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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 4. Urbanization
V7 10. Month
V8 11A. Sex
V9 11B. Age
V10 11C. Marital status
V11 12a. Occupational status for respondent
V12 12b. Way of income of respondent:
V13 13a. Income of respondent
V14 13b. Total income of household (family):
V15 14a. Supporters occupation
V16 14b. Schooling of respondent
V17 15a. Children younger than 2 years of age?
V18 15b. Composition of household: Husband
V19 15b. Composition of household: Housewife
V20 15b. Composition of household: Children 0 - 7 years
V21 15b. Composition of household: Children 8 - 14 years
V22 15b. Composition of household: Adults 15 - 17 years
V23 15b. Composition of household: Other adults
V24 15c. Number of adults 15 years or above:
V25 16a. Number of children younger than 15 years:
V26 16b. Total number of persons in the household:
V27 16c. Social class
V28 17a. Position of housewife
V29 17a. If employment:
V30 17b. Respondents position in the household:
V31 18-19. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V32 19b. Type of dwelling
V33 31a. Did you watch the transmission of the general election on TV on the polling evening?
V34 31b. Did you see some of the telecasts before the general election?
V35 32. (If yes) - Did you watch the debate among the leaders of the political parties on Sun day evening before the general election?
V36 39a. We have now got a social democratic minority government. Do you think that this is the best government we can get, or do you think that another party or parties should have formed a government?
V37 We have now got a social democratic minority government. Do you think that this is the best government we can get, or do you think that another party or parties should have formed a government? 39b. (If other or others) - Which party or par ties do you think should form a government? Social Democrats
V38 We have now got a social democratic minority government. Do you think that this is the best government we can get, or do you think that another party or parties should have formed a government? 39b. (If other or others) - Which party or par ties do you think should form a government? Socialistic Folkeparti
V39 We have now got a social democratic minority government. Do you think that this is the best government we can get, or do you think that another party or parties should have formed a government? 39b. (If other or others) - Which party or par ties do you think should form a government? Conservative
V40 We have now got a social democratic minority government. Do you think that this is the best government we can get, or do you think that another party or parties should have formed a government? 39b. (If other or others) - Which party or par ties do you think should form a government? Venstre
V41 We have now got a social democratic minority government. Do you think that this is the best government we can get, or do you think that another party or parties should have formed a government? 39b. (If other or others) - Which party or par ties do you think should form a government? Radikale
V42 We have now got a social democratic minority government. Do you think that this is the best government we can get, or do you think that another party or parties should have formed a government? 39b. (If other or others) - Which party or par ties do you think should form a government? Liberalt Centrum
V43 We have now got a social democratic minority government. Do you think that this is the best government we can get, or do you think that another party or parties should have formed a government? 39b. (If other or others) - Which party or par ties do you think should form a government? De Uafhængige
V44 We have now got a social democratic minority government. Do you think that this is the best government we can get, or do you think that another party or parties should have formed a government? 39b. (If other or others) - Which party or par ties do you think should form a government? Other
V45 We have now got a social democratic minority government. Do you think that this is the best government we can get, or do you think that another party or parties should have formed a government? 39b. (If other or others) - Which party or par ties do you think should form a government? Dont know
V46 I would like to ask you some questions con cerning your opinion about what 1967 might bring. 41a. Do you think prices will go up in 1967 more than they did in 1966, or do you think less?
V47 I would like to ask you some questions con cerning your opinion about what 1967 might bring. 41b. Do you think that unemployment will be higher or lower in 1967 than in 1966?
V48 I would like to ask you some questions con cerning your opinion about what 1967 might bring. 41c. Do you think that we will get a year with more strikes and unrest with labour than in 1966?
V49 I would like to ask you some questions con cerning your opinion about what 1967 might bring. 42a. Do you think that Denmarks economy will be better or worse in 1967 than in 1966?
V50 I would like to ask you some questions con cerning your opinion about what 1967 might bring. 42b. Will the world be more peaceful or less in 1967?
V51 I would like to ask you some questions con cerning your opinion about what 1967 might bring. 42c. Do you think that Russias power in the world will increase or decrease in 1967?
V52 I would like to ask you some questions con cerning your opinion about what 1967 might bring. 43a. Do you think that U.S.A.s power will in crease or decrease?
V53 I would like to ask you some questions con cerning your opinion about what 1967 might bring. 43b. Do you think that Chinas power will in crease or decrease in 1967?
V54 I would like to ask you some questions con cerning your opinion about what 1967 might bring. 43c. Do you think that your living standard will be higher or lower than in 1966 or will it be unchanged?
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