

Beskrivelse ?


Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Bus number.
V4 Document number.
V5 Sequence number.
V6 Respondent identification number.
V7 Weight variable
V8 2: Week number.
V9 5: Sex.
V10 6A: Age.
V11 6B: Marital status.
V12 7A: Supporters occupation.
V13 7B: Housewifes occupation.
V14 8: Supporters income.
V15 9: Social group.
V16 11: Urbanization.
V17 14: Political position.
V18 10: Composition of family. Husband.
V19 10: Composition of family. Housewife.
V20 10: Composition of family. Children between 0 - 7 years.
V21 10: Composition of family. Children between 8 - 14 years
V22 10: Composition of family. Adults between 15 - 17 years.
V23 10: Composition of family. Other adults.
V24 10: Size of household.
V25 16: Car.
V26 4: Have you after the war been in a foreign country on summer vacation?
V27 5: (If yes) Approximately how many times?
V28 6: (If yes) Where have you been? Norway
V29 6: (If yes) Where have you been? Sweden
V30 6: (If yes) Where have you been? Finland
V31 6: (If yes) Where have you been? Germany
V32 6: (If yes) Where have you been? England
V33 6: (If yes) Where have you been? Belgium
V34 6: (If yes) Where have you been? Spain
V35 6: (If yes) Where have you been? Italy
V36 6: (If yes) Where have you been? France
V37 6: (If yes) Where have you been? Switzerland
V38 6: (If yes) Where have you been? Other
V39 6: (If yes) Where have you been? Dont know/dont remember
V40 7: Do you think you will go to a foreign country in summer vacation this year?
V41 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? Norway
V42 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? Sweden
V43 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? Finland
V44 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? Germany
V45 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? England
V46 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? Belgium
V47 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? Spain
V48 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? Italy
V49 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? France
V50 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? Switzerland
V51 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? Other
V52 (If yes or dont know) Where do you think you might go? Dont know/dont remember
V53 9: DO you think that the present government has managed well, reasonable good, or not well in the time it has existed?
V54 11: Have you ever been flying except for sight-seeing trips etc.? Approximately how many times?
V55 12: (If no) Have you ever, when you should travel, considered flying?
V56 13: (If yes) Why did you not choose to fly?
V57 14: Are you for or against that Denmark participates in the Atlantic Treaty (N.A.T.O.) ?
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