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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Urbanization
V7 7. Month
V8 8A. Sex
V9 8B. Age
V10 8C. Marital status
V11 9. Occupational status for respondent
V12 10. Income of family
V13 11A. Supporters occupation
V14 11B. Schooling of respondent
V15 13. Social group
V16 17-18. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V17 55. There is now a lot of talk of a closer co-operation between Venstre and The Radicale, while earlier one have heard a lot of the co-operation with the Conservative the so-called VK-collaboration. What co-operation would you prefer and find most naturally if you should make a choice, a Venstre-Conservative co operation or a Venstre-Radicale?
V18 56. By tax at the source is understood income tax paid at the same time as money is earned (deducted from pay). Which do you prefer? Tax at the source or the present form?
V19 57. If it should be a condition in relation to tax at the source that tax deduction regulation be abolished, would you then prefer tax at the source or present method?
V20 58. What is your impression of the telecasts. Are you very satisfied, satisfied, or not satisfied?
V21 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? No.
V22 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially good: TV news
V23 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially good: TV theatre/plays
V24 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially good: Agriculture programs
V25 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially good: Film/movie previews
V26 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially good: Travelogues/travel film
V27 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially good: Dr. Lieberkind/natural history programs
V28 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially good: Political programs/panels
V29 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially good: Foreign events
V30 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially good: Sport
V31 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially good: Theme
V32 59. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially good: Others
V33 60. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially bad. Opera
V34 60. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially bad. Ballet
V35 60. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially bad. Music programs/classical
V36 60. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially bad. Modern music/pop music
V37 60. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially bad. Plays/TV-theatre
V38 60. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially bad. Modern/TV-theatre/plays
V39 60. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially bad. Saturday entertainment
V40 60. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially bad. Week-end 66
V41 60. Are there particular broadcasts or particular series in TV you think are especially good or especially bad? Yes, especially bad. Competitions
V42 61. Are you off on Saturdays, or maybe every other Saturday, every third and so on..., the whole year or maybe part of the year?
V43 62. Are you for or against 5 day school week?
V44 63. Are you for or against the policy of America in Vietnam?
V45 64. In case the parts involved in the labour market employers and employees cannot come to an agreement, do you think that the Government should intervene by means of a forced arbitration perhaps by simply passing a labour bill to act or do you think that the two parts should enter a labour conflict using strikes and lock-out?
V46 65. (If government intervention) - Why do you mean that? Harmful for community
V47 65. (If government intervention) - Why do you mean that? Too expensive with strike
V48 65. (If government intervention) - Why do you mean that? Strikes are no solution
V49 65. (If government intervention) - Why do you mean that? Peace is necessary on the labour front
V50 65. (If government intervention) - Why do you mean that? Labour conflicts old-fashioned
V51 65. (If government intervention) - Why do you mean that? What is law is law
V52 65. (If government intervention) - Why do you mean that? Others
V53 65. (If government intervention) - Why do you mean that? Dont know
V54 66. Do you think the present right to deduct paid tax on the tax-reform should be abolished or remain?
V55 67. (If should be abolished) - Why? The most fair
V56 67. (If should be abolished) - Why? Tax burden more equally shared
V57 67. (If should be abolished) - Why? By introduction of a tax from the source
V58 67. (If should be abolished) - Why? Others
V59 67. (If should be abolished) - Why? Dont know
V60 (If should remain) - Why? The most fair
V61 (If should remain) - Why? Only form of tax protection
V62 (If should remain) - Why? Others
V63 (If should remain) - Why? Dont know
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