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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Urbanization
V7 7. Month
V8 8A. Sex
V9 8B. Age
V10 8C. Marital status
V11 9. Occupational status for respondent
V12 10. Income of family
V13 11A. Supporters occupation
V14 11B. Schooling of respondent
V15 13. Social group
V16 17-18. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V17 55. According to the new style dresses are considerably shorter than ever before. Regardless of what you personally feel about the new style, do you think that it will become popular?
V18 56. What do you personally feel about the new style with the short dresses. Do you think that they are attractive or not?
V19 57. Have you been a soldier?
V20 58. (If yes) - What is your impression of your military training, was it an enjoyable time for you, all right or not a very pleasant time?
V21 59. Do you serve your military training with the army, air force or navy or civil defense?
V22 60. How long ago is it since you served your military duty?
V23 61. What is your general impression of defence. Do you think it is effective or not?
V24 62. Did you see the Danish, Scandinavian and European Melody Grand Prix? No, none of them
V25 62. Did you see the Danish, Scandinavian and European Melody Grand Prix? Yes, the Danish
V26 62. Did you see the Danish, Scandinavian and European Melody Grand Prix? Yes, the Scandinavian
V27 62. Did you see the Danish, Scandinavian and European Melody Grand Prix? Yes, the European
V28 62. Did you see the Danish, Scandinavian and European Melody Grand Prix? Dont remember
V29 63a. (If seen more than one Melody Grand Prix) - Which one do you think was the best?
V30 63b. (If seen the Danish) - What is your opinion of the Danish Melody Grand Prix, do you think it was good or not?
V31 64. (If not good) - What do you think was wrong with it? Very bad
V32 64. (If not good) - What do you think was wrong with it? Boring/empty
V33 64. (If not good) - What do you think was wrong with it? Poor tunes
V34 64. (If not good) - What do you think was wrong with it? Poor scripts or lyrics
V35 64. (If not good) - What do you think was wrong with it? Poor artists
V36 64. (If not good) - What do you think was wrong with it? Poorly performed
V37 64. (If not good) - What do you think was wrong with it? Performance lacking festivity
V38 64. (If not good) - What do you think was wrong with it? Unnatural
V39 64. (If not good) - What do you think was wrong with it? Too modern
V40 64. (If not good) - What do you think was wrong with it? Others
V41 64. (If not good) - What do you think was wrong with it? Dont know
V42 65a. (If seen the European Melody Grand Prix) - In the case of the European Melody Grand Prix, do you think that it is a very good idea, a good idea or not a good idea with these programs?
V43 65b. You are now being interviewed by Gallup Institute. Have you ever heard of Gallup Institute or Gallup analysis (poll) before?
V44 66. (If yes) - Do you know what Gallup Institute does? (If yes) - What? Statistics
V45 66. (If yes) - Do you know what Gallup Institute does? (If yes) - What? Market analyses
V46 66. (If yes) - Do you know what Gallup Institute does? (If yes) - What? Research
V47 66. (If yes) - Do you know what Gallup Institute does? (If yes) - What? Consumer research
V48 66. (If yes) - Do you know what Gallup Institute does? (If yes) - What? Research of peoples habits
V49 66. (If yes) - Do you know what Gallup Institute does? (If yes) - What? Political research
V50 66. (If yes) - Do you know what Gallup Institute does? (If yes) - What? Election prognoses
V51 66. (If yes) - Do you know what Gallup Institute does? (If yes) - What? Polls (opinion research)
V52 66. (If yes) - Do you know what Gallup Institute does? (If yes) - What? Interviews
V53 66. (If yes) - Do you know what Gallup Institute does? (If yes) - What? Others
V54 66. (If yes) - Do you know what Gallup Institute does? (If yes) - What? Dont know
V55 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? Is justified
V56 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? Useful/useful for community - useful in business world
V57 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? Excellent
V58 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? Interesting/fun
V59 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? Necessary
V60 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? Worthless
V61 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? Should be regarded with reservation
V62 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? Too many questions
V63 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? Questions indiscrete
V64 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? Too expensive
V65 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? Others
V66 67. What is your opinion of Gallup Polls? No, dont know
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