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Navn Indhold
V3 Omnibus number
V4 Sequence number
V5 Duplicate indicator/weight variable
V6 8. Urbanization
V7 12A. Sex
V8 12B. Age
V9 12C. Marital status
V10 13. Respondents occupational status
V11 14A. Education
V12 14B. Income of respondent
V13 15. Total family income
V14 15. Total family income
V15 15. Total family income
V16 15. Total family income
V17 15. Total family income
V18 15. Total family income
V19 15. Total family income
V20 15. Total family income
V21 16. Supporters occupation
V22 17A. Total number of persons (In household)
V23 17B. Type of dwelling
V24 18A. Number of children under 15 years
V25 18B. Number of adults in household (15 years or more)
V26 18C. Respondents position in household Head of the family
V27 18C. Respondents position in household Housewife
V28 18C. Respondents position in household Other adult
V29 19A. Position of housewife No housewife
V30 19A. Position of housewife Housewife without employment
V31 19A. Position of housewife Housewife with full-time employment
V32 19A. Position of housewife Housewife with part-time employment
V33 19A. Position of housewife Housewife who helps husband
V34 19B. Social group
V35 22. For which party would you vote in case of general election tomorrow?
V36 23. If would not vote
V37 42A. Do you believe that the prices in 1973 will increase more than in 1972 or do you believe that they will increase less?
V38 42B. Do you think that the unemployment will go up or down in 1973 in proportion to 1972?
V39 42C. Do you think we are going to get a year with more strikes and more trouble on the labour market than in 1972?
V40 42D. Do you think that Denmarks economic situation will be better or inferior in 1973 than in 1972?
V41 43A. Do you think that your standard of living wiil be higher or lower in 1973 or will it remain unchanged?
V42 43B. Will there be more or less peace in the world in 1973?
V43 44A. Do you think that Russias power in the world will be increased or reduced in 1973?
V44 44B. Do you think that U.S.A.s power in the world will be increased or reduced in 1973?
V45 44C. Do you think that Chinas power in the world will be increased or reduced in 1973?
V46 51. In the recent days there has been talked very much about democracy in the place of work and economic democracy. May I ask you what you think is meant by democracy in the place of work? (Press for answer) Right to be consulted/the workers must have influence on the company/co-operation between the management and workers
V47 51. In the recent days there has been talked very much about democracy in the place of work and economic democracy. May I ask you what you think is meant by democracy in the place of work? (Press for answer) Equality/the same for everybody
V48 51. In the recent days there has been talked very much about democracy in the place of work and economic democracy. May I ask you what you think is meant by democracy in the place of work? (Press for answer) Prosperity/security/environment/pleasant tone among people/solidarity/more interested in one another
V49 51. In the recent days there has been talked very much about democracy in the place of work and economic democracy. May I ask you what you think is meant by democracy in the place of work? (Press for answer) Right to be consulted in economic questions/right to be consulted in questions about investments
V50 51. In the recent days there has been talked very much about democracy in the place of work and economic democracy. May I ask you what you think is meant by democracy in the place of work? (Press for answer) Other answers (to be noted down)
V51 51. In the recent days there has been talked very much about democracy in the place of work and economic democracy. May I ask you what you think is meant by democracy in the place of work? (Press for answer) Dont know
V52 52. What do you think is meant by economic democracy? (Press for answer) Joint responsibility/right to be consulted/ co-operation about joint matters
V53 52. What do you think is meant by economic democracy? (Press for answer) Equal pay/more equality about wages
V54 52. What do you think is meant by economic democracy? (Press for answer) Employer and workers pay to a fund/collaborator fund
V55 52. What do you think is meant by economic democracy? (Press for answer) Right to be consulted about economy/economic involvment/joint economic responsibility
V56 52. What do you think is meant by economic democracy? (Press for answer) Profit-sharing/share in profit/share in economic profit
V57 52. What do you think is meant by economic democracy? (Press for answer) Joint economic ownership
V58 52. What do you think is meant by economic democracy? (Press for answer) Other answers (to be noted down)
V59 52. What do you think is meant by economic democracy? (Press for answer) Dont know
V60 53A. What do you immidiately mean that should have most importance: economic democracy or democracy in the place of work?
V61 53B. What do you think is most important: to get a share in the profit of the company or to get the right to be consulted with regard to the working conditions in the company?
V62 53C. A company management takes the decisions within two fields: 1) pure business mattersand 2) the working conditions. In which of these fields would you personally