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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 8. Urbanization
V7 12A. Sex
V8 12B. Age
V9 12C. Marital status
V10 13. Respondents occupational status
V11 14A. Education
V12 14B. Income of respondent
V13 15. Total family income
V14 16. Supporters occupation
V15 17A. Total number of persons (In household)
V16 17B. Type of dwelling
V17 18A. Number of children under 15 years
V18 18B. Number of adults in household (15 years or more)
V19 18C. Respondents position in household Head of the family
V20 18C. Respondents position in household Housewife
V21 18C. Respondents position in household Other adult
V22 19A. Position of housewife
V23 19B. Social group
V24 22. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V25 23. If would not vote
V26 48B. As a measure in democratizing higher education it has been suggested giving students who to complete a study course sufficient economical support. Two proposals have been made: give students cheap or interest-free loans or salary during period of studying. Which do you think is the right way. Support in form of loan or in form of salary?
V27 48C. If support is given in the form of salary, the discussion has been about whether there should be open for all students to take a course with salary during period of studying or if there should be certain limitations based on the individual students qualifications such as capabilities and suitableness for studying, e.g. matriculation standard. What do you think about this, should it be possible to limit to a certain degree admission to study with salary or should there be no limitations?
V28 48D. If support is given in the form of salary, do you think that the parents economic status should be considered?
V29 49A. Have you planned where you are going to spend your vacation this year?
V30 49B. Will you spend your vacation here in the country or will you travel abroad? - (PERHAPS DOUBLE ANSWERS) Here in the country
V31 49B. Will you spend your vacation here in the country or will you travel abroad? - (PERHAPS DOUBLE ANSWERS) Abroad
V32 49B. Will you spend your vacation here in the country or will you travel abroad? - (PERHAPS DOUBLE ANSWERS) Dont know
V33 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation? Home
V34 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation? Cabin trailer
V35 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation? Camping (tent)
V36 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation? Summer cottage
V37 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation? Family visiting
V38 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation? Jutland
V39 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation? Fyn
V40 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation? Copenhagen
V41 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation? Bornholm
V42 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation? Work
V43 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation? Other
V44 50. (If here in this country) - Where will you spend your vacation Dont know
V45 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? Italy
V46 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? Austria
V47 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? Morocco
V48 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? Canary Islands
V49 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? Spain/Mallorca
V50 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? Germany
V51 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? Norway
V52 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? England
V53 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? Sweden
V54 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? France
V55 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? Others
V56 51. (If abroad) - Which country (countries) will you visit except them you will just be passing through? Dont know
V57 52A. Are you travelling alone or on a group tour?
V58 52B. Which form of travelling will you use? Own car without cabin trailer
V59 52B. Which form of travelling will you use? Own car with cabin trailer
V60 52B. Which form of travelling will you use? Train
V61 52B. Which form of travelling will you use? Aeroplane
V62 52B. Which form of travelling will you use? Ship
V63 52B. Which form of travelling will you use? Others
V64 52B. Which form of travelling will you use? Dont know
V65 52C. Is there a car in your household?
V66 53A. Does the car have direction signal (light) or wing?
V67 53B. Is the car equipped with safety belts?
V68 53C. Is the car euipped with safety belts in the back seat?
V69 54A. Do you know whether the car was equipped with safety belts when it was bought?
V70 54B. Was it a used car when bought?
V71 55A. Now quite another question. Do you think that the present Government has done well, relatively well or not good during the time it has been in power?
V72 55B. And now some questions about the political parties. Which party do you think does most for employment?
V73 56. Which party do you think does most for social well-being?
V74 57. Which party do you think does most for employees?
V75 58. Which party do you think is most liberal in its views?
V76 59. Which party do you think is most capable of stabelizing the economy?
V77 60A. There is a lively discussion nowadays about students having influence on university administration. May I hear your opinion. Do you think the students should have a certain degree of influence on various areas of university administration?
V78 60B. It is proposed that students have 50% say. What do you think. Should students have 50% say, more than 50% or less than 50%?
V79 61A. And finally: Do you think that there should be sexual education in school?
V80 61B. When do you think that sexual education should start?
V81 61C. Do you think that boys and girls should attend classes in sexual education together or separately?
V82 61D. Do you think that the classes should be compulsory or voluntary?
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