

Beskrivelse ?


Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 5. Sex:
V7 6. Age:
V8 6. Marital status:
V9 7. Occupational status for head of family:
V10 7. Housewifes occupation:
V11 8. Income of head of family:
V12 8a. Income of family:
V13 9. Social group:
V14 9a. Supporters age:
V15 9b. Schooling:
V16 10. Composition of household: Husband
V17 10. Composition of household: Housewife
V18 10. Composition of household: Children 0 - 7 years
V19 10. Composition of household: Children 8 - 14 years
V20 10. Composition of household: Adults 15 - 17 years
V21 10. Composition of household: Other adults
V22 10a. Size of household:
V23 11. Urbanization Capital
V24 11. Urbanization Provincial towns
V25 11. Urbanization Rural districts
V26 11. Urbanization Copenhagen
V27 11. Urbanization Suburbs
V28 11. Urbanization The islands (excl. capital and suburbs)
V29 11. Urbanization Jutland
V30 13. Did you vote at the last general election (If yes) - Which political party did you elect?
V31 16. Do you have FM on your wireless
V32 16a. (If yes) - Can you hear the commercial radiostation (Mercur/DCR) - good, not so well, poorly or not at all?
V33 17. Are you for or against that Denmark takes part in the Atlantic Pact? (NATO).
V34 18. (If for or dont know) - Do you think that Denmark through her own military defence takes her reasonable share of the burdens of the Common NATO defence, or do you think that we give too much; or perhaps too little?
V35 19. Do you think that the present government has done well, not so well or poorly during the time it has been in power?
V36 20. Which political party do you think has managed best since the election - and which the poorest? Has managed best:
V37 21. Which political party do you think has managed best since the election - and which the poorest? Has managed poorest:
V38 22. If you should compare the tax burden in Denmark with that in the other progressive Western Euro pean Countries, as in e.g. Norway, Sweden, Eng land, Germany, Holland and France and USA, do you think that the tax burden is greater, less or the same in Denmark?
V39 23. Whom do you consider the leading of the now living Danish actor or actress? The leading actor:
V40 24. Whom do you consider the leading of the now living Danish actor or actress? The leading actress:
V41 25. Do you think that you have acquired the same in crease in income, as the other income groups in the country?
V42 26. (If no) - By what per cent do you think, your income should increase, if it should include the cost of living bonus, which the other income groups have obtained?
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