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Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Bus number.
V4 Document number.
V5 Sequence number.
V6 Respondent identification.
V7 Weight-variable.
V8 1/8: Urbanization.
V9 3/10: District number, second digit.
V10 8A/12A: Sex.
V11 8B/12B: Age.
V12 8C/12C: Marital status.
V13 9/13: Respondents occupational status.
V14 10A/14A: Education.
V15 10B/14B: Income of respondent.
V16 11/15: Total family income.
V17 12A/16: Supporters occupation.
V18 15A/17A: Total number of persons in household.
V19 15B/17B: Type of dwelling.
V20 13B/18A: Number of children under 15 years.
V21 18B: Number of adults in household (15 years or more).
V22 12B/18C: Respondents position in household.
V23 13A/19A: Position of housewife.
V24 13B: Age of children.
V25 14A: Composition of family.
V26 14B/19B: Social Group.
V27 35-36/22-23: For which party would you vote in case of a general election tomorrow ?
V28 35A: Do you feel the present government has managed well, average or poorly during the time it has existed ?
V29 35B: Have you heard or read about marihuanna or hash, a substance which can be smoked ?
V30 35C: (If yes) - In your opinion, is marihuanna or hash harmful or not ?
V31 36A: (if harmful) Is it, in your opinion, very harmful or do you just mean a little or slightly ?
V32 36B: (If heard or read about hash) - Do you know anyone who has tried smoking hash ?
V33 36C: (If lives in capital and under 40 years) - Have you ever tried smoking hash yourself ?
V34 36D: Another question. Did you have any form of stomach pains or aches yesterday ?
V35 37A: (If yes) - Were the pains very annoying, annoying or only slightly annoying ?
V36 37B: Did you take any form of pills or other pain killing medicins for the pains ?
V37 37C: Do you have any idea of what causes your stomach pains ?
V38 38A: Unfaithfulness appears as the most frequent reason for divorce. It has been suggested that the marriage law be changed so that a single case of unfaithfulness no longer would be grounds enough for a divorce. Do you agree or disagree with this suggestion ?
V39 38B: In general, do you feel a divorce should be more easily obtained or more difficult to obtain than it is now ?
V40 38C: The so-called pornographic law is now changed in such a way that pornographic books are now allowed, but contrary to this, no pictures. May I have your opinion; ought both parts be disallowed, both parts allowed, or are you satisfied with the present law as it stands ?
V41 39A (If pictures and/or books disallowed) - If it was prohibited to sell or display books and pictures of this art to young people or children, would you then feel it should be disallowed or permitted ?
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