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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 8. Urbanization
V7 12A. Sex
V8 12B. Age
V9 12C. Marital status
V10 13. Respondents occupational status
V11 14A. Education
V12 14B. Income of respondent
V13 15. Total family income
V14 16. Supporters occupation
V15 17A. Total number of persons (In household)
V16 17B. Type of dwelling
V17 18A. Number of children under 15 years
V18 18B. Number of adults in household (15 years or more)
V19 18C. Respondents position in household Head of the family
V20 18C. Respondents position in household Housewife
V21 18C. Respondents position in household Other adult
V22 19A. Position of housewife
V23 19B. Social group
V24 22. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V25 23. If would not vote
V26 40A. Are you for or against that Denmark joins the European Common Market on the condition that England does likeliwise?
V27 40B. (If for) - If England does not join, are you for or against that Denmark joins?
V28 41A. Have you heard or read about the politicians trying to create a so-called Nordic Economical Union, i.e. a closer economical co-operation between the Nordic Countries?
V29 41B. (If yes) - In connection with this closer economical co-operation, it has been discussed, whether a Nordic Economical Union would interfere with Denmarks efforts in becoming a member of the European Common Market (the six) or not. If it should, now, be necessary for Denmark to choose between the Common Market and the Nordic Economical Union, which do you think Denmark should choose, still assuming that England joins the Common Market?
V30 41C. Which do you think that Denmark should choose, if England does not join the Common Market?
V31 42A. Which of the Nordic countries do you think is most anxious to get a Nordic Economical Union formed? Denmark
V32 42A. Which of the Nordic countries do you think is most anxious to get a Nordic Economical Union formed? Finland
V33 42A. Which of the Nordic countries do you think is most anxious to get a Nordic Economical Union formed? Sweden
V34 42A. Which of the Nordic countries do you think is most anxious to get a Nordic Economical Union formed? Norway
V35 42A. Which of the Nordic countries do you think is most anxious to get a Nordic Economical Union formed? Dont know
V36 42B. Which country do you think is least interested? Denmark
V37 42B. Which country do you think is least interested? Finland
V38 42B. Which country do you think is least interested? Sweden
V39 42B. Which country do you think is least interested? Norway
V40 42B. Which country do you think is least interested? Dont know
V41 43A. There is a great deal of talk about free abortion, by which is understood that any woman who is pregnant should be permitted to have the pregnancy interrupted if she wishes to do so. May I have your opinion, are you a supporter or opposer of free abortion?
V42 44A. Which do you think there should be taken greater consideration of, the pregnant woman or the unborn child?
V43 45. Which minimum age for right to vote in general election to parliament?
V44 46A. Which party do you think is most interested in a lower minimum age for right to vote? Socialdemokratiet
V45 46A. Which party do you think is most interested in a lower minimum age for right to vote? Radikale
V46 46A. Which party do you think is most interested in a lower minimum age for right to vote? Konservative
V47 46A. Which party do you think is most interested in a lower minimum age for right to vote? Venstre
V48 46A. Which party do you think is most interested in a lower minimum age for right to vote? Socialistisk Folkeparti
V49 46A. Which party do you think is most interested in a lower minimum age for right to vote? Other parties/dont know
V50 46B. Which party do you think is most interested in a higher minimum age for right to vote? Socialdemokratiet
V51 46B. Which party do you think is most interested in a higher minimum age for right to vote? Radikale
V52 46B. Which party do you think is most interested in a higher minimum age for right to vote? Konservative
V53 46B. Which party do you think is most interested in a higher minimum age for right to vote? Venstre
V54 46B. Which party do you think is most interested in a higher minimum age for right to vote? Socialistisk Folkeparti
V55 46B. Which party do you think is most interested in a higher minimum age for right to vote? Other parties/dont know
V56 47A. Have you heard or read of any discussion concerning to which extent Danish sportsmen should or should not take party in European Championships in Athletics in Greece due to dictatorship in Greece?
V57 47B. (If yes) - May I hear your opinion in this matter. Do you think Danes should or should not take part in the European Championship?
V58 47C. Do you think that the military rule in Greece will gradually draw closer to a more democratic form of government?
V59 48A. Are you bothered by noise there where you live, regardless of where the noise come from?
V60 48B. (If yes) - Do you feel very bothered, some bothered, or slightly bothered
V61 49. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from? Street traffic
V62 49. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from? Trains
V63 49. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from? Cars
V64 49. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from? Motorcycles/mopede
V65 49. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from? Mopedes in the evening
V66 49. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from? Neighbours
V67 49. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from? Business concerns/machines
V68 49. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from? Aeroplanes
V69 49. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from? Children playing
V70 49. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from? Others
V71 49. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from? Dont know
V72 50A. Are you bothered by unpleasant smells or an pollution where you live?
V73 50B. (If yes) - Do you feel very bothered, some bothered or slightly bothered?
V74 51. What kind of smell is it and where does it come from? Traffic/gasoline fumes
V75 51. What kind of smell is it and where does it come from? Chimney smoke
V76 51. What kind of smell is it and where does it come from? Oil burners/sut
V77 51. What kind of smell is it and where does it come from? Chemical factories
V78 51. What kind of smell is it and where does it come from? Fish factory
V79 51. What kind of smell is it and where does it come from? Sewer smell
V80 51. What kind of smell is it and where does it come from? Swamp/water
V81 51. What kind of smell is it and where does it come from? Others
V82 51. What kind of smell is it and where does it come from? Dont know
V83 52A. Are you bothered by noise where you work, regardless of where the noise comes from?
V84 52B. (If yes) - Are you very bothered, slightly bothered or some bothered?
V85 53. What kind of noise is it and where does it come from?
V86 54A. Are you bothered by unpleasant smells or an pollution where you work?
V87 54B. (If yes) - Are you very bothered, slightly bothered or some bothered?
V88 55. What kind of smell is it and where does it come from?
V89 56A. Our water ways and beaches become more and more polluted due to sewer drainage and waste water from factories. Would you accept a raise in taxes in order to provide means for stopping this pollution?
V90 56B. (If yes) - Would you accept a raise of more than 5%?
V91 56C. Which project do you think it is more important for the country to do something about? - Pollution or aid to underdeveloped countries?
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