

Beskrivelse ?


Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Urbanization
V7 8A. Sex
V8 8B. Age
V9 8C. Marital status
V10 9A. Occupational status for head of family
V11 9B. Way of income of head of family
V12 10A. Income of head of family
V13 10B. Income of family
V14 11A. Supporters occupation
V15 11B. Schooling
V16 12A. Children younger than 2 years
V17 12B. Composition of household Husband
V18 12B. Composition of household Housewife
V19 12B. Composition of household Children 0-7 years
V20 12B. Composition of household Children 8-14 years
V21 12B. Composition of household Adults 15-17 years
V22 12B. Composition of household Other adults
V23 12C. Number of adults older than 15 years
V24 13A. Number of children younger than 15 years
V25 13B. Size of household
V26 13C. Social group
V27 14A. Housewifes occupation
V28 14B. Type of home
V29 14C. Is the family in possession of: a garden?
V30 14C. Is the family in possession of: a summer house?
V31 15-16. Did you vote at the latest general election? - For which party?
V32 16-17. For which party would you vote in case of a general election tomorrow?
V33 21. In most languages, including the Northern, numerals are pronounced as they are written, e.g. 56 is pronounced femtiseks (fifty-six). Many Danes now use this form. Which form do you use as a rule (except for cheques etc.)?
V34 22. If it were suggested to use the form femtiseks, would you support or oppose it?
V35 23. (If support in question 22 (V34):) Why?
V36 24. For a period of 5 years during World War II, Denmark was occupied by the Germans. What is your opinion of the Germans behaviour in Denmark? Was it worse than, better than or as one would expect of an occupation force in an occupied country in war time?
V37 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? Persecution of the Jews
V38 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? Their torture, cruelty
V39 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? Their general behaviour
V40 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? They were sadist
V41 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? Concentration camps
V42 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? They stole from Denmark
V43 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? They bought our produce
V44 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? Suppressed freedom of the press, publications
V45 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? Suppressed personal freedom
V46 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? Suppressed right of ownership
V47 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? Others
V48 25. (If worse in question 24 (V36):) In which way do you think the Germans offended? Dont know/will not answer
V49 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? All of the products affected by the commodity tax
V50 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? Tobacco products
V51 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? Cigarettes
V52 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? Meat products
V53 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? Cars (vehicles)
V54 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? Food products
V55 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? Housekeeping products
V56 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? Daily consumer goods
V57 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? Dry goods
V58 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? None
V59 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? Others
V60 26. In your opinion, on which product is the commodity tax most inconvenient? Dont know
V61 27. Regardless of answer to question 26 (V49-V60): Has the commodity tax decreased your consumption (or purchase)? If yes: Which? Save on everything
V62 27. regardless of answer to question 26 (V49-V60): Has the commodity tax decreased your consumption (or purchase)? If yes: Which? Tobacco products
V63 27. regardless of answer to question 26 (V49-V60): Has the commodity tax decreased your consumption (or purchase)? If yes: Which? Cigarettes
V64 27. regardless of answer to question 26 (V49-V60): Has the commodity tax decreased your consumption (or purchase)? If yes: Which? Meat products
V65 27. regardless of answer to question 26 (V49-V60): Has the commodity tax decreased your consumption (or purchase)? If yes: Which? Beverages (alcohol)
V66 27. regardless of answer to question 26 (V49-V60): Has the commodity tax decreased your consumption (or purchase)? If yes: Which? Weeklies/dailies
V67 27. regardless of answer to question 26 (V49-V60): Has the commodity tax decreased your consumption (or purchase)? If yes: Which? Entire consumption of food products
V68 27. regardless of answer to question 26 (V49-V60): Has the commodity tax decreased your consumption (or purchase)? If yes: Which? On the not necessary things
V69 27. regardless of answer to question 26 (V49-V60): Has the commodity tax decreased your consumption (or purchase)? If yes: Which? Others
V70 27. regardless of answer to question 26 (V49-V60): Has the commodity tax decreased your consumption (or purchase)? If yes: Which? No
V71 27. regardless of answer to question 26 (V49-V60): Has the commodity tax decreased your consumption (or purchase)? If yes: Which? Dont know
V72 28. We have now in circulation the new 5 Kroner coin instead of the earlier 5 Kroner bill, and we have a new 1 Krone coin instead of the former, and very soon will follow the new 2 Kroner coin instead of the present. Are you satifsied with the new 5 Kroner coin?
V73 28. We have now in circulation the new 5 Kroner coin instead of the earlier 5 Kroner bill, and we have a new 1 Krone coin instead of the former, and very soon will follow the new 2 Kroner coin instead of the present. Are you satifsied with the new 1 Krone coin?
V74 29. (If dissatisfied in question 28 (V72):) Why are you dissatisfied with the new 5 Kroner? Can be easily mistaken
V75 29. (If dissatisfied in question 28 (V72):) Why are you dissatisfied with the new 5 Kroner? Can be easily mistaken for a 2 kroner
V76 29. (If dissatisfied in question 28 (V72):) Why are you dissatisfied with the new 5 Kroner? Takes too much room
V77 29. (If dissatisfied in question 28 (V72):) Why are you dissatisfied with the new 5 Kroner? Is too heavy
V78 29. (If dissatisfied in question 28 (V72):) Why are you dissatisfied with the new 5 Kroner? Others
V79 29. (If dissatisfied in question 28 (V72):) Why are you dissatisfied with the new 5 Kroner? Dont know
V80 29. (If dissatisfied in question 28 (V73):) Why are you dissatisfied with the new 1 Krone?
V81 41. Did your household listen to the radio yesterday?
V82 42. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 1? (If yes:) When? Before 8 a.m.
V83 42. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 1? (If yes:) When? 8 a.m. - 12 noon
V84 42. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 1? (If yes:) When? 12 noon - 5 p.m.
V85 42. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 1? (If yes:) When? 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
V86 42. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 1? (If yes:) When? 8 p.m. - 10 p.m.
V87 42. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 1? (If yes:) When? After 10 p.m.
V88 42. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 1? (If yes:) When? Dont know
V89 43. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 2? (If yes:) When? Before 8 a.m.
V90 43. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 2? (If yes:) When? 8 a.m. - 12 noon
V91 43. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 2? (If yes:) When? 12 noon - 5 p.m.
V92 43. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 2? (If yes:) When? 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
V93 43. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 2? (If yes:) When? 8 p.m. - 10 p.m.
V94 43. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 2? (If yes:) When? After 10 p.m.
V95 43. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 2? (If yes:) When? Dont know
V96 44. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 3? (If yes:) When? Before 8 a.m.
V97 44. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 3? (If yes:) When? 8 a.m. - 12 noon
V98 44. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 3? (If yes:) When? 12 noon - 5 p.m.
V99 44. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 3? (If yes:) When? 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
V100 44. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 3? (If yes:) When? 8 p.m. - 10 p.m.
V101 44. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 3? (If yes:) When? After 10 p.m.
V102 44. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Did you listen to programme 3? (If yes:) When? Dont know
V103 45. (If yes in question 41 (V81):) Is the radio to which you listen equipped with F.M.?
V104 46. (If TV in household:) Did you watch T.V. yesterday? (If yes:) Was it before or after 8 p.m.? (possibly both before and after 8 p.m.)
V105 47. Were you at home last evening?
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