home, and about her family life status. As woman get more work outside their homes their total performance will increase, unless some of their work at home is taken off their hands in va rious ways. All in all, do you think that womens total per- formance has increased, has remained fairly unchanged, or has it increased over the last 10 to 15 years? |
V59 |
38: Suppose both husband and wife work full-time outside the home, how often, do you think, will they share the work at home between them, - would it be always, often, now and then, rarely, or never? |
V60 |
39: Now let us consider families with children below school age, - add to this that both husband and wife work full-time outside the home, - is it thinkable that this fact might have BOTH a harmful and a good influence in family life and the children. Which would be effected more often, a harmful influence or a good influence, do you think? |
V61 |
40: If either husband or wife works part-time only, in THAT case, which would be the result more often - a harmful influence or a good influence? |
V62 |
41: Now let us consider families with children of school age where both husband and wife work full-time outside the home, - might this have BOTH a harmful and good influence on family life and the children. Which do you think would be the results more often - a harmful influence or a good influence? |
V63 |
42: If either husband or wife works part-time only, in that case, do you think it would have a harmful influence or a good influence? |
V64 |
43: Where would most women prefer to use most of their strenght, do you think - in their home or at their job outside the home? |
V65 |
44: Now if we try not to think in grooves, do you think that men an women are equally suited to care for the home, or which of them are better suited, in your opinion? |
V66 |
45: If we think of the care of children, also infants, do you think that men and women are equally good, or which are better? |
V67 |
46: Public and political life always was and still is dominated by men. As women get still more emancipated as regards jobs, education, family status, and economy, do you think that they will play a still more important part in public and economic life? |
V68 |
47: If the march of events results in completely equal rights for men and women, do you think that as many women will play a part in public and economic life? |
V69 |
48: Why not? Discrimination. |
V70 |
48: Why not? Tradition/womans traditional role |
V71 |
48: Why not? Women are not interested. |
V72 |
48: Why not? Less suitable. |
V73 |
48: Why not? Home and children. |
V74 |
48: Why not? Other reasons. |
V75 |
48: Why not? Dont know a reason. |
V76 |
49: Do you think that womens increasing equalization has made them happier that they were, say 25 years ago? |
V77 |
50: Do you think that womens increasing equalization has made men happier than they were, say 25 years ago? |
V78 |
51: What do you think, would most women prefer, just to obtain more equal rights with men, or to obtain completely equal rights with men? |
V79 |
52: Do you think that womens legal equality with men is now such as most women would find sufficient? |
V80 |
53: Have you heard or read about the womens libbers, the socalled redstockings? |
V81 |
54: Do you think that the redstockings have been usefull for feminism, and have they contributed to the improvement of womens conditions? |
V82 |
55: Do you think that the redstockings have been very useful, fairly useful, or little useful? |
V83 |
56: Do you think that the further equalization of women will prove harmful to love between man and woman? |
V84 |
57: Womens new independence as a consequence of the contraceptive pill, forms an important part of the eman cipation of women. Do you believe that this independence has made or will make women happier? |
V85 |
58: Finally: It has often been mentioned as a striking factor that there are so few women chessplayers, composers, and scientists. Do you think we shall see more - as many as men ditto when women obtain full legal equality with man and when they have got used to full employment? |
V86 |
59: Unemployment is rising at the moment while, at the same time a strict economic policy is pursued by the government. Do you think that the rise in unemployment is a consequence of the strict economic policy? |
V87 |
60: Should the Government, in your opinion, slacken the tight economic policy, in order to curb unemployment? |
V88 |
61: Do you think that the government should slacken its economic policy so much that full employment is established anew? |
V89 |
62: If it should become necessary for a business to effect dismissals, who would be dismitted the sooner, do you think, - men or women, given that qualifications are equal? |
V90 |
63: If women) Do you think this is reasonable or is it not reasonable, everything considered? |
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