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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 8. Urbanization
V7 12A. Sex
V8 12B. Age
V9 12C. Marital status
V10 13. Respondents occupational status
V11 14A. Education
V12 14B. Income of respondent
V13 15. Total family income
V14 16. Supporters occupation
V15 17A. Total number of persons (In household)
V16 17B. Type of dwelling
V17 18A. Number of children under 15 years
V18 18B. Number of adults in household (15 years or more)
V19 18C. Respondents position in household Head of the family
V20 18C. Respondents position in household Housewife
V21 18C. Respondents position in household Other adult
V22 19A. Position of housewife
V23 19B. Social group
V24 22. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V25 23. If would not vote
V26 62A. Graphology is the study of an individuals handwriting to indicate his or her character, capabilities and behaviour. Have you heard or read of this before?
V27 62B. Do you think that the study of a persons handwriting can indicate that persons capabilities, character or behaviour?
V28 62C. Do you think there is anything about it, that it can be done to some extent?
V29 62D. Astrology or star-reading is a study of or a describing of a persons capabilities, character and behaviour on the basis of knowing birthdate, actual hour of birth and exact place of birth. Have you heard or read about this?
V30 63A. Do you think that it is right that with the help of knowing facts about birth place and date, a persons capabilities, character and behaviour can be indicated?
V31 63B. Do you think that there is anything about it, or that it is possible to a certain degree?
V32 64A. The new American president Richard Nixon has recently been on a trip through Europe. Do you think that he will be better or poorer president than his predecessor, president Johnson?
V33 64B. Do you think that president Nixon will bring the war in Vietnam to an end?
V34 64C. By which means do you think president Nixon will make most use of in finishing the war, negotiations or military?
V35 65. Which of these two methods do you think is most necessary to use in finishing the war in Vietnam?
V36 66A. And now quite another question. There is so much discussion nowadays about making it easier for women to get abortion. Before it has been such that women could only get an illegal abortion, though they were not punished for it. May I ask you if you know anyone or of anyone outside your own household who has had such a so-called illegal abortion?
V37 66B. Do you know of just one, or do you know of more?
V38 66C. Do you know of just a few or do you know many?
V39 67A. What is your opinion in this matter? Do you think that abortion shold be more free?
V40 67B. Do you think that the possibility of getting an abortion should be completely open, or do you think that there should be legislation to make some limitations?
V41 68A. Particularly among the youth there has been a certain tendency towards removing difference between men and womens clothing while in the traditional style it is exactly the opposite. Here the womens clothing should be emphasized as much as possible. What do you think is most becoming or right?
V42 68B. How do you think the trend will go, towards greater similarity in clothing for men and women or decided difference?
V43 69A. Did you see the TV programme on graphology i.e. the study of handwriting?
V44 69B. Did you see the TV programme on astrology i.e. reading the stars in relationship to birthdata in order to study the individuals behaviour?
V45 69C. Do you have a chance to see TV in your household?
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