

Beskrivelse ?


Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Bus number.
V4 Document number.
V5 Sequence number.
V6 Respondent identification.
V7 Weight-variable.
V8 1/8: Urbanization.
V9 3/10: District number, second digit.
V10 8A/12A: Sex.
V11 8B/12B: Age.
V12 8C/12C: Marital status.
V13 9/13: Respondents occupational status.
V14 10A/14A: Education.
V15 10B/14B: Income of respondent.
V16 11/15: Total family income.
V17 12A/16: Supporters occupation.
V18 15A/17A: Total number of persons in household.
V19 15B/17B: Type of dwelling.
V20 13B/18A: Number of children under 15 years.
V21 18B: Number of adults in household (15 years or more).
V22 12B/18C: Respondents position in household.
V23 13A/19A: Position of housewife.
V24 13B: Age of children.
V25 14A: Composition of family.
V26 14B/19B: Social Group.
V27 35-36/22-23: For which party would you vote in case of a general election tomorrow ?
V28 47A: Are you for or against Denmarks participation in NATO ?
V29 47B: The americans will be electing a new president in the Fall. Who would you prefer wins the the Presidential Elections - the Democrats or the Republicans ?
V30 47C: If the Democrats win, which of the following candidates would you prefer as President ?
V31 48A: If the Republicans win, which of the following candidates would you prefer as President ?
V32 49A: If you had a free choice, which kind of building would you prefer to live in ?
V33 49B: If you had to choose between having an apartment of suitable size, arrangement and location plus a cottage, or owning an all year round house, which would you choose ?
V34 50: When there are problems within the Danish agriculture, what do you feel are the grounds for this ? Underpaid for their products/poor prices
V35 50: When there are problems within the Danish agriculture, what do you feel are the grounds for this ? Poor marketing conditions
V36 50: When there are problems within the Danish agriculture, what do you feel are the grounds for this ? Not a member of the Common Market
V37 50: When there are problems within the Danish agriculture, what do you feel are the grounds for this ? Tough competition
V38 50: When there are problems within the Danish agriculture, what do you feel are the grounds for this ? Not enough export
V39 50: When there are problems within the Danish agriculture, what do you feel are the grounds for this ? Old fashioned/not rationalized/too little
V40 50: When there are problems within the Danish agriculture, what do you feel are the grounds for this ? High tarrif barrier
V41 50: When there are problems within the Danish agriculture, what do you feel are the grounds for this ? Other answer
V42 50: When there are problems within the Danish agriculture, what do you feel are the grounds for this ? Dont know
V43 51: What would you suggest be done to lessen the agricultural problems ? Better prices for their products
V44 51: What would you suggest be done to lessen the agricultural problems ? Better marketing conditions
V45 51: What would you suggest be done to lessen the agricultural problems ? Join the Common Market
V46 51: What would you suggest be done to lessen the agricultural problems ? Give grants
V47 51: What would you suggest be done to lessen the agricultural problems ? Unite the smaller farms
V48 51: What would you suggest be done to lessen the agricultural problems ? Promote export
V49 51: What would you suggest be done to lessen the agricultural problems ? Rationalization
V50 51: What would you suggest be done to lessen the agricultural problems ? Nothing
V51 51: What would you suggest be done to lessen the agricultural problems ? Other answer
V52 51: What would you suggest be done to lessen the agricultural problems ? Dont know
V53 52A: With the background in agricultures problems, it is often discussed how far one should go to get the Danish agricultural production reduced and gathered on less and larger farms. Do you feel one should seek to reduce the number of farms and enlarge the remaining ?
V54 52B: And now for a completely different question. In the past few years, the dress length has changed considerably form very long to very short. Do you think the dress length will be chiefly short or long in the future ?
V55 52C: Do you think it will be over or under the knee ?
V56 52D: Do you have a cottage ?
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