V1 |
V2 |
V3 |
Bus number. |
V4 |
Document number. |
V5 |
Sequence number. |
V6 |
101: Month. |
V7 |
102-106: Respondent identification number. |
V8 |
Weight variable |
V9 |
108: Urbanization. |
V10 |
112: Sex. |
V11 |
112: Age. |
V12 |
112: Marital status. |
V13 |
113: Respondents occupational status. |
V14 |
114: Education. |
V15 |
114: Income of respondent. |
V16 |
115: Total family income. |
V17 |
116: Supporters occupation. |
V18 |
117: Total number of persons (in household). |
V19 |
117: Type of dwelling. |
V20 |
118: Number of children under 15 years. |
V21 |
118: Number of adults in household (15 years or more). |
V22 |
118: Respondents positions in household. |
V23 |
118: Respondents positions in household. |
V24 |
118: Respondents positions in household. |
V25 |
119: Position of housewife. |
V26 |
119: Social group. |
V27 |
122-123: For which party would you vote in case of a general election tomorrow? |
V28 |
166-167: Do you remember if you voted at the previous general election, i.e. in January 1968)? For which party? |
V29 |
168: We are now going to get a Social Democratic minority government. Immediately after the elec tion a coalition government was suggested, con cisting of the Social Democratic Party, the Social Liberal Party, the Liberals and the Con servatives. What would you prefer: a Social Demo cratic minority government or a coalition govern ment, consisting of the four parties I have mentioned? (If a Social Democratic minority government/dont know go to queston 170A (V42)) |
V30 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? Broader co-operation/not so one-sided/levelling viewponts. |
V31 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? Entry in the Common Market. |
V32 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? We should have had a coalition government according to election result. |
V33 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? Non-supporter of the Social Democratic party. |
V34 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? Best for the country. |
V35 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? A chance for democracy. |
V36 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? To get an efficient government/more would be responsible. |
V37 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? When united they have greater possibilities/influence/ better economy. |
V38 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? Dont like J.O. Krag. |
V39 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? Baunsgård/the social liberals/the non-socialists are better qualified to govern the country. |
V40 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? Other answers. |
V41 |
169: Why would you prefer a coalition government? Dont know. |
V42 |
170A: If the coming referendum will be in favour that Denmark enters the Common Market, which of the two governments mentioned do you think will be best qualified to prepare for Denmarks entry in the Common Market? |
V43 |
170C: Another question. No matter whether you are for or against a Danish membership of the Common Market, what do you believe then - in reality is most likely: that Denmark becomes a member of the Common Market or that it doesnt? |
V44 |
171A: Are you for or against that Denmark goes into the Common Market provided that England also becomes a member? (If against: go to question 171C (V46)) |
V45 |
171B: If Norway does not go in, are you then for or against that Denmark goes in? |
V46 |
171C: If Denmark becomes a member of the Common Market, do you then believe that Denmarks economy will be improved, unchanged or worsened? |
V47 |
172A: If Denmark becomes a member of the Common Market, do you then believe that the social conditions will be improved, unchanged or worsened? |
V48 |
172B: If Denmark becomes a member of the Common Market, do you then think that Denmarks indepence will be very reduced, somewhat reduced ot not reduced? |
V49 |
172C: If Denmark becomes a member of the Common Market, do you then think that the number of foreign workers in Denmark will be increased considerably in propor tions to the present number? |
V50 |
173A: If Denmark becomes a member of the Common Market, do you then think that foreign capital will get very increased influence or only somewhat bigger influence in Denmark or do you think that it will make no diffe rence? |
V51 |
173B: If Denmark becomes a member of the Common Market, do you then think that there will be made very great or only great purchases of Danish land or property by foreigners? |
V52 |
173C: And now back to the formation of the government. The members that were going to be elected in Greenland and the Faroe Islands became decisive for the formation of the government. Do you think it is reasonable or not that Members of Parliament elected in Greenland or the Faroe Islands should be decisive on the government that is to be formed in Denmark? |
V53 |
174A: If it was moved that Greenlandic and Faroese Mem bers of Parliament could only vote about questions on Greenland or the Faroe Islands, would you then find such a motion reasonable or not? |
V54 |
174B: Do you find that the Faroese and Greenlandic Mem bers of Parliament should have the same right as Danish Members, i.e. the present right or should there be changed? |
V55 |
174C: Do you think that it was reasonable or not that the prime minister included the Greenlandic and the Faroese Members of Parliament when he settled up the election result or should he only have included the Danish Members of Parliament, whereby the non-Socialist parties would have got the majority? |
V56 |
174D: It is a rule in Denmark that a party must have at least 2% of the votes in order to be presented in the Folketing (the Parliament). Do you find that such a rule is reasonable or not? |
V57 |
175A: Has this rule had any influence on the party that you might vote for or has it influenced you if you might vote at all? |
V58 |
175B: What party would you have voted for? |
V59 |
176A: (IF RIGHT OF VOTING) Were you quite sure - at last general election - if you would vote or not? |
V60 |
176B: Were you sure about what party you would vote for if you were going to vote or did you have more parties in mind? (If was sure/dont know/dont remember: go to question 178A (V73)). |
V61 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? The Social Democratic Party. |
V62 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? The Social Liberal Party. |
V63 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? The Conservatives. |
V64 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? The Liberals. |
V65 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? The Single-Tax Party. |
V66 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? The Communist Party. |
V67 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? The Socialist Peoples Party. |
V68 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? The Slesvig Party. |
V69 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? The Christian Peoples Party. |
V70 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? The Left-Wing Socialists. |
V71 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? Not vote. |
V72 |
177: What parties did you have in mind - possibly apart from that you actually voted for? Dont answer. |
V73 |
178A: Finally quite another question. There has been talked and written about abolishing the form of adress De, so that everybody should be adressed as du. Are you for or against this? |
V74 |
178B: (IF COMMERCIALLY INVOLVED) Do all adress the form of du in your firm? |
V75 |
178C: Do superiors and subordinates say du to one another? |
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