V1 |
V2 |
V3 |
Omnibus number |
V4 |
Sequence number |
V5 |
Duplicate indicator/weight variable |
V6 |
8. Urbanization |
V7 |
12A. Sex |
V8 |
12B. Age |
V9 |
12C. Marital status |
V10 |
13. Respondents occupational status |
V11 |
14A. Education |
V12 |
14B. Income of respondent |
V13 |
15. Total family income |
V14 |
16. Supporters occupation |
V15 |
17A. Total number of persons (In household) |
V16 |
17B. Type of dwelling |
V17 |
18A. Number of children under 15 years |
V18 |
18B. Number of adults in household (15 years or more) |
V19 |
18C. Respondents position in household Head of the family |
V20 |
18C. Respondents position in household Housewife |
V21 |
18C. Respondents position in household Other adult |
V22 |
19A. Position of housewife |
V23 |
19B. Social group |
V24 |
22. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow? |
V25 |
23. If would not vote |
V26 |
46A. How often would you say you see TVs theatre broadcasts always or almost always, often, now and then, seldom or never? (Show Card) |
V27 |
46B. What do you think about TVs theatre broadcasts. Do you think that they are very good, good or poor? |
V28 |
47A. In the discussion about the TV plays, one often distinguishes between the plays ordinary people can understand and those ordinary people cannot understand. Which type of play do you generally speaking like best? |
V29 |
47B. Do you think that there should be a greater or lesser number of plays of the type which are easily understood, or do you think that the present number is suitable? |
V30 |
47C. Do you think that there should be a greater or less number of plays of the type which are not so easily undertstood, or do you think the present number is suitable? |
V31 |
48A. In this discussion there is differentiated between the TV plays which are of a encouraging, enjoyable or comical nature and those plays which are grim, sinister, disturbing or frightening. May I hear your opinion. Are there too many, just right or too few of the more enjoyable type? |
V32 |
48B. Do you think that there are too many, just right or too few of the TV plays which are of the disturbing type? |
V33 |
49A. Do you feel that on the whole there are too many, suitable or too few plays shown on the TV? |
V34 |
49B. It is often discussed that the language used on TV now and then is poor. Some feel that swearing, slang and other strong figures of speech should not be used on TV. Do you think that the language on TV on the whole is too rough? |
V35 |
49C. Denmarks radio has to choose between changing over to coloured television or starting an extra TV programme, programme 2. Which would you prefer, coloured television or a programme 2? |
V36 |
49D. Do you have a chance to see TV in the household? |
V37 |
50A. Have you heard of school patroles i.e. those who help the small school children over the street? |
V38 |
50B. (If yes) - Do you think that the school patroles are much help, some help or very little help for the children? |
V39 |
50C. Do you think that there is need for more school patroles? |
V40 |
51. Do you have children in the age of 7-12 years going to school? - If yes - Which age? No |
V41 |
51. Do you have children in the age of 7-12 years going to school? - If yes - Which age? Yes, 7 years |
V42 |
51. Do you have children in the age of 7-12 years going to school? - If yes - Which age? Yes, 8 years |
V43 |
51. Do you have children in the age of 7-12 years going to school? - If yes - Which age? Yes, 9 years |
V44 |
51. Do you have children in the age of 7-12 years going to school? - If yes - Which age? Yes, 10 years |
V45 |
51. Do you have children in the age of 7-12 years going to school? - If yes - Which age? Yes, 11 years |
V46 |
51. Do you have children in the age of 7-12 years going to school? - If yes - Which age? Yes, 12 years |
V47 |
52A. Do your children have to cross streets or intersections where you wish there were a school patrole? |
V48 |
52B. (If yes) - Have these places school patroles? |
V49 |
52C. One of the arguments against school patroles is that we give these children who are on the school patroles too great a responsibility, force them to take too great a risk, that school patroles should be abolished. Do you agree or disagree? |
V50 |
53. (Only to independent farmers with/and wives who help) - Have you had summer holidays this year? |
V51 |
55. Where did you spend your summer hoildays? |
V52 |
56. Who looked after the farm during your summer holidays? |
V53 |
57. Do you have any stock on your farm? - (If yes) - What? |
V54 |
58. (To all independent farmers with/and wives who help). - How long is it since you took i.e. were away from the farm whole days? |
V55 |
59A. To all. A question regarding your physique. Would you say that it is excellent, all right, not very good or poor? |
