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Navn Indhold
V3 Bus number.
V4 Document number.
V5 Sequence number.
V6 Respondent identification number.
V7 Weight variable
V8 2: Week number.
V9 5: Sex.
V10 6A: Age.
V11 6B: Marital status.
V12 7A: Supporters occupation.
V13 7B: Housewifes occupation.
V14 8: Supporters income.
V15 9: Social group.
V16 11: Urbanization.
V17 14: Political position.
V18 10: Composition of family. Husband.
V19 10: Composition of family. Housewife.
V20 10: Composition of family. Children between 0 - 7 years.
V21 10: Composition of family. Children between 8 - 14 years
V22 10: Composition of family. Adults between 15 - 17 years.
V23 10: Composition of family. Other adults.
V24 10: Size of household.
V25 16: Car.
V26 15: If the present age for voting 23 years of age was suggested lowered to 21 years of age what would you then vote on, 23 years as at present or 21 years?
V27 16: (If 21 years) Why? Youth are better informed to-day
V28 16: (If 21 years) Why? Become of age - mature enough
V29 16: (If 21 years) Why? When the youth must do compulsory military training they should also vote
V30 16: (If 21 years) Why? When the youth must pay income tax they should also vote
V31 16: (If 21 years) Why? The youth should have responsibility
V32 16: (If 21 years) Why? Most reasonable
V33 16: (If 21 years) Why? To get the youth in
V34 16: (If 21 years) Why? More to vote
V35 18: Are you for or against that Denmark participate in the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO)?
V36 19: The number of car-thefts has grown strongly. The penalty for this is rather mild, because car-thefts is considered as a mild form of theft. Do you think that a penalty for car theft ought to be stricter?
V37 20: Have you seen the program on television about car-theft?
V38 36: If you should choose between a raise in pay of a certain amount or an equivalent decrease of working hours, which would you choose?
V39 37: Christmas is coming soon. Approximately how much have you decided to use for christmas gifts this year?
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