V1 |
V2 |
V3 |
Omnibus number |
V4 |
Sequence number |
V5 |
Duplicate indicator/weight variable |
V6 |
8. Urbanization |
V7 |
12A. Sex |
V8 |
12B. Age |
V9 |
12C. Marital status |
V10 |
13. Respondents occupational status |
V11 |
14A. Education |
V12 |
14B. Income of respondent |
V13 |
15. Total family income |
V14 |
15. Total family income |
V15 |
15. Total family income |
V16 |
15. Total family income |
V17 |
15. Total family income |
V18 |
15. Total family income |
V19 |
15. Total family income |
V20 |
15. Total family income |
V21 |
16. Supporters occupation |
V22 |
17A. Total number of persons (In household) |
V23 |
17B. Type of dwelling |
V24 |
18A. Number of children under 15 years |
V25 |
18B. Number of adults in household (15 years or more) |
V26 |
18C. Respondents position in household Head of the family |
V27 |
18C. Respondents position in household Housewife |
V28 |
18C. Respondents position in household Other adult |
V29 |
19A. Position of housewife No housewife |
V30 |
19A. Position of housewife Housewife without employment |
V31 |
19A. Position of housewife Housewife with full-time employment |
V32 |
19A. Position of housewife Housewife with part-time employment |
V33 |
19A. Position of housewife Housewife who helps husband |
V34 |
19B. Social group |
V35 |
22. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow? |
V36 |
23. If would not vote |
V37 |
57A. The greater part of the trade is run by private enterprises, either limited liability companies or other private enterprises. Some of the trade enterprises, however, are run by the public, i.e. the State or the minicipalities, for instance the State Railways, the power stations, the Postal Services, the telephone companies etc. I will now ask you to answer a number of questions with regard to how you think the private and public enterprises carry on trade? If you should compare private and public enterprises, which of them do you then think are most effective? |
V38 |
57B. Which of them, in your opinion, show most social consideration? |
V39 |
57C. Which of them show most consideration to their employees? |
V40 |
57D. Which of them make the biggest profit? |
V41 |
58A. Which of them do you think are best to keep pace with the development? |
V42 |
58B. Which of them are most inclined to adapt themselves to the consumers needs? |
V43 |
58C. Which of them, in the long run, do you think are most capable of serving the interest of the country? |
V44 |
58D. Which of them, in your opinion, have the best leaders? |
V45 |
59A. Which of them are most honest? |
V46 |
59B. Are you, yourself, employed in a public or private enterprise - or are you independent? |
V47 |
59C. Have you previously been employed in a public or private enterprise? No |
V48 |
59C. Have you previously been employed in a public or private enterprise? Yes, private enterprise |
V49 |
59C. Have you previously been employed in a public or private enterprise? Yes, public enterprise |
V50 |
60A. If we now only speak about private enterprises, do you then think that private enterprises, on an average, earn too much, reasonably or not sufficient? |
V51 |
60B. Do yo believe that private enterprises are in favour or not in favour of democracy in the place of work? |
V52 |
60C. Which do you believe are most interested in democracy in the place of work - private or public enterprises? |
V53 |
61. Do you find that the trade, on the whole, has good and sufficiently free conditions or do you find that the trade should have less free conditions or more free conditions? |
V54 |
64A. Have you heard or read about the socalled death criteris, that is to say when the doctors can declare that a patient is dead? |
V55 |
64B. The doctors can now immediately ascertain when a patient is dead, because the brain has stopped functioning, but, at the same time, it is possible to keep the body alive artificially. Do you find that the doctors should be allowed to declare that such a patient is dead or should they wait until the patient bodily is completely dead because of suspended heart action? |
V56 |
64C. The doctors are now able to transplant organs for instance kidneys from one human being that is passed away to another and can thereby save human lives. Are you for or against that such operations are made? |
V57 |
64D. Do you think that the doctors should have special permission by the persons from whom the organs are taken or do you find that the doctors, themselves, should take the decision, naturally provided that the persons in question are dead? |
V58 |
65A. If you, yourself, were asked, would you then be at disposal? |
V59 |
65B. If the Danish throne for some reason or another should be possessed by a king outside the present royal family, would you in that case prefer Denmark to be a republic? |
V60 |
65C. Would you prefer that this country became a republic now? |
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