V56 |
59B. Do you do anything to maintain your physique apart from the exercise you normally get in your daily work? |
V57 |
61A. Do you get exercise in your daily work? |
V58 |
61B.(If yes) - Do you do so-called physical work? |
V59 |
61C. To all. Can you climb astairs quickly e.g. 4th floor without being out of breath? |
V60 |
62A. And now something else: Do you think that wages can be raised without prices going up or do you think that wage increase will lead to price increase? |
V61 |
62B. Do you think that the working hours can be shortened without prices going up or do you think that shorter working hours will lead to price increase? |
V62 |
62C. Which do you prefer, large wage increase with also great price increase, or slight wage increase but also stable prices? |
V63 |
63. Are you member of a labour union? - Which? |
V64 |
64. Is your labour union a member of L.O. (National Labour Union)? |
V65 |
65. To all. What makes you most happy at present? Good health |
V66 |
65. To all. What makes you most happy at present? Children and grandchildren |
V67 |
65. To all. What makes you most happy at present? Coming vacation/travel |
V68 |
65. To all. What makes you most happy at present? Summer house |
V69 |
65. To all. What makes you most happy at present? The good weather/nature |
V70 |
65. To all. What makes you most happy at present? Family/home life |
V71 |
65. To all. What makes you most happy at present? Work |
V72 |
65. To all. What makes you most happy at present? Friends |
V73 |
65. To all. What makes you most happy at present? Good economy |
V74 |
65. To all. What makes you most happy at present? Sport/hobby |
V75 |
65. To all. What makes you most happy at present? Other |
V76 |
66. And what would you say worries you most at this time? Personal economy |
V77 |
66. And what would you say worries you most at this time? Countrys economy |
V78 |
66. And what would you say worries you most at this time? Taxes/tax at the source |
V79 |
66. And what would you say worries you most at this time? Increase in prices |
V80 |
66. And what would you say worries you most at this time? World situation/wars |
V81 |
66. And what would you say worries you most at this time? Health |
V82 |
66. And what would you say worries you most at this time? Unemployment |
V83 |
66. And what would you say worries you most at this time? Children |
V84 |
66. And what would you say worries you most at this time? Future |
V85 |
66. And what would you say worries you most at this time? Nothing |
V86 |
66. And what would you say worries you most at this time? Other |
V87 |
67A. Did you know that property (house) owners have an income tax advantage in that the deficit on their is deductable on their tax form when they are figuring taxable income? |
V88 |
67B. (If yes) - The deficit comes from setting the rent value, which is considered as income, very low, while the interest on the loans in the house are usually very high. It is now proposed that this advantage should be limited for owners of large houses in such a manner that the rent value, which, as said before, is considered as income, be raised - hereby decreasing the deficit. Would you be for or against such a proposal? |
V89 |
67C. (If for) - Do you think that the proposal should include all houses regardless of size? |
V90 |
68. (If yes) - Why? |
V91 |
69. (If no) - Which limits do you think should be made property assessment, under 100.., 150......igher? (Show card): |
V92 |
70A. How interested are you in politics, very much, some, not much, very little or not? (Show card) |
V93 |
70B. Do you think that the politicians keep the voters well informed? |
V94 |
70C. Do you think the politicians feel bound by promises given at election time? |
V95 |
71A. What is your opinion about moden art? Do you think that modern art is of great importance, some importance or little or no importance to ordinary people? |
V96 |
71A. How interested are you in modern art? Very interested, some, not much, very little or not? |
V97 |
71C. There is a great deal of talk about democracy at the job by which is meant that employees have a voice when important decisions are to be made. On the other side is the opinion that an effective management should alone make the decisions. What do you think is best? |
V98 |
72A. Where you work, do the employees take part in making decisions, or do management on the large alone make decisions? |
V99 |
72B. (If do not take part) - Do you think that employees should take part more than they do? |
V100 |
73. (If owner of house) - Do you remember the evaluation of your house at the last property evaluation? |
V101 |
74. How much do you think the evaluation will be this time at the new property evaluation? |
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