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Navn Indhold
V3 Bus number
V4 Document number
V5 Sequence number
V6 Case id
V7 Weight variable
V8 5: Sex
V9 6A: Age
V10 6B: Marital status
V11 7A: Occupational status for head of family
V12 7B: Housewifes occupation
V13 8A: Income of head of family
V14 9A: Social group
V15 10A: Composition of household: husband
V16 10A: Composition of household: housewife
V17 10A: Composition of household: children 0-7 years
V18 10A: Composition of household: children 8-14 years
V19 10A: Composition of household: adults 15-17 years
V20 10A: Composition of household: other adults
V21 10B: Size of household
V22 11A: Urbanization, 1
V23 11B: Urbanization, 2
V24 14: Party
V25 8B: Income of family
V26 9B: Supporters age
V27 9C: Schooling
V28 15: Number of children in the household
V29 14: Respondents occupation
V30 14: Type of home
V31 33: Do you mean that the present housing situation is satisfactory?
V32 34: (If no) What is unsatisfactory? Too few flats
V33 34: (If no) What is unsatisfactory? Too few flats for reasonable prices
V34 34: (If no) What is unsatisfactory? The flats are too expensive
V35 34: (If no) What is unsatisfactory? The house-building too expensive
V36 34: (If no) What is unsatisfactory? The distribution not just
V37 34: (If no) What is unsatisfactory? Too difficult to get a flat
V38 34: (If no) What is unsatisfactory? Other answers
V39 34: (If no) What is unsatisfactory? Dont know
V40 35: Do you mean that the present regulation of the house-rent in the old homes (builded before 1939) should be repealed?
V41 36: The building year for the house?
V42 37: Most people work best with their right hand, but some people manage best with the left hand. What hand is best for you?
V43 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? No
V44 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Brother
V45 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Sister
V46 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Father
V47 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Mother
V48 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Grandfather (maternal)
V49 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Grandmother (maternal)
V50 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Grandfather (paternal)
V51 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Grandmother (paternal)
V52 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Uncle (paternal)
V53 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Aunt (paternal)
V54 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Uncle (maternal)
V55 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Aunt (maternal)
V56 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Cousin (male)
V57 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Cousin (female)
V58 38-39: Are there persons in your family who are left-handed? (If yes) Who? Dont know
V59 40: Were you at home or outside your home during your summer vacation last year?
V60 41: Will you spend your summer vacation outside your home this year?
V61 42: (Housewives only) Have you a food-budget, weekly or monthly?
V62 (If yes) The amount of the budget?
V63 44: How long has this amount been unchanged?
V64 45: How do you think that national economy will develop the next year, will it improve, deteriorate or will it remain unchanged?
V65 46: (If deteriorate) Why?
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