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Navn Indhold
V2 6036 YEAR
V3 Bus number.
V4 Document number.
V5 Sequence number.
V6 Respondent identification number.
V7 Weight variable
V8 2: Week number.
V9 5: Sex.
V10 6A: Age.
V11 6B: Marital status.
V12 7A: Supporters occupation.
V13 7B: Housewifes occupation.
V14 8: Supporters income.
V15 9: Social group.
V16 11: Urbanization.
V17 14: Political position.
V18 10: Composition of family. Husband.
V19 10: Composition of family. Housewife.
V20 10: Composition of family. Children between 0 - 7 years.
V21 10: Composition of family. Children between 8 - 14 years
V22 10: Composition of family. Adults between 15 - 17 years.
V23 10: Composition of family. Other adults.
V24 10: Size of household.
V25 16: Car.
V26 15: There has again been a crisis concerning the Berlin question. In your opinion, should the western countries remain firm against the East in this question?
V27 16: (If yes) In your opinion, should the western countries also run the risk of a new world war by remaining in Berlin?
V28 17: (If yes) Why?
V29 18: The agreement between labour and employers is about to be revised. If the 2 sides do not agree, do you then think that the government should intervene and force arbitration or do you think the 2 sides should fight through strikes and lock-outs?
V30 19: If forced arbitration: Why?
V31 20: If labour conflict: Why?
V32 21: If it was suggested that Denmark, with other equal countries, should submit 1% of the national income, equal 300 million kroner for Denmark as yearly support to underdeveloped countries, will you then be for or against such a suggestion?
V33 22: If against: Why?
V34 23: In Denmark it is a voluntary matter whether one wants to vote or not in election to parliament whereas in some countries it is compulsory to vote. Would you be against or for a suggestion of compulsory voting?
V35 If against or for: Why?
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