

Beskrivelse ?


Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Bus number.
V4 Document number.
V5 Sequence number.
V6 Respondent identification.
V7 Weight-variable.
V8 1/8: Urbanization.
V9 3/10: District number, second digit.
V10 8A/12A: Sex.
V11 8B/12B: Age.
V12 8C/12C: Marital status.
V13 9/13: Respondents occupational status.
V14 10A/14A: Education.
V15 10B/14B: Income of respondent.
V16 11/15: Total family income.
V17 12A/16: Supporters occupation.
V18 15A/17A: Total number of persons in household.
V19 15B/17B: Type of dwelling.
V20 13B/18A: Number of children under 15 years.
V21 18B: Number of adults in household (15 years or more).
V22 12B/18C: Respondents position in household.
V23 13A/19A: Position of housewife.
V24 13B: Age of children.
V25 14A: Composition of family.
V26 14B/19B: Social Group.
V27 35-36/22-23: For which party would you vote in case of a general election tomorrow ?
V28 73A: TO ALL: How do you think, it will go with unemployment in 1969. Will it be less or greater, or about the same as this year ?
V29 73B: Here is a card showing 4 possible reasons for unemployment. Who or what do you think is mainly responsible for the present unemployment ? (SHOW CARD - ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE)
V30 73C: Are you for or against Denmarks membership of Nato ?
V31 74A: If it were suggested that Denmark along with the other countries of same standing should offer 1 pct. of the national income, i.e. in Denmarks case 700 million kroner yearly, as support to the underdeveloped countries, would you be a support or objecter to such a suggestion ?
V32 74B: It has been claimed that the political prisoners in the Greek prisons in certain instances are being subjected to torture. This is denied by the Greek government. Do you think it is true or untrue that the political prisoners in Greek prisons are being subjected to torture ?
V33 74C (If true) - Do you think that it is something which occurs rarely, not so rarely or often ?
V34 75A: Do you think that the present government have produced a good economic policy or not so good economic policy ?
V35 75B: Have you heard or read about the National Bank putting the discount down ?
V36 75C: Do you think it is good or not good to put down the discount ?
V37 76A: And now, quite another question. Have you heard or read about the so-called P-pills ?
V38 76B: (If yes) - Do you think that the use of P-pills can be harmfull or not ?
V39 76C: (If harmfull) - Do you think that it involves a great risk, some risk or only a slight risk in P-pills giving harmfull effects ?
V40 77A: Are you for or against the use of P-pills ?
V41 77B: ONLY WOMEN 20 - 45 YEARS: Do you buy P-pills yourself ?
V42 78A: TO ALL: Finally, just this question. Are you for or agianst Denmark joining the European Common Market, provided that England also joins ?
V43 78B: (If for) - If England does not join, are you for or against that Denmark do so ?
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