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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Month:
V7 8. Urbanization:
V8 12a. Sex:
V9 12b. Age:
V10 12c. Marital status:
V11 13. Respondents occupational status:
V12 14a. Education:
V13 14b. Income of respondent:
V14 15. Total income of family:
V15 16. Supporters occupation:
V16 17a. Total number of persons (in household):
V17 17b. Type of dwelling:
V18 18a. Number of children under 15 years:
V19 18b. Number of adults in household (15 years or more):
V20 18c. Respondents position in household: Head of the family
V21 18c. Respondents position in household: Housewife
V22 18c. Respondents position in household: Other adult
V23 19a. Position of housewife:
V24 19b. Social group:
V25 20/21. Did you vote at the last general election (January 1968). - Which party did you vote for?
V26 22/23. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V27 59a. Have you tried to be a blood donor?
V28 59b. Would you like to try?
V29 60. Why not? The age/too old
V30 60. Why not? Due to illness
V31 60. Why not? Anaemia
V32 60. Why not? Dont like injections
V33 60. Why not? Dont stand seeing blood/needles
V34 60. Why not? Is upset when getting injections
V35 60. Why not? Is fainting
V36 60. Why not? Hasnt got time/too much inconvenience
V37 60. Why not? Lives too far from hospital or the like
V38 60. Why not? As it is not paid
V39 60. Why not? Others
V40 60. Why not? Dont know
V41 61. Have you ever considered if you might be registered as a blood donor?
V42 62. How many times approx. have you given your blood?
V43 63. Why are you a blood donor? In order to help people/humanitarian reasons
V44 63. Why are you a blood donor? Its ones duty
V45 63. Why are you a blood donor? Illness in the family, would help there
V46 63. Why are you a blood donor? Gave blood during a campaign/request
V47 63. Why are you a blood donor? Donor as a soldier
V48 63. Why are you a blood donor? Donor in the place of work
V49 63. Why are you a blood donor? Will be called in when necessary
V50 63. Why are you a blood donor? Has a rare blood group
V51 63. Why are you a blood donor? Has been registered
V52 63. Why are you a blood donor? No longer donor
V53 63. Why are you a blood donor? Others
V54 63. Why are you a blood donor? Dont know
V55 64a. If suggested that all adults and healthy persons had to give blood, would you then be for or against?
V56 64b. Do you know whats your blood group? (If yes) - What blood group?
V57 65a. Do you pay debt services on house or weekend cottage?
V58 65b. (If yes) - The debt services, as a rule, fall due twice a year, thats an old tradition. What would you prefer: That the debt services fall due twice a year, four times a year (every quarter) or 12 times a year (every month)?
V59 66a. Have you heard about the recent debates on the matrimonial legislation?
V60 66b. The marriage Act has been worked out in consideration of both the man, the woman and the children. Which of the three parties do you think the Marriage Act primarily should protect? The man
V61 66b. The marriage Act has been worked out in consideration of both the man, the woman and the children. Which of the three parties do you think the Marriage Act primarily should protect? The woman (to quest. 66c (V64))
V62 66b. The marriage Act has been worked out in consideration of both the man, the woman and the children. Which of the three parties do you think the Marriage Act primarily should protect? The children
V63 66b. The marriage Act has been worked out in consideration of both the man, the woman and the children. Which of the three parties do you think the Marriage Act primarily should protect? Dont know
V64 66c. Who do you think is best off under the present Marriage Act, the man or the woman?
V65 67. Why? Better off economically
V66 67. Why? Due to better education
V67 67. Why? Can pay to escape it
V68 67. Why? Better possibility to live/or can act more freely/ devote oneselfs interests
V69 67. Why? As a rule not tied due to children
V70 67. Why? Has got a work as a rule/the woman must possibly start again in business life
V71 67. Why? The man fixes that as head of family
V72 67. Why? No equal right
V73 67. Why? The man has got most rights
V74 67. Why? Others
V75 67. Why? Dont know
V76 68. (If woman) - Why? Preference regarding children
V77 68. (If woman) - Why? Gets a flat easier
V78 68. (If woman) - Why? Alimony
V79 68. (If woman) - Why? The woman has got most rights
V80 68. (If woman) - Why? The woman is protected by law
V81 68. (If woman) - Why? The man is liable for all debts
V82 68. (If woman) - Why? The woman gets aid more easily
V83 68. (If woman) - Why? Others
V84 68. (If woman) - Why? Dont know
V85 69a. If suggested that the matrimonial legislation should be abolished completely, would you then be for or against?
V86 69b. If the matrimonial legislation was completely abolished, who do you think would be best off then: the man or the woman?
V87 69c. How do you think the children would be off: better or poorer than under present conditions?
V88 70a. Now a political question. During the debate on new measures to remedy the economic situation the Government and the Social Democratic Party did not succeed in coming to an agreement about a joint solution on the economic problems. Which of the parties, in your opinion, is to blame most for this the Government parties or the Social Democratic Party?
V89 70b. Do you think the blame can be put on the Government for the deteriorated economic situation or do you believe the situation would have been unchanged no matter what Government?
V90 70c. We have now got an increase of the added value tax by 2 1/2% to 15%, what would you prefer: this increase or an increase of the income tax?
V91 71. And finally: do you find that it is correct or wrong to abolish the Pornography Act?
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