

Beskrivelse ?


Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Month:
V7 8. Urbanization:
V8 12a. Sex:
V9 12b. Age:
V10 12c. Marital status:
V11 13. Respondents occupational status:
V12 14a. Education:
V13 14b. Income of respondent:
V14 15. Total income of family:
V15 16. Supporters occupation:
V16 17a. Total number of persons (in household):
V17 17b. Type of dwelling:
V18 18a. Number of children under 15 years:
V19 18b. Number of adults in household (15 years or more):
V20 18c. Respondents position in household: Head of the family
V21 18c. Respondents position in household: Housewife
V22 18c. Respondents position in household: Other adult
V23 19a. Position of housewife:
V24 19b. Social group:
V25 20/21. Did you vote at the last general election (January 1968). - Which party did you vote for?
V26 22/23. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V27 64a. Are you for or against that Denmark becomes a member of the Common Market provided that England also enters?
V28 64b. If England does not enter, are you then for or against that Denmark should enter?
V29 64c. If it was suggested that Denmark and other equal countrie should grant 1% of the national income, i.e. about 800 million D.kroner yearly as far as Denmark is concerned as support to the underdeveloped countries Would you then be for or against?
V30 64d. Did you watch the TV-opera En nat i Venedig (One night in Venice) on Boxing Day?
V31 65a. What is your opinion of this cast, was it very good, good or not good?
V32 65b. Have you had an influenza or an inflammation of the throat or a cold within the last couple of months? No, none of them (to question 67 (V37))
V33 65b. Have you had an influenza or an inflammation of the throat or a cold within the last couple of months? Yes, influenza
V34 65b. Have you had an influenza or an inflammation of the throat or a cold within the last couple of months? Yes, inflammation
V35 65b. Have you had an influenza or an inflammation of the throat or a cold within the last couple of months? Yes, cold
V36 66. Have you been confined to your bed due to that illness? (If yes - How long - (Number of days))
V37 67. Are there some persons in your household who have had influenza, inflammation of the throat or a cold within the last couple of months?
V38 68a. Inflammations of the throat:
V39 68b. Colds:
V40 69a. Have you been vaccinated aginst influenza within the last couple of months.
V41 69b. Do you use the public means of transport? (If yes - what kinds and how long?) No
V42 69b. Do you use the public means of transport? (If yes - what kinds and how long?) Yes, S-train
V43 69b. Do you use the public means of transport? (If yes - what kinds and how long?) Yes, Train
V44 69b. Do you use the public means of transport? (If yes - what kinds and how long?) Yes, Tram
V45 69b. Do you use the public means of transport? (If yes - what kinds and how long?) Yes, Tramway buses
V46 69b. Do you use the public means of transport? (If yes - what kinds and how long?) Yes, Coach
V47 69b. Do you use the public means of transport? (If yes - what kinds and how long?) Yes, DSB-coach
V48 69b. Do you use the public means of transport? (If yes - what kinds and how long?) Yes, Suburban buses
V49 69b. Do you use the public means of transport? (If yes - what kinds and how long?) Yes, Others
V50 69b. Do you use the public means of transport? (If yes - what kinds and how long?) Yes, Missing answer
V51 70. Number of minutes:
V52 (If influenza, inflammation of throat or cold quest. 65b. (V32-V35)) 71. Did you have a temperature during your illness?
V53 72. What other symptoms did you have? None
V54 72. What other symptoms did you have? Headache
V55 72. What other symptoms did you have? Pains in all parts of body/joints
V56 72. What other symptoms did you have? Cough/cold
V57 72. What other symptoms did you have? Sore throat/ear(s)
V58 72. What other symptoms did you have? Sinusitis
V59 72. What other symptoms did you have? Tiredness
V60 72. What other symptoms did you have? Nausea/vomiting/stomach pains/diarrhoea
V61 72. What other symptoms did you have? Dizziness
V62 72. What other symptoms did you have? Eye pains/upset by lights
V63 72. What other symptoms did you have? Others
V64 72. What other symptoms did you have? Dont remember/missing answer
V65 73a. Did your doctor see you during your illness?
V66 73b. Have you watched any of the TV casts about Pippi Langstrømpe?
V67 73c. (If yes) - Have you watched all of them or almost all, most of them or few?
V68 73d. Do you think that the casts were very good, good or not good?
V69 74a. Do you think that the casts will affect children in an unfortunate way because Pippi is doing things that children normally are not allowed to?
V70 74b. (If Children in the household under 15) How many of the casts did the children watch?
V71 75. What did the children think about the casts? Very enthusiastic/interested
V72 75. What did the children think about the casts? Funny/amusing
V73 75. What did the children think about the casts? Very good
V74 75. What did the children think about the casts? Good
V75 75. What did the children think about the casts? Very pleased about Pippi/funny and gay girl
V76 75. What did the children think about the casts? Was pleased about the casts/saw them both times
V77 75. What did the children think about the casts? Children thought they were exciting
V78 75. What did the children think about the casts? Something was good
V79 75. What did the children think about the casts? Too silly
V80 75. What did the children think about the casts? Not very interesting
V81 75. What did the children think about the casts? Others
V82 75. What did the children think about the casts? Missing answer/dont know
V83 76a. Have you ever had a dog in the household that you no longer have?
V84 76b. How long since is it that you had the dog? (If several, ask about the last one)
V85 77a. Did the dog die?
V86 77b. (If yes) - Was it destroyed?
V87 77c. What did the dog die of? (If destroyed) - Why? Old age
V88 77c. What did the dog die of? (If destroyed) - Why? Illness
V89 77c. What did the dog die of? (If destroyed) - Why? Road accident/was run over
V90 77c. What did the dog die of? (If destroyed) - Why? Was roaming about
V91 77c. What did the dog die of? (If destroyed) - Why? Started biting/too snappish
V92 77c. What did the dog die of? (If destroyed) - Why? The neighbour complained/was not allowed to have a dog
V93 77c. What did the dog die of? (If destroyed) - Why? Others
V94 77c. What did the dog die of? (If destroyed) - Why? Dont know/missing answer
V95 78. How old was the dog when it died?
V96 79a. What sort of dog was it?
V97 79b. Do you have a television set in your household?
V98 80a. Denmark has had talks with Finland, Norway and Sweden for a long time on the formation of a Nordic Economic Union, i.e. a very close economic co-operation with the Nordic countries. How important do you think this is, that we get or do not get an economic union among the Nordic countries?
V99 It has been discussed if a Nordic Economic Union would prevent Denmark from becoming a member of the European Community (The Six). If Denmark is forced to choose between the Nordic and the European Market, what do you think is most important: That Denmark becomes a member of the Nordic Economic Union or a member of the Common Market together with England?
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