

Beskrivelse ?


Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Urbanization
V7 8A. Sex
V8 8B. Age
V9 8C. Marital status
V10 9A. Occupational status for respondent
V11 9B. Way of income of respondent
V12 10A. Income of respondent
V13 10B. Income of family
V14 11A. Supporters occupation
V15 11B. Schooling of respondent
V16 12A. Children younger than 2 years in the family
V17 12B. Composition of family Husband
V18 12B. Composition of family Housewife
V19 12B. Composition of family Children 0-7 years
V20 12B. Composition of family Children 8-14 years
V21 12B. Composition of family Adults 15-17 years
V22 12B. Composition of family Other adults
V23 12C. Number of adults older than 15 years
V24 13A. Number of children younger than 15 years
V25 13B. Total size of household
V26 13C. Social group
V27 14A. Housewifes occupation
V28 14B. Type of home
V29 14C. Is the family in possession of: a garden?
V30 14C. Is the family in possession of: a summer house?
V31 15-16. Did you vote at the latest general election? - For which party?
V32 17-18. For which party would you vote in case of a general election tomorrow?
V33 35. Have you ever heard of the term ownership of apartments, i.e. possibilitiy of buying an apartment in the same manner as one would buy a house?
V34 35A. Do you support this idea or oppose it or do you consider it not a very important question?
V35 35B. Do you think that enough information has been available on this subjekt?
V36 36. If the Social Democrats could not get the majority in the house of commons alone, would you support or oppose a socialistic majority involving social democrats and socialistic folkeparty?
V37 37. Which of the following 5 government possibilities would you prefer? (Show card).
V38 38. It has been a subject of great discussion as to changing the holyday (Day of great prayer) should be changed to take place in the fall, as the most of the holydays are in the spring and summer. Do you support or oppose this suggestion?
V39 39. (If support) Why?
V40 40. (If oppose) Why?
V41 41. Do you think that present government has done well, reasonably well, poorly, during the time it has been in power?
V42 42. Are you for or against Denmark taking part in NATO (Atlantic Treaty).
V43 43. Do you have a radio in your household which is not a part of T.V. set?
V44 44. (If yes) Which wave lengths can this radio take? (Interviewer can look self) F.M.
V45 44. (If yes) Which wave lengths can this radio take? (Interviewer can look self) A.M. (Short, long, middle)
V46 44. (If yes) Which wave lengths can this radio take? (Interviewer can look self) Dont know
V47 44. To all. Do you have TV in the household?
V48 44A. (If yes) Does your TV have radio?
V49 44B. (If yes) Which wave lengths can your TVradio take? (Interviewer see self) F.M.
V50 44B. (If yes) Which wave lengths can your TVradio take? (Interviewer see self) A.M. (Short, long, middle)
V51 44B. (If yes) Which wave lengths can your TVradio take? (Interviewer see self) Dont know
V52 45. To all. Did you listen to the radio yesterday?
V53 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 1: before 8.00 A.M.
V54 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 1: 8.00 A.M.- 12.00 noon
V55 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 1: 12.00 noon-5.00 P.M.
V56 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 1: 5.00 P.M.-8.00 P.M.
V57 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 1: 8.00 P.M.-10.00 P.M.
V58 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 1: After 10.00 P.M.
V59 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 1: Dont know
V60 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 2: Before 8.00 A.M.
V61 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 2: 8.00 A.M.-12.00 noon
V62 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 2: 12.00 noon-5.00 P.M.
V63 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 2: 5.00 P.M.-8.00 P.M.
V64 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 2: 8.00 P.M.-10.00 P.M.
V65 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 2: After 10.00 P.M.
V66 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 2: Dont know
V67 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 3: Before 8.00 A.M.
V68 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 3: 8.00 A.M.-12.00 noon
V69 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 3: 12.00 noon-5.00 P.M.
V70 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 3: 5.00 P.M.-8.00 P.M.
V71 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 3: 8.00 P.M.-10.00 P.M.
V72 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 3: After 10.00 P.M.
V73 46. (If yes) Did you have Program I? II? III? (Music radio). If yes when? Program 3: Dont know
V74 49. Did you see TV yesterday? Yes, was it before or after 8.00 P.M or poss. both?
V75 50. Were you home last night?
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