

Beskrivelse ?


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Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Urbanization
V7 6. Month:
V8 8a. Sex:
V9 8b. Age:
V10 8c. Marital status:
V11 9a. Occupational status of respondent:
V12 9b. Way of income of respondent:
V13 10a. Income of respondent:
V14 10b. Total income of household
V15 11a. Supporters occupation:
V16 11b. Schooling of respondent:
V17 12a. Children younger than 2 years of age?
V18 12b. Composition of household: Husband
V19 12b. Composition of household: Housewife
V20 12b. Composition of household: Children 0 - 7 years
V21 12b. Composition of household: Children 8 - 14 years
V22 12b. Composition of household: Adults 15 - 17 years
V23 12b. Composition of household: Other adults
V24 12c. Number of adults 15 years or above:
V25 13a. Number of children younger than 15 years:
V26 13b. Total number of persons in the household:
V27 13c. Social class
V28 14a. Housewifes occupation:
V29 14b. If self-supporting:
V30 14c. Respondents position in the household:
V31 15a. Life-cycle:
V32 15b. Type of home:
V33 35/36. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V34 55a. How do you think Denmarks economical situation will develop this coming year? Will it improve, grow worse or remain the same?
V35 55b. Are you for or against Denmark participating in the Atlantic Treaty (NATO)?
V36 55c. Are you for or against Denmark joining the European Common Market, (The Six), assuming that England joins?
V37 56a. If England doesnt join are you for or against Denmark joining?
V38 56b. Some people are allergic to certain things and materials. Some people for example cant go near flowers or plants, some people cant wear artificial materials like nylon etc., some people have what is called hay-fever and nettle-rash when they go near corn or other plants in nature. Allegy presents itself as itching, colds, headaches, watering eyes etc. Have you read or heard of this?
V39 56c. (If yes) - Are you allergic to something?
V40 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Flowers
V41 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Grass
V42 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Fruits/vegetables
V43 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Sprays
V44 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Washing powder/detergents
V45 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Soap
V46 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Cosmetics
V47 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Synthetic materials/nylon
V48 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Certain pills
V49 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Penicillin
V50 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Other
V51 57. (If yes) - To what are you allergic? Dont know
V52 58a. Have you consulted a doctor about this?
V53 58a. How does the allergy present itself? Rash
V54 58a. How does the allergy present itself? Itching
V55 58a. How does the allergy present itself? Blisters
V56 58a. How does the allergy present itself? Swellings
V57 58a. How does the allergy present itself? Ecxema
V58 58a. How does the allergy present itself? Spots
V59 58a. How does the allergy present itself? Sneezing/colds
V60 58a. How does the allergy present itself? Difficulty in breathing
V61 58a. How does the allergy present itself? Other
V62 59a. Do you treat your allergy in any way?
V63 59b. (If yes) - Which way? Use ointment
V64 59b. (If yes) - Which way? Take pills
V65 59b. (If yes) - Which way? Take medicine
V66 59b. (If yes) - Which way? Have injections
V67 59b. (If yes) - Which way? Have X-ray
V68 59b. (If yes) - Which way? Use rubbergloves
V69 59b. (If yes) - Which way? Avoid the cause
V70 59b. (If yes) - Which way? Other
V71 60a. How much would you say your allergy bothers you?
V72 60b. Next time the new tax is calculated it will be calculated without deduction of the paid tax, have you wondered how much your tax will then be?
V73 60c. (If yes) - Have you discussed this question with anybody in - or outside - your family?
V74 61. Do you think you would pay more, the same or less if we still had the right of deduction?
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