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Navn Indhold
V3 Bus number.
V4 Document number.
V5 Sequence number.
V6 Respondent identification.
V7 Weight-variable.
V8 1/8: Urbanization.
V9 3/10: District number, second digit.
V10 8A/12A: Sex.
V11 8B/12B: Age.
V12 8C/12C: Marital status.
V13 9/13: Respondents occupational status.
V14 10A/14A: Education.
V15 10B/14B: Income of respondent.
V16 11/15: Total family income.
V17 12A/16: Supporters occupation.
V18 15A/17A: Total number of persons in household.
V19 15B/17B: Type of dwelling.
V20 13B/18A: Number of children under 15 years.
V21 18B: Number of adults in household (15 years or more).
V22 12B/18C: Respondents position in household.
V23 13A/19A: Position of housewife.
V24 13B: Age of children.
V25 14A: Composition of family.
V26 14B/19B: Social Group.
V27 35-36/22-23: For which party would you vote in case of a general election tomorrow ?
V28 61A: Did you see any Party Campaign Programs on television before the last elections ?
V29 61B: (If yes) - How many did you see; all of them, almost all, most of them, some of them, or only a few of them ?
V30 61C: Do you always vote at election time, usually, now and then, seldom, or never ?
V31 62A: Do you ever change choice of party ?
V32 62B: Some people are interested in politics, others arent. In general, how interested would you say you are in politics ?
V33 66: We now have a government consisting of Venstre, Konservative and Radikale. Do you feel this is the best government we can get when one looks at the voting results, or do you feel that another or several parties should form the government ?
V34 (If Another government) - Which party/parties do you feel should form the government ? Socialdemokratiet
V35 (If Another government) - Which party/parties do you feel should form the government ? Radikale
V36 (If Another government) - Which party/parties do you feel should form the government ? Konservative
V37 (If Another government) - Which party/parties do you feel should form the government ? Venstre
V38 (If Another government) - Which party/parties do you feel should form the government ? Socialistisk Folkeparti
V39 71A: And now a completely different question. Do you play chess ?
V40 71B: (If yes) - How many years have you played ?
V41 72A: Do you play regurlarly, now and then or only once in a while ?
V42 72B: Did you have mathematics in school ?
V43 72C: (If yes) - Was it a subject you liked very much, liked, or disliked ?
V44 73A: How interested are you in classical music; very some or a little ?
V45 73B: INTERVIEWER: Does the household have a television ?
V46 73C: Are you for or against Denmarks participation in NATO ?
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