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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Urbanization:
V7 2. Geographical Regions:
V8 6. Month
V9 8. Sex:
V10 8b. Age:
V11 8c. Marital status:
V12 9. Respondents occupation:
V13 9a. Own form of salary:
V14 10a. Respondents income:
V15 10b. Family income
V16 11a. Occupational status for head of family:
V17 11b. Schooling
V18 12a. Are there any children less than 2 years of age in the family?
V19 12b. Composition of household: Husband
V20 12b. Composition of household: Housewife
V21 12b. Composition of household: Children 0 - 7 years
V22 12b. Composition of household: Children 8 - 14 years
V23 12b. Composition of household: Adults 15 - 17 years
V24 12b. Composition of household: Other adults
V25 12c. No. of adults more than 15 years:
V26 13a. No. of children less than 15 years
V27 13b. Size of the household:
V28 13c. Social group:
V29 14a. Housewifes occupation: No housewife
V30 14a. Housewifes occupation: Self-supporting
V31 14a. Housewifes occupation: Not self-supporting
V32 Housewifes occupation: If self-supporting - then it is: Fully work
V33 37. If support - Why? Partly work
V34 14b. Type of home:
V35 14c. Have the family got: Garden
V36 14c. Have the family got: Weekend cottage
V37 15/16. Did you vote at the last general election (If yes) - Which political party did you elect?
V38 16/17. Which political party would you vote at, if we had a general election tomorrow?
V39 27. Labour agreement between employers and em ployees are about to be revised. If the two parts do not come to an agreement do you think that the government should intervene by forcing arbitration possibly by passing a bill of compromise, or do you think that the two parts should engage in labour conflict by means of strikes and lock-outs?
V40 28. If forced arbitration - Why?
V41 29. If pass bill of compromise - Why?
V42 30. If labour conflict - Why?
V43 31. Do you think that 1963 economically speaking will be a better or poorer year for Denmark than 1962?
V44 32. If better - Why? Due to entry into Common Market
V45 32. If better - Why? Due to commodity tax
V46 32. If better - Why? Better buying power
V47 32. If better - Why? Trend is improving
V48 32. If better - Why? Dont know
V49 33. If poorer - Why? Due to entry into the Common Market
V50 33. If poorer - Why? Due to commodity tax
V51 33. If poorer - Why? People buy more than they can afford
V52 33. If poorer - Why? Everything is becoming so expensive
V53 33. If poorer - Why? Outlook appears that the good times have culminated
V54 33. If poorer - Why? Inflation
V55 33. If poorer - Why? People are spoiled/demand too much
V56 33. If poorer - Why? Poorer circumstances for farming
V57 33. If poorer - Why? Employment possibilities not so good any more
V58 33. If poorer - Why? Other
V59 33. If poorer - Why? Dont know
V60 34. Do you think that 1963 economically speaking will be a better or poorer year for you personally than 1962?
V61 35. If poorer - Why? Must have pension
V62 35. If poorer - Why? Must have invalidpension
V63 35. If poorer - Why? Havent the capacity for work, that I have had
V64 35. If poorer - Why? Due to unemployment
V65 35. If poorer - Why? Due to lower income
V66 35. If poorer - Why? Greater expenses
V67 35. If poorer - Why? Everything is becoming so expensive
V68 35. If poorer - Why? Am a farmer
V69 35. If poorer - Why? Higher taxes
V70 35. If poorer - Why? Due to illness
V71 35. If poorer - Why? Other
V72 35. If poorer - Why? Dont know
V73 36. If it were proposed to abolish of automatic price index regulation of wages, would you oppose or support such a proposal?
V74 37. If support - Why? Skrew without end (vicious circle)
V75 37. If support - Why? The most fair (farming, more peace takes more)
V76 37. If support - Why? Stop inflation
V77 37. If support - Why? It makes goods more expensive
V78 37. If support - Why? Should have been price-stop long ago
V79 37. If support - Why? Wages are too high, must be checked
V80 37. If support - Why? Other
V81 37. If support - Why? Dont know
V82 If oppose - Why?
V83 39. Are you a supporter or opponent to Denmark becoming a member of the European Common Market (the Six), providing that England becomes a member?
V84 40. If supporter - Are you also a supporter of Denmarks membership if England does not join?
V85 41. Now that Christmas draws closer, app. how much had you considered spending on the purchase of christmas gifts this year?
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