V1 |
V2 |
V3 |
Omnibus number |
V4 |
Sequence number |
V5 |
Duplicate indicator/weight variable |
V6 |
1. Month: |
V7 |
8. Urbanization: |
V8 |
12a. Sex: |
V9 |
12b. Age: |
V10 |
12c. Marital status: |
V11 |
13. Respondents occupational status: |
V12 |
14a. Education: |
V13 |
14b. Income of respondent: |
V14 |
15. Total income of family: |
V15 |
16. Supporters occupation: |
V16 |
17a. Total number of persons (in household): |
V17 |
17b. Type of dwelling: |
V18 |
18a. Number of children under 15 years: |
V19 |
18b. Number of adults in household (15 years or more): |
V20 |
18c. Respondents position in household: Head of the family |
V21 |
18c. Respondents position in household: Housewife |
V22 |
18c. Respondents position in household: Other adult |
V23 |
19a. Position of housewife: |
V24 |
19b. Social group: |
V25 |
20/21. Did you vote at the last general election (January 1968). - Which party did you vote for? |
V26 |
22/23. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow? |
V27 |
53a. Do you think the housing shortage is now a problem that is very great, great or not so great? |
V28 |
53b. Are you very satisfied, satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with your own housing conditions? |
V29 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? Not sufficient room |
V30 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? Bad sanitary conditions/no water facilities |
V31 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? Too bad/leaking habitation/bad maintenance |
V32 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? Too old house/inflammable |
V33 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? Location |
V34 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? Bad arrangements |
V35 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? No heating |
V36 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? Too much noise |
V37 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? Bad insulation |
V38 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? Collective kitchen |
V39 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? Others |
V40 |
54. (If somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) With what are you dissatisfied? Dont know/missing answer |
V41 |
55. Do you think your rent is too high, reasonable or too small? |
V42 |
56. How much per cent of the total income of the household - just approximately - do you think your rent is? |
V43 |
57. How many rooms (i.e. rooms fit for habitation) are at disposal in your household? |
V44 |
58a. How many persons are included in your household altogether? |
V45 |
58b. Have you heard or read about the recent political debate on a change of the housing settlement from 1966? |
V46 |
59a. The rent in existing properties has been frozen since the war, so that it could only be brought to an increase by legal means. If it might be suggested that the rent should be allowed to adapt itself freely to a so called free market, i.e. like other prives, would you then be for or against? |
V47 |
59b. Owners of single family houses or cottages obtain a fiscal relief on their houses. This is due to the fact that the expenses of interest can be deducted on the tax return. The value of the house, however, must be stated as an income. The value of the house is fixed very low in proportion of the expense of interest, so that a deficit of the house can be deducted from the income taxable. Do you think this is reasonable or not reasonable? |
V48 |
59c. If it was suggested that the value of own house should be fixed considerably higher than the present fixation, whereby the tax relief would be less Would you then be for or against? |
V49 |
60a. Another question: How do you think the economic situation of Denmark will be in a year from now on, will it then be improved, deterioated or almost unchanged as it is at the moment? |
V50 |
60b. Do you find that the present economic tightening, which, among other thing, is noticeable by higher taxes, is necessary in view of the economy of the country? |
V51 |
60c. The Pay-As-You-Earn-System is now in force and has been imposed for the first time. Are you for or against this system, i.e. that the tax is deducted from the wages? |
V52 |
61a. Do you think that you can afford more in the future, the same or less than before? |
V53 |
61b. Do you find that the total burden of taxation is divided reasonably or not reasonably among all taxpayers? |
V54 |
62a. Do you pay debt services either on a house or on a weekend cottage? |
V55 |
62b. (If yes to question 62a (V54)) - The debt services fall due twice a year as a rule - that is an old tradition. What would you prefer: that the services fall due twice a year, four times a year (every quarter) or twelve times a year (every month)? |
V56 |
62c. And finally: If it was suggested that women - in case of unwanted pregnancy - should have free access to get induced an abortion - would you then be for or against? |
V57 |
62d. (If against or dont know) - If it was suggested that the access to get induced an abortion should be more free than before, would you then be for or against? |
V58 |
63. Who do you think that should be shown most consideration, the woman or the child? |
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