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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Urbanization
V7 7. Month
V8 8A. Sex
V9 8B. Age
V10 8C. Marital status
V11 9. Occupational status for respondent
V12 10b. Income of family
V13 11A. Supporters occupation
V14 11B. Schooling of respondent
V15 13. Social group
V16 17-18. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V17 10a. Income of family
V18 12. Urbanization
V19 12. Age
V20 13. Children less than 15 years in the household: No children
V21 13. Children less than 15 years in the household: One or more children 2 - 7 years
V22 13. Children less than 15 years in the household: One or more children 8 - 14 years
V23 23. Do you think that the government has done well, relatively well or poorly during the time they have been in power?
V24 24. One often hears that some people are freshest and work best in the morning while others are most fresh and work best in the evening. Do you think that you yourself are especially fresh in the morning or does it make any dif ference in your case?
V25 25. By tax at the source is understood usually as tax paid at the same time the money is earned, which do you prefer tax at the source or the present method?
V26 26. (If prefer tax at the source) - If it should be a provision for introducing tax at the source that one abolished deduction clause would you then prefer tax at the source, or the present method?
V27 28a. Do you think that the governments new excise tax act was necessary?
V28 28b. (If yes) - Do you think that it is suffi cient to give balance in the economy?
V29 30a. Were you home last night the whole evening?
V30 30b. (If yes) - Do you remember when you went to bed?
V31 31a. Have you heard or read about The Beatles i.e. the four young Englishmen with girls hair who play and sing a kind of jazz, also called Barbed Wire Music because of its roughness?
V32 31b. (If yes) - This music has become very popular among the youth especially the quite young girls and there are quite a few of these orchestras. Are you an opposer of the youth being so occupied with this?
V33 32. (If yes) - What have you against it? Terrible noise
V34 32. (If yes) - What have you against it? Dont think that it is music
V35 32. (If yes) - What have you against it? Hysterical
V36 32. (If yes) - What have you against it? Mad/unnatural
V37 32. (If yes) - What have you against it? Uninhibited
V38 32. (If yes) - What have you against it? Influences behaviour of the youth
V39 32. (If yes) - What have you against it? Others
V40 32. (If yes) - What have you against it? Dont know
V41 33. Do you think that it would be right or wrong that the occupants of ordinary apartments could deduct a part or their rent on the tax form?
V42 34. (If yes) - Why? Exactly as house owners
V43 34. (If yes) - Why? Because of the high houserent
V44 34. (If yes) - Why? When the renter has to share the upkeep
V45 34. (If yes) - Why? It is a remuneration
V46 34. (If yes) - Why? Others
V47 34. (If yes) - Why? Dont know
V48 35. Wage method of yourself:
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