

Beskrivelse ?


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Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 8. Urbanization
V7 12A. Sex
V8 12B. Age
V9 12C. Marital status
V10 13. Respondents occupational status
V11 14A. Education
V12 14B. Income of respondent
V13 15. Total family income
V14 15. Total family income
V15 15. Total family income
V16 15. Total family income
V17 15. Total family income
V18 15. Total family income
V19 15. Total family income
V20 15. Total family income
V21 16. Supporters occupation
V22 17A. Total number of persons (In household)
V23 17B. Type of dwelling
V24 18A. Number of children under 15 years
V25 18B. Number of adults in household (15 years or more)
V26 18C. Respondents position in household Head of the family
V27 18C. Respondents position in household Housewife
V28 18C. Respondents position in household Other adult
V29 19A. Position of housewife No housewife
V30 19A. Position of housewife Housewife without employment
V31 19A. Position of housewife Housewife with full-time employment
V32 19A. Position of housewife Housewife with part-time employment
V33 19A. Position of housewife Housewife who helps husband
V34 19B. Social group
V35 22. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V36 23. If would not vote
V37 59A. Now some questions about religious instruction in the school. Do you find that the children should have religious instruction in the primary school?
V38 59B. Up to now the religious instruction of the primary school for the first 7 years has been instruction in the religion found in the national church. Only after the 7th school year there are instructed in other religious persuasions. Do you find that there should be instructed in other religious persuasions at an earlier stage or should it continue as before?
V39 59C. Do you find that the religious instruction should only teach about the Christian religion or should the instruction also influence the children to Christian faith?
V40 60A. Do you find that the extent of the present religious instruction in the school is satisfactory or should it possibly be less or extended?
V41 60B. Do you find that the school should stay neutral or that the Christian view of life should form a basis of the other school work?
V42 60C. Do you find that the school at some time or another should give instruction in other religions or views of life without preferring one from another in this information?
V43 61A. Do you think that this instruction, as before, should wait until after the 7th school year or should it be started at an earlier stage?
V44 61B. And now some questions about the Common Market. Are you for or against that Denmark joins the Common Market?
V45 61C. If Norway will not become a member of the Common Market, are you then for or against that Denmark becomes a member?
V46 61D. If Norway becomes a member of the Common Market, are you then for or against that Denmark goes in?
V47 62A. In 2-3 weeks there is going to be a referendum about Danish entry into the Common Market. Will you take part in this referendum?
V48 62B. How likely would you say it is that you will take part in the referendum? (Show card)|
V49 63A. Have you discussed Denmarks relations to the Common Market within the last 8 days with anyone, either in the household or outside this? No
V50 63A. Have you discussed Denmarks relations to the Common Market within the last 8 days with anyone, either in the household or outside this? Yes, in the household
V51 63A. Have you discussed Denmarks relations to the Common Market within the last 8 days with anyone, either in the household or outside this? Yes, outside the household
V52 63A. Have you discussed Denmarks relations to the Common Market within the last 8 days with anyone, either in the household or outside this? Dont remember
V53 63B. Do you find that you have received sufficient information on the Common Market or do you feel that you need more information?
V54 63C. Have you taken a final decision of whether you are for or against a Danish membership of the Common Market?
V55 64A. Do you believe that Norway will become a member of the European Common Market?
V56 64B. Have you heard or read about the opinion polls, indicating the Norwegian electors, attitude to the Common Market?
V57 64C. Do you know if the Norwegian electors after these polls mainly are for or against a Norwegian membership of the Common Market?
V58 65A. Have you heard or read about the polls among the electors - so-called opinion polls indicating how many electors who are in favour of a Danish membership of the Common Market and how many not in favour?
V59 65B. Do you remember if there was a majority for or against the membership?
V60 65C. Have you always had the same opinion about a Danish membership of the Common Market or have you at any time during the discussion been informed in such a way that you have changed your attitude?
V61 65D. Have you previously been for or against or have you been in doubt?
V62 70A. And now a question about the telecasts about the Olympic Games. - Apart from the technical faults, do you then think that the casts from the Olympic Games have been very good, good or not good?
V63 70B. Do you have a TV in your household?
V64 70C. Do you have a Colour TV in your household?
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