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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 1. Month:
V7 8. Urbanization:
V8 12a. Sex:
V9 12b. Age:
V10 12c. Marital status:
V11 13. Respondents occupational status:
V12 14a. Education:
V13 14b. Income of respondent:
V14 15. Total income of family:
V15 16. Supporters occupation:
V16 17a. Total number of persons (in household):
V17 17b. Type of dwelling:
V18 18a. Number of children under 15 years:
V19 18b. Number of adults in household (15 years or more):
V20 18c. Respondents position in household: Head of the family
V21 18c. Respondents position in household: Housewife
V22 18c. Respondents position in household: Other adult
V23 19a. Position of housewife:
V24 19b. Social group:
V25 20/21. Did you vote at the last general election (January 1968). - Which party did you vote for?
V26 22/23. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V27 56a. Much is said and written about the so-called rising of the youth. May I hear your opinion? Do you think this rising is sound or not?
V28 56b. No matter what you think about the rising of the youth do you find that the youth speaks its cause or does it put it forward in a right or wrong manner?
V29 56c. What do you think is most important in the place of work: voice in the management, higher pay or shorter working hours?
V30 57a. Do you think it is right that a certain unemployment is necessary to get the economy of the country to work well?
V31 57b. Which of the following problems should be given most preference in order to solve it? The housing problem
V32 57b. Which of the following problems should be given most preference in order to solve it? The economic problems
V33 57b. Which of the following problems should be given most preference in order to solve it? The pollution problems
V34 57b. Which of the following problems should be given most preference in order to solve it? The traffic problems
V35 57b. Which of the following problems should be given most preference in order to solve it? Development of the social welfare work
V36 57b. Which of the following problems should be given most preference in order to solve it? Development of the health services, i.e. hospitals and similar services
V37 57b. Which of the following problems should be given most preference in order to solve it? Assistance to development countries
V38 58a. Do you think we are going to get a new non-Socialist Government, consisting of the three parties: the Liberals, the Conservative Party, the Social-Liberal Party after the next general election?
V39 58b. And now I have some questions about hashis: Have you ever read or heard about hashis and smoking of hashis?
V40 58c. Is hashis harmful or not harmful in your opinion?
V41 58d. Is it, in your opinion, very harmful or do you only mean that it is somewhat or slightly harmful?
V42 59a. What do you think is most harmful: drugs such as morphine ,heroin or hashis or dont you think theres any special difference?
V43 59b. Smoking of hashis is in most cases connected with youth. How widespread do you think smoking of hashis is among young people? Do you think it is very widespread, somewhat widespread or slightly widespread?
V44 59c. Do you know somebody who has tried to smoke hashis?
V45 60a. Have you, yourself, ever tried to smoke hashis, that is to say just tried it?
V46 60b. If it was suggested that hashis should be free, i.e. that one could buy and smoke it freely, would you then be for or against?
V47 60c. Are you for or against that Denmark is a member of the Atlantic Pact (Nato)?
V48 61a. Are you for or against that Denmark goes into the Common Market provided that England also becomes a member?
V49 61b. If England does not go into this market are you then for or against that Denmark should enter?
V50 61c. Do you think that the United States would be a stronger organization?
V51 61d. It has been suggested that the United Nations should establish a peace-keeping force of 100. Are you for or against such a suggestion?
V52 62a. The Government has moved a motion for an improvement of the economy of the country. Is this motion, in your opinion, good or not good?
V53 62b. What do you prefer: that the Government alone works out the economic policy or that it comes to an agreement with the Social Democratic Party about the economic policy?
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