

Beskrivelse ?


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Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Urbanization:
V7 2. Geographical Regions:
V8 6. Month
V9 8. Sex:
V10 8b. Age:
V11 8c. Marital status:
V12 9. Respondents occupation:
V13 9a. Own form of salary:
V14 10a. Respondents income:
V15 10b. Family income
V16 11a. Occupational status for head of family:
V17 11b. Schooling
V18 12a. Are there any children less than 2 years of age in the family?
V19 12b. Composition of household: Husband
V20 12b. Composition of household: Housewife
V21 12b. Composition of household: Children 0 - 7 years
V22 12b. Composition of household: Children 8 - 14 years
V23 12b. Composition of household: Adults 15 - 17 years
V24 12b. Composition of household: Other adults
V25 12c. No. of adults more than 15 years:
V26 13a. No. of children less than 15 years
V27 13b. Size of the household:
V28 13c. Social group:
V29 14a. Housewifes occupation: No housewife
V30 14a. Housewifes occupation: Self-supporting
V31 14a. Housewifes occupation: Not self-supporting
V32 Housewifes occupation: If self-supporting - then it is: Fully work
V33 Housewifes occupation: If self-supporting - then it is: Partly work
V34 14b. Type of home:
V35 14c. Have the family got: Garden
V36 14c. Have the family got: Weekend cottage
V37 15/16. Did you vote at the last general election (If yes) - Which political party did you elect?
V38 16/17. Which political party would you vote at, if we had a general election tomorrow?
V39 30. Have you ever had instruction in First aid?
V40 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? Hospitals, nurses, doctors
V41 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? School, training College
V42 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? Armed forces
V43 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? Civil defense/DKB (Danish Womens Emergency)
V44 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? DASF (Danish Samaritan Organization) - Red Cross
V45 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? College/high school
V46 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? Domestic science school
V47 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? Youth clubs
V48 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? Boy scouts
V49 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? Falck (First aid emergency organization)
V50 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? Other
V51 31. (If yes) - Who gave you this instruction? Dont remember
V52 32. Do you think that the world will ever experience a world war with nuclear weapons? Or do you think that the presence of nuclear weapons will prevent a world-wide war?
V53 33. (If world war) - Do you think that the danger for such a war is within the near future? Or do you think that the war will come sooner or later?
V54 34. Do you think that present government has managed well, reasonably well, or not well in the time that it has been in power?
V55 35. Are you for or against that Denmark participate in the Atlantic Treaty (NATO)?
V56 36. The past summer has been the worst in more than fifty years. Do you think that there is any con nection between the poor summer and the Russian and American nuclear tests?
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