V1 |
V2 |
V3 |
Omnibus number |
V4 |
Sequence number |
V5 |
Duplicate indicator/weight variable |
V6 |
8. Urbanization |
V7 |
12A. Sex |
V8 |
12B. Age |
V9 |
12C. Marital status |
V10 |
13. Respondents occupational status |
V11 |
14A. Education |
V12 |
14B. Income of respondent |
V13 |
15. Total family income |
V14 |
15. Total family income |
V15 |
15. Total family income |
V16 |
15. Total family income |
V17 |
15. Total family income |
V18 |
15. Total family income |
V19 |
15. Total family income |
V20 |
15. Total family income |
V21 |
16. Supporters occupation |
V22 |
17A. Total number of persons (In household) |
V23 |
17B. Type of dwelling |
V24 |
18A. Number of children under 15 years |
V25 |
18B. Number of adults in household (15 years or more) |
V26 |
18C. Respondents position in household Head of the family |
V27 |
18C. Respondents position in household Housewife |
V28 |
18C. Respondents position in household Other adult |
V29 |
19A. Position of housewife No housewife |
V30 |
19A. Position of housewife Housewife without employment |
V31 |
19A. Position of housewife Housewife with full-time employment |
V32 |
19A. Position of housewife Housewife with part-time employment |
V33 |
19A. Position of housewife Housewife who helps husband |
V34 |
19B. Social group |
V35 |
22. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow? |
V36 |
23. If would not vote |
V37 |
29A. It is said that adverstisements and advertising are not always reliable, but it is also said that the political subjects also found in the newspapers, i.e. written by the journalists, neither are reliable. If you should try to compare these two things in the newspapers: advertisements and advertising on one hand and the political subjects on the other hand, what do you then believe is most reliable: advertising or the other subjects? |
V38 |
29B. What do you think is most important: that advertisements, advertising or the other subjects are reliable? |
V39 |
29C. How reliable do you generally think advertisements and advertising are: very reliable, fairly reliable, not so reliable or not at all reliable? |
V40 |
30. Can you name the countries that are members of the Common Market to-day? West Germany |
V41 |
30. Can you name the countries that are members of the Common Market to-day? Italy |
V42 |
30. Can you name the countries that are members of the Common Market to-day? France |
V43 |
30. Can you name the countries that are members of the Common Market to-day? Luxemburg |
V44 |
30. Can you name the countries that are members of the Common Market to-day? Holland |
V45 |
30. Can you name the countries that are members of the Common Market to-day? Belgium |
V46 |
30. Can you name the countries that are members of the Common Market to-day? Other answers |
V47 |
30. Can you name the countries that are members of the Common Market to-day? Dont know |
V48 |
31. What countries will enter the Common Market at the same time as Denmark? Ireland |
V49 |
31. What countries will enter the Common Market at the same time as Denmark? England |
V50 |
31. What countries will enter the Common Market at the same time as Denmark? Norway |
V51 |
31. What countries will enter the Common Market at the same time as Denmark? Sweden |
V52 |
31. What countries will enter the Common Market at the same time as Denmark? Other answers |
V53 |
31. What countries will enter the Common Market at the same time as Denmark? Dont know |
V54 |
32. Can you tell me when a possible membership of the Common Market can be cancelled? Cannot be cancelled/never/irrevocable |
V55 |
32. Can you tell me when a possible membership of the Common Market can be cancelled? No |
V56 |
32. Can you tell me when a possible membership of the Common Market can be cancelled? After 1 - 3 years |
V57 |
32. Can you tell me when a possible membership of the Common Market can be cancelled? After 4 - 5 years |
V58 |
32. Can you tell me when a possible membership of the Common Market can be cancelled? After 6 - 9 years |
V59 |
32. Can you tell me when a possible membership of the Common Market can be cancelled? After 10 years/in 1982 - 1983 |
V60 |
32. Can you tell me when a possible membership of the Common Market can be cancelled? More than 11 years |
V61 |
32. Can you tell me when a possible membership of the Common Market can be cancelled? By a general election |
V62 |
32. Can you tell me when a possible membership of the Common Market can be cancelled? Cannot be cancelled without serious consequences/ without economic loss |
V63 |
32. Can you tell me when a possible membership of the Common Market can be cancelled? Other answers |
V64 |
32. Can you tell me when a possible membership of the Common Market can be cancelled? Dont know |
V65 |
33. Have you received any form of information material about the Common Market? |
V66 |
What have you received? The EF (Common Market) paper/the EF pamphlet Denmark and the Common Market/brochures by mail |
V67 |
What have you received? Material from the political parties |
V68 |
What have you received? AOF/FOF |
V69 |
What have you received? Daily papers |
V70 |
What have you received? TV/radio |
V71 |
What have you received? Trade journals/periodicals |
V72 |
What have you received? Other answers |
V73 |
What have you received? Dont know/dont remember |
V74 |
35A. Have you read this material |
V75 |
35B. Do you feel that you know sufficient to-day about the Common Market, so that you can take part in the referendum of whether or not Denmark can become a member? |
V76 |
69A. Are you for or against that Denmark joins the European Common Market? |
V77 |
69B. If Norway does not become a member, are you then for or against that Denmark goes in? |
V78 |
70A. If Norway becomes a member, are you then for or against that Denmark goes in? |
V79 |
70B. In abot six months there will be a referendum on Danish entry into the Common Market. - Will you take part in this referendum? |
V80 |
70C. How likely is it that you will take part in the referendum? Show card |
V81 |
71A. Have you discussed Denmarks relations to the Common Market within the last 8 days with anyone, either in the household or outside this? No |
V82 |
71A. Have you discussed Denmarks relations to the Common Market within the last 8 days with anyone, either in the household or outside this? Yes, in the household |
V83 |
71A. Have you discussed Denmarks relations to the Common Market within the last 8 days with anyone, either in the household or outside this? Yes, outside the household |
V84 |
71A. Have you discussed Denmarks relations to the Common Market within the last 8 days with anyone, either in the household or outside this? Dont remember |
V85 |
71B. Do you find that you have got sufficient information on the Common Market or do you feel that you need more information? |
V86 |
72A. Have you taken a final decision on whether you are for or against a Danish membership of the Common Market? |
V87 |
72B. Do you find that the present Government has managed well, fairly well or not well during the time it has been in office? |
V88 |
72C. And now another question. How interested would you say that you personally are in cooking I am not thinking of the daily cooking, only. Would you say that you are very interested, somewhat interested, not so interested, slightly interested or not at all interested? |
V89 |
73. How frequently do you personally cook new dishes according to recipes: often, now and then, seldom or never? |
V90 |
74. How many books about cooking and cookery books do you have in the household? |
V91 |
75A. Do you, yourself, systematically collect recipes from magazines etc.? |
V92 |
75B. (If married woman - otherwise proceed to q.76A) How interested would you say that your husband is in cooking - of course apart from eating the dishes - is he very interested, somewhat interested, not so interested, slightly interested or not at all interested? |
V93 |
75C. Is he very good, good or not so good at cooking? |
V94 |
76A. Have you heard about the so-called Rødstrømper (the Red Stocking Movement)? |
V95 |
76B. Are you for or against the thoughts and ideas of the so-called Rødstrømper on the whole? |
V96 |
76C. Would you say that you are very interested, somewhat interested, not so interested or not at all interested in the ideas of these Rødstrømper? |
V97 |
77. If we disregard the place of the women in the labour market, do you then find that the women generally have sufficient equality with the men? |
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