

Beskrivelse ?


Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Bus number
V4 Document number
V5 Sequence number
V6 Case id
V7 Weight variable
V8 5: Sex
V9 6A: Age
V10 6B: Marital status
V11 7A: Occupational status for head of family
V12 7B: Housewifes occupation
V13 8A: Income of head of family
V14 9A: Social group
V15 10A: Composition of household: husband
V16 10A: Composition of household: housewife
V17 10A: Composition of household: children 0-7 years
V18 10A: Composition of household: children 8-14 years
V19 10A: Composition of household: adults 15-17 years
V20 10A: Composition of household: other adults
V21 10B: Size of household
V22 11A: Urbanization, 1
V23 11B: Urbanization, 2
V24 14: Party
V25 8B: Income of family
V26 9B: Supporters age
V27 9C: Schooling
V28 15: Number of children in the household
V29 14: Respondents occupation
V30 14: Type of home
V31 14: Motoring. The respondent has: Driving license
V32 14: Motoring. The respondent has: A car
V33 14: Motoring. The respondent has: A motor-cycle
V34 14: Motoring. The respondent has: A scooter
V35 14: Motoring. The respondent has: A bicycle with attached motor
V36 16-17: Most people want to some extent to be able to count on their present employment. How long terms of notice would you mean for instance workers and salaried persons should have if they had been employed on the same working place during some time, for instance some years? Workers
V37 16-17: Most people want to some extent to be able to count on their present employment. How long terms of notice would you mean for instance workers and salaried persons should have if they had been employed on the same working place during some time, for instance some years? Salaried persons
V38 18: How many drinks corresponding with an ordinary bottle of beer would you mean a driver can drink immediately before he goes, and still be safe?
V39 19: Do you think that the sentences the so-called alcoholic drivers are imposed, are too hard, just or too mild?
V40 20: Are you for or against that Denmark should be member of the European common market (the six), provided that England would be member too?
V41 21: The membership of the European common market implies that the labour market will be free in such a way that unemployed from other countries can work and compete on an equal footing with workers in other countries, for instance Denmark. Are you for or against such a common labour market?
V42 22: (If against a common labour market) Do you think that this should prevent Denmark from membership?
V43 23: In the same way the admission to buy and operate real property will be free. Are you for or against such a free market for real property?
V44 24: (If against a common market for real property) Do you think that this should prevent Denmark from membership?
V45 25: (Only to married persons) Last time you bought a birthday-present to your husband (wife), was the present then for the use of your husband (wife) personally, or was it for the use of the household as such or for the common good of both spouses?
V46 26: (If bought a present) Can you remember the cost of the present?
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