

Beskrivelse ?


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Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Month:
V7 8. Urbanization:
V8 12a. Sex:
V9 12b. Age:
V10 12c. Marital status:
V11 13. Respondents occupational status:
V12 14a. Education:
V13 14b. Income of respondent:
V14 15. Total income of family:
V15 16. Supporters occupation:
V16 17a. Total number of persons (in household):
V17 17b. Type of dwelling:
V18 18a. Number of children under 15 years:
V19 18b. Number of adults in household (15 years or more):
V20 18c. Respondents position in household: Head of the family
V21 18c. Respondents position in household: Housewife
V22 18c. Respondents position in household: Other adult
V23 19a. Position of housewife:
V24 19b. Social group:
V25 20/21. Did you vote at the last general election (January 1968). - Which party did you vote for?
V26 22/23. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V27 57a. Have you watched one or more of the TV casts on Sundays Søndagsmagasinet with Flemming Madsen?
V28 57b. (If yes) - Do you watch the casts on every or almost every Sunday?
V29 57c. What is your opinion about the casts? Do you think they are very good, good or not good?
V30 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? Too small contents/too dull/too silly
V31 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? Too bad
V32 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? Too much conversation in the casts/Flemming Madsen talks too much
V33 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? Not exciting enough
V34 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? Flemming Madsen is domineering/provocative/pleased with himself
V35 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? Dont like Flemming Madsen/Flemming Madsen is not satisfactory
V36 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? The two singers were horrible
V37 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? Badly arranged
V38 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? Make fun of too much/too impertinent/too cynical
V39 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? Too extreme/left-wing/politically marked
V40 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? Others
V41 58. (If not good) - Why dont you think that the casts are good? Dont know
V42 59. Do you have a dog in your household?
V43 60. (If yes) - How old is your dog?
V44 61. What sort of dog is it?
V45 62a. Have you had a dog before in your household?
V46 62b. Where is your dog mostly during the day: mostly outdoors or indoors?
V47 63. (If indoors) - How many times a day do you take your dog out?
V48 64. Where does your dog sleep? If in a flat or some other habitation - in what room?
V49 65a. How many times a day do you give your dog something to eat?
V50 65b. Do you sometimes give it something to eat between meals?
V51 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? The same as the household
V52 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? Bits of food/remains/broken victuals from the cooking
V53 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? Dog food/dog biscuits
V54 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? Food of liver paste
V55 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? Bones
V56 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? Milk
V57 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? Rye bread
V58 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? Meat/liver
V59 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? Potatoes/sauce
V60 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? Cod liver oil/vitamins
V61 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? Others
V62 66. What sort of food do you give your dog? Various kinds/everything possible
V63 67a. Where did you get your dog, was it from a kennel club or a dog fancier or elsewhere?
V64 67b. Do you have difficulties or trouble with your shopping due to the closing hours of the shops?
V65 67c. Do you shop from day to day or do you shop on special days in order to cover your requirements for several days?
V66 68a. On what day or possibly what days would you prefer to do your shopping provided that the shops are open at the hour you want to go shopping? Monday
V67 68a. On what day or possibly what days would you prefer to do your shopping provided that the shops are open at the hour you want to go shopping? Tuesday
V68 68a. On what day or possibly what days would you prefer to do your shopping provided that the shops are open at the hour you want to go shopping? Wednesday
V69 68a. On what day or possibly what days would you prefer to do your shopping provided that the shops are open at the hour you want to go shopping? Thursday
V70 68a. On what day or possibly what days would you prefer to do your shopping provided that the shops are open at the hour you want to go shopping? Friday
V71 68a. On what day or possibly what days would you prefer to do your shopping provided that the shops are open at the hour you want to go shopping? Saturday
V72 68a. On what day or possibly what days would you prefer to do your shopping provided that the shops are open at the hour you want to go shopping? Dont know
V73 68b. Do you think that the shops should decide themselves to a greater extent when and how long they want to be open or do you think that it is best as it is now where the Shops Act fixes the closing hours?
V74 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? Gives more competition/free competition/free trade
V75 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? Know the requirements of the clients/for the sake of the customers/better opening hours
V76 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? Should have the right of deciding themselves/whats suitable to individuals
V77 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? The small shops have a chance of surviving
V78 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? Due to the tourists/weekend cottage areas
V79 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? For the sake of the staff/working hours
V80 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? Depends on what sort of shops
V81 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? The requirements vary from place to place
V82 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? Women working outside the home have not sufficient time to do the shopping/would like to go shopping when we feel like it
V83 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? The Shops Act is broken all the same
V84 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? Others
V85 69. (If shops should decide themselves) - Why? Dont know/missing answer
V86 70a. Have you heard or read about the new Bill on the Shops Act?
V87 70b. (If yes) - Do you think that you will be better off or worse off after this Bill or will it make no difference?
V88 70c. What would you prefer: That the shopping hours were extended on Saturdays and, in return, reduced on Fridays or that the shopping hours should be fixed to late on Fridays, and, in return, that the closing hours, for instance, were fixed to 12 oclock on Saturday?
V89 70d. Do you work in a shop?
V90 71a. Have you considered or discussed about how you will spend your summerholidays this year?
V91 71c. (If yes) - Do you want to go abroad or will you spend your holidays in this country? Holidays abroad
V92 71c. (If yes) - Do you want to go abroad or will you spend your holidays in this country? Holidays in this country
V93 71c. (If yes) - Do you want to go abroad or will you spend your holidays in this country? Dont know
V94 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? Norway
V95 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? Sweden
V96 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? Germany
V97 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? France
V98 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? Spain
V99 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? Mallorca
V100 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? The United States
V101 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? Switzerland
V102 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? Italy
V103 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? Austria
V104 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? Others
V105 72. (If holidays abroad) - In what country/countries do you want to spend your holidays? Dont know/missing answer
V106 73. (If in this country) - Do you want to spend your holidays in a weekend cottage, elsewhere or at home?
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