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Navn Indhold
V3 Bus number.
V4 Document number.
V5 Sequence number.
V6 Respondent identification.
V7 Weight-variable.
V8 1/8: Urbanization.
V9 3/10: District number, second digit.
V10 8A/12A: Sex.
V11 8B/12B: Age.
V12 8C/12C: Marital status.
V13 9/13: Respondents occupational status.
V14 10A/14A: Education.
V15 10B/14B: Income of respondent.
V16 11/15: Total family income.
V17 12A/16: Supporters occupation.
V18 15A/17A: Total number of persons in household.
V19 15B/17B: Type of dwelling.
V20 13B/18A: Number of children under 15 years.
V21 18B: Number of adults in household (15 years or more).
V22 12B/18C: Respondents position in household.
V23 13A/19A: Position of housewife.
V24 13B: Age of children.
V25 14A: Composition of family.
V26 14B/19B: Social Group.
V27 35-36/22-23: For which party would you vote in case of a general election tomorrow ?
V28 59A: The present government is made of three parties - Venstre, Konservative and Radikale. Which of these three political parties, do you think has the greatest influence on government policy ?
V29 59B: Which party do you think has the least influence ?
V30 60A: When the new income tax bill was received in your household, was the tax higher, lower or the same as expected ?
V31 60B: (If higher) - Was it much higher or just some higher ?
V32 60C: Has the new income tax bill given reason for tightening the households budget ?
V33 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? All areas
V34 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? Household budget/food
V35 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? Clothes
V36 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? Entertainment
V37 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? Vacations/trips
V38 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? Enjoyment
V39 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? Luxury
V40 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? Purchases
V41 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? Personal expenditures
V42 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? Savings
V43 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? Other answers
V44 61: (If Yes) - In which areas have you decided to save ? Dont know
V45 62A: How do you think Denmarks economy will develop during the coming year ? Will it be improved, deteriorated or remain the same ?
V46 62B: Do you think that the economic tightening which is occuring at present and among other things is evident on the income tax bill is necessary due to the countrys economy ?
V47 64A: TO ALL 20 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER The present law concerning female prostitution is to be discussed in the parliament, as the Minister of Justice will move that the present law be revised. May I hear your opinion: Do you think that female professional prostitution should be in principle punishable or not ?
V48 64B: (If punishable) - Do you think it should be punishable for the male customers to visit the prostitutes ?
V49 65: FOR MEN ONLY Interviewer: Please describe respondents colour of hair, degree of boldness and length of beard according to the following answer possibilities. Beard
V50 65: FOR MEN ONLY Interviewer: Please describe respondents colour of hair, degree of boldness and length of beard according to the following answer possibilities. Colour of hair
V51 65: FOR MEN ONLY Interviewer: Please describe respondents colour of hair, degree of boldness and length of beard according to the following answer possibilities. Boldness
V52 65: FOR MEN ONLY Interviewer: Please describe respondents colour of hair, degree of boldness and length of beard according to the following answer possibilities. Respondents height
V53 66B: Five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia is justified by it being neccessary to do so, in order to preserve Socialism in the country. May I hear your opinion - Do you think it was necessary or not to preserve Socialism in Czecho-Slovakia ?
V54 66C: Do you think that the Western Powers should intervene militarily to help Czecho-Slovakia even so this might involve a risk for world war ?
V55 67: What do you think about the five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ? Unacceptable/terrible
V56 67: What do you think about the five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ? Unnecessary meddling
V57 67: What do you think about the five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ? Tragedy
V58 67: What do you think about the five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ? An attack
V59 67: What do you think about the five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ? Desire for power
V60 67: What do you think about the five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ? Mean
V61 67: What do you think about the five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ? Irresponsible action
V62 67: What do you think about the five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ? Should be solved by negotiations
V63 67: What do you think about the five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ? Ignoring democracy
V64 67: What do you think about the five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ? Other answers
V65 67: What do you think about the five communist countries occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ? Dont know
V66 68: Do you think, that a real partisan movement with sabotage and such activities will develop in Czecho-Slovakia, if the communist countries continue accupation ?
V67 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Fear for liberalization
V68 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Desire for power
V69 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Forced by Soviet
V70 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Friendly with the west
V71 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Felt that communism was threatened
V72 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Czecho-Slovakia had become too independent
V73 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Keep Warsaw Treaty intact
V74 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Of economical interest
V75 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Afraid that the affair would spread to other countries
V76 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Start a world war
V77 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Other answers
V78 Why do you think the five communist countries occupied Czecho-Slovakia ? Dont know
V79 70A: If Czecho-Slovakia had continued to liberalize their socialism - do you think that this tendency would have spread to other communist countries including Russia ?
V80 70B: Do you think that such a development would lead to political disintegration of the present communistic fellowship between the Warsaw Treaty members ?
V81 70C: Do you think that communisms judgement will be better or worse after the occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ?
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