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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Urbanization
V7 7. Month
V8 8A. Sex
V9 8B. Age
V10 8C. Marital status
V11 9. Occupational status for respondent
V12 10. Income of family
V13 11A. Supporters occupation
V14 11B. Schooling of respondent
V15 13. Social group
V16 17-18. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V17 54. How do you think that the ordinary Danish motorist drives. Very good, all right - bad?
V18 55. (If not good in 54 (V17)) - In which way are they poor drivers? Too high speed
V19 55. (If not good in 54 (V17)) - In which way are they poor drivers? Inconsiderate
V20 55. (If not good in 54 (V17)) - In which way are they poor drivers? Foolhardy passing
V21 55. (If not good in 54 (V17)) - In which way are they poor drivers? Takes too many chances
V22 55. (If not good in 54 (V17)) - In which way are they poor drivers? Do not drive according to regulations
V23 55. (If not good in 54 (V17)) - In which way are they poor drivers? Inresponsible
V24 55. (If not good in 54 (V17)) - In which way are they poor drivers? Does not drive according to regulations
V25 55. (If not good in 54 (V17)) - In which way are they poor drivers? Position in traffic
V26 55. (If not good in 54 (V17)) - In which way are they poor drivers? Others
V27 55. (If not good in 54 (V17)) - In which way are they poor drivers? Dont know
V28 56a. Do you think generally speaking, that motorists are considerate or inconsiderate towards other motorists?
V29 56b. (If inconsiderate in q. 56a. (V28)) - Is there any particular type of drivers, which motorists are inconsiderate towards and such case, which or is it towards all?
V30 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Too great speed
V31 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Does not respect right-of-way regulation
V32 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Foolhardy passing
V33 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Does not respect pedestian crossing
V34 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Dont give cyclists room in traffic
V35 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Give too little room in traffic
V36 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Irresponsible driving
V37 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Does not respect traffic regulations
V38 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Do not adjust lights down
V39 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Taxies take all kinds of chances
V40 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Others
V41 57. (If inconsiderate in 56a (V28)) - In which way are they inconsiderate? Dont know
V42 58a. Who do you think drives more considerate, men or women motorists?
V43 58b. Who do you think are the best drivers, women or men when we assume that they have driven equally as much?
V44 59. IF HAVE DRIVERS LICENSE: How many kilometers do you drive per year - approx.?
V45 60a. By tax at the source is understood income tax paid at the same time as money is earned (deducted from pay). Which do you prefer? Tax at the source or the present form?
V46 60b. If it should be a condition in relation to tax at the source that tax deduction regulation be abolished, would you then prefer tax at the source or present method?
V47 61a. Do you think that the present method of deducting paid tax on the taxforms should be maintained or abolished?
V48 61b. Do you remember having seen one or more TV-programs dealing with tax deduction regulation?
V49 62a. Are you for or against Denmark taking part in NATO (Atlantic pact).
V50 62b. In 1969 i.e. in about 3 years, the present Atlantic Treaty runs out in such a manner that each of the memberships are revised. It has therefore been suggested that Denmarks membership should be put to a vote, i.e. plebiscite. Do you think that this is a good idea, or not?
V51 63. The politicians did not manage to bring about a tax reform. How important do you think it is that we get a tax tax reform?
V52 64. Do you think that it is one or more of the parties, which is at fault since we didnt get a tax-reform? No
V53 64. Do you think that it is one or more of the parties, which is at fault since we didnt get a tax-reform? (If yes). Which? All parties
V54 64. Do you think that it is one or more of the parties, which is at fault since we didnt get a tax-reform? (If yes). Which? Conservatives
V55 64. Do you think that it is one or more of the parties, which is at fault since we didnt get a tax-reform? (If yes). Which? Venstre
V56 64. Do you think that it is one or more of the parties, which is at fault since we didnt get a tax-reform? (If yes). Which? Radikale
V57 64. Do you think that it is one or more of the parties, which is at fault since we didnt get a tax-reform? (If yes). Which? Social Democrats
V58 64. Do you think that it is one or more of the parties, which is at fault since we didnt get a tax-reform? (If yes). Which? Socialistisk Folkeparti
V59 64. Do you think that it is one or more of the parties, which is at fault since we didnt get a tax-reform? (If yes). Which? Parties in the opposition
V60 64. Do you think that it is one or more of the parties, which is at fault since we didnt get a tax-reform? (If yes). Which? Others
V61 64. Do you think that it is one or more of the parties, which is at fault since we didnt get a tax-reform? (If yes). Which? Dont know
V62 65a. Are you for or against that Denmark joins the European Common Market (The Six) assuming that England joins?
V63 65b. If England does not join, do you still agree that Denmark should?
V64 66a. Which of the two countries America (U.S.A.) or Russia do you think contribute most to world peace?
V65 66b. Which of the two countries, America or China does Russia have most sympathy for?
V66 67. If war should break out between America and China, do you think that Russia will keep out of it or do you think they will aid one of the sides, and in such case, which?
V67 68. Which country do you think West Europe should co-operate with, Russia or U.S.A.?
V68 69a. Do you know what the Warszaw treaty is?
V69 69b. (If yes) - If should be suggested that Warszaw treaty countries and NATO countries should join in a common defence treaty, do you think that this would be a good and right idea or not?
V70 69c. (If good idea) - Do you think that U.S.A. should be a member of such a common defence treaty or not?
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