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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 8. Urbanization
V7 12A. Sex
V8 12B. Age
V9 12C. Marital status
V10 13. Respondents occupational status
V11 14A. Education
V12 14B. Income of respondent
V13 15. Total family income
V14 16. Supporters occupation
V15 17A. Total number of persons (In household)
V16 17B. Type of dwelling
V17 18A. Number of children under 15 years
V18 18B. Number of adults in household (15 years or more)
V19 18C. Respondents position in household Head of the family
V20 18C. Respondents position in household Housewife
V21 18C. Respondents position in household Other adult
V22 19A. Position of housewife
V23 19B. Social group
V24 22. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V25 23. If would not vote
V26 50A. Are you for or against that Denmark takes part in North Atlantic Treaty (N.A.T.O.)?
V27 50B. There has been some controversy about the extent to which Denmarks Radio should sent journalists and televisions crews to Athens in Greece to cover the European Championships in Athletics. Have you heard or read about it?
V28 50C. Some people feel that as a protest against the military Rule, that Denmarks radio should not go to Athens to cover the events while others feel exactly the contrary that Denmarks radio have a democratic responsibility to follow and report events anywhere in the world regardless of political conditions. May I hear your opinion. Do you think that Denmarks radio should demonstrate against the Greek military rule by not sending journalists to cover the events in Athens or do you think that Denmarks radio should cover the European Championships in Athens in the same manner as they would do if they were not being held in Athens?
V29 51. If send journalists - Why?
V30 52. If not send - Why?
V31 53A. Some of the newspapers will completely boy-cott the European Championships in Athens? Do you think that this is right or wrong?
V32 53B. It has also been discussed to which extent Danish sportspeople should take part in the Championships. What is your opinion, should Danish sportspeople take part or refuse to take part?
V33 53C. Ever since the Greek military rule has been established the radio and press have (in detail) reported about the conditions in Greece. Do you think that we have received a clear picture of the situation in Greece or do you think that the situation is described as being worse or better than it really is?
V34 54. And now quite another question. If you should describe your health in general as very good, not so good or poor - which would you say it was?
V35 55. (If not so good or poor) - Approximately how long would you say your general health has not been so good or is poor?
V36 56. Do you think that it will be better?
V37 57A. To-day you find both men and women nurses. Who do you think is most suitable for this work, men or women or do you think that they are equally suitable?
V38 57B. Apart from who is most suitable, whom would you prefer if you should lay in hospital, female or male nurses?
V39 57C. And now some political questions. Who do you think has most right in the dispute between the Isralites and the Arabs?
V40 58A. Have you read or heard about the proposal that the Greek city Rhodos and Gladsaxe which is near Copenhagen should be friendship cities?
V41 58B. Do you think that it is a good idea or not that these two cities, a Greek and a Danish be so-called friendship cities?
V42 59. If not a good idea - Why? Has no purpose
V43 59. If not a good idea - Why? Rhodos too far away
V44 59. If not a good idea - Why? Due to the Greek dictator rule
V45 59. If not a good idea - Why? Politically wrong
V46 59. If not a good idea - Why? As long as the Government is not recognized
V47 59. If not a good idea - Why? European Council conducts a case against Greece
V48 59. If not a good idea - Why? Wrong time
V49 59. If not a good idea - Why? Other
V50 59. If not a good idea - Why? Dont know
V51 60A. And finally, this question. Not so long ago Denmarks Radios journalists were in Cjeckoslovakia from which were sent broadcasts from World Championships in bicycling. Do you think that it was right to broadcast these events, when Cjeckoslovakia does not have democratic rule, or do you think that it was wrong?
V52 60B. It has been proposed that young women as young men do serve a certain military training with the exception that women serve theirs in civil defence. Would you be a supporter or opposer of this proposal?
V53 61. If opposer - Why?
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