

Beskrivelse ?


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Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Bus number.
V4 Document number.
V5 Sequence number.
V6 Respondent identification number.
V7 Weight variable.
V8 2 : Week number.
V9 5: Urbanization.
V10 8A: Sex.
V11 8B: Age.
V12 8C: Marital status.
V13 9A: Respondents occupation.
V14 9B: Form of own salary.
V15 10A: Own income.
V16 10B: Income of family.
V17 11A: Occupational status for head of family:
V18 11B: Housewifes occupation.
V19 12A: Are there any children less than two years of age in the family?
V20 12B: Composition of family. Husband.
V21 12B: Composition of family. Housewife.
V22 12B: Composition of family. Children between 0 - 7 years.
V23 12B: Composition of family. Children between 8 - 14 years.
V24 12B: Composition of family. Adults between 15 - 17 years.
V25 12B: Composition of family. Other adults.
V26 12C: Number of adults (15 years or more).
V27 13A: Number of children less than 15 years of age.
V28 13B: Size of household.
V29 13C: Social group.
V30 14: Did you vote at the latest election? - (If yes) At which political party?
V31 15: If a general election was held tomorrow, which party would you then vote for?
V32 16A: Type of home.
V33 16B: Do the household own:
V34 16C: Do you sometimes go to the cinema? - (If yes) Have you been there during the last 14 days?
V35 16C: Do you sometimes go to the cinema? - (If yes) Have you been there during the last 8 days?
V36 50: In connection with the problem of the high number of divorces, it is thought that a single action of un faithfulness no longer should be sufficient basis for divorce. Do you think that this is the general opinion of the people also?
V37 51: Do you think that the present government has done well, relatively well, or poorly in the period that is has been in power?
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