

Beskrivelse ?


Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Urbanization
V7 8A. Sex
V8 8B. Age
V9 8C. Marital status
V10 9A. Occupational status for head of family
V11 9B. Way of income of head of family
V12 10A. Income of head of family
V13 10B. Income of family
V14 11A. Supporters occupation
V15 11B. Schooling
V16 12A. Children younger than 2 years
V17 12B. Composition of household Husband
V18 12B. Composition of household Housewife
V19 12B. Composition of household Children 0-7 years
V20 12B. Composition of household Children 8-14 years
V21 12B. Composition of household Adults 15-17 years
V22 12B. Composition of household Other adults
V23 12C. Number of adults older than 15 years
V24 13A. Number of children younger than 15 years
V25 13B. Size of household
V26 13C. Social group
V27 14A. Housewifes occupation
V28 14B. Type of home
V29 14C. Is the family in possession of: a garden?
V30 14C. Is the family in possession of: a summer house?
V31 15-16. Did you vote at the latest general election? - For which party?
V32 16-17. For which party would you vote in case of a general election tomorrow?
V33 23. Do you think the present system of paid tax being an exemption on income before taxation should be repealed or continued?
V34 24. Do you think your income tax will be higher, lower or unchanged if the exemption regulation should be repealed?
V35 25. Tax at the source is commonly understood to be tax paid at the same time as the money is earned. Which do you prefer, tax at the source or the present system?
V36 26. (If prefer tax at source in question 25 (V35)) If in introducing tax at the source a condition was that the exemption regulation was repealed, would you prefer tax at the source or the present system?
V37 27. Are you for or against Denmark being a member of the Atlantic Pact (NATO)?
V38 28. In your opinion should Spain be taken in as a member of NATO, if it should be proposed?
V39 29. (If no in question 28 (V38)) Why not?
V40 30. Provided the Social Democratic Party and the Socialist Peoples Party together should obtain a majority in a coming general election, do you think that these two parties should form a coalition government or do you think that the Social Democratic Party should avoid such a government union?
V41 (If not form coalition in question 30 (V40)) Why not?
V42 32. Are you a supporter or opponent of the governments Property Acts proposed?
V43 33A. Were you vaccinated recently when vaccination of sugar with absorbed vaccine were made?
V44 33B. Have you been vaccinated against polio (infantile paralysis)?
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