

Beskrivelse ?


Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 4. Urbanization
V7 10. Month
V8 11A. Sex
V9 11B. Age
V10 11C. Marital status
V11 12a. Occupational status for respondent
V12 12b. Way of income of respondent:
V13 13a. Income of respondent
V14 13b. Total income of household (family):
V15 14a. Supporters occupation
V16 14b. Schooling of respondent
V17 15a. Children younger than 2 years of age?
V18 15b. Composition of household: Husband
V19 15b. Composition of household: Housewife
V20 15b. Composition of household: Children 0 - 7 years
V21 15b. Composition of household: Children 8 - 14 years
V22 15b. Composition of household: Adults 15 - 17 years
V23 15b. Composition of household: Other adults
V24 15c. Number of adults 15 years or above:
V25 16a. Number of children younger than 15 years:
V26 16b. Total number of persons in the household:
V27 16c. Social class
V28 17a. Position of housewife
V29 17a. If employment:
V30 17b. Respondents position in the household:
V31 18-19. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V32 19b. Type of dwelling
V33 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Ryebread
V34 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? White bread
V35 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? French stick
V36 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Rolls, buns
V37 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Flat bread
V38 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Cornflakes or similar
V39 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Rolled oats dry
V40 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Rolled oats cooked
V41 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Beer soup (ryebread, malt beer)
V42 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Nothing
V43 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Cheese
V44 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Marmelade/preserves
V45 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Honey
V46 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Liver paste
V47 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Sausage (salami)
V48 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Egg (not on sandwich)
V49 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Other
V50 26/27. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you eat this morning, and I re mind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Dont remember/dont know
V51 28. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you drink in the morning, and I remind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Coffee
V52 28. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you drink in the morning, and I remind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Tea
V53 28. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you drink in the morning, and I remind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Milk
V54 28. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you drink in the morning, and I remind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Butter milk
V55 28. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you drink in the morning, and I remind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Orange juice
V56 28. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you drink in the morning, and I remind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Nothing
V57 28. We are trying to find out what people eat and drink in the morning i.e. the days first meal. What did you drink in the morning, and I remind you that the question is to you only, not other members of the family? Other
V58 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? Ryebread
V59 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? White bread, French stick
V60 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? Oats dry/cooked
V61 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? Cornflakes/gold corn
V62 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? Beer soup (ryebread, malt beer)
V63 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? Cheese
V64 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? Liver paste
V65 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? Sugar
V66 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? Honey
V67 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? Marmelade/preserves
V68 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? Other
V69 29. If there are children 7 - 14 years in house hold. - What did the children eat this mor ning? Dont remember/dont know
V70 30. If there are children 7 - 14 years in the house hold. - What did the children drink this morning? Coffee
V71 30. If there are children 7 - 14 years in the house hold. - What did the children drink this morning? Cocoa
V72 30. If there are children 7 - 14 years in the house hold. - What did the children drink this morning? Tea
V73 30. If there are children 7 - 14 years in the house hold. - What did the children drink this morning? Milk
V74 30. If there are children 7 - 14 years in the house hold. - What did the children drink this morning? Nothing
V75 30. If there are children 7 - 14 years in the house hold. - What did the children drink this morning? Other
V76 30. If there are children 7 - 14 years in the house hold. - What did the children drink this morning? Dont remember/dont know
V77 31. When did you yourself eat your breakfast this morning?
V78 32. When do you eat your breakfast on Sunday?
V79 33. (If employed) - How do you get your salary paid? Do you get paid cash, a check which you can get cashed yourself or put in the bank account or do you get your salary automatically placed on your check account in a bank, by your employer, or do you get paid by another method?
V80 34a. (If salary account) - Is it a salary account which you have opened yourself or one which your firm has opened?
V81 34b. (If salary account) - How long have you had a salary account?
V82 35. Are you satisfied with this arrangement - or would you prefer another?
V83 36a. By tax at the source one understands ordinarily that income tax is paid at the same time as it is earned. What do you prefer: tax at the source or the present method?
V84 36b. If it should be a condition with introducing tax at the source that the tax exemption rule was abolished, would you then prefer: tax at the source or the present form?
V85 37. (If tax at the source in quest. 36a(V83)) - There have been presented two suggestions as to the method of taxation. The one method involves all income tax payers and the other method is that the income tax payer can decide by which method he or she would like to pay, the present method or the new. Which of the two suggestions do you support?
V86 38. May I have your honest opinion about the following matter? Whom do you think, generally speaking i.e., as a rule is best qualified to lead others, men or women?
V87 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? Men are respected more
V88 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? Men more authoritative
V89 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? Men more suited for management
V90 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? Men have more insight
V91 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? Men better equipped physically
V92 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? More naturally for men/habit
V93 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? Women are unoriginal
V94 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? Women are unbalanced/emotional
V95 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? Women think more of domestic problems
V96 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? Envy/easy to misunderstandings
V97 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? Other
V98 39. (If men best) - Why do you think women are less suitable? Dont know
V99 40a. Is your leader or boss a man or a woman?
V100 40b. Have you any directly under you, whose work you have to supervise?
V101 40c. (If yes) - How many?
V102 41. Are they men only, women only or both men and women?
V103 42a. Do you have a summer cottage or perhaps a lot for a summer cottage?
V104 42b. (If no) - Does your household have plans of buying a summer cottage or lot for a summer cottage sometime in the future?
V105 42c. (If yes) - Has the household finally de cided and planned purchase of summer cot tage or cottage lot within the last 8 months?
V106 42d. (If yes) - Have you decided the location?
V107 45. Do you think that the tax exemption clause should be abolished or not?
V108 46a. (If should not be abolished) - If it was suggested that the tax exemption clause should be abolished on the condition that there was established a tax ceiling i.e. a relative maximum be set as to how much one should pay in tax would you then prefer a tax exemption clause abolished or retained?
V109 46b. (If abolished) - How high a percentage of income do you think should be the maximum one should pay in income tax?
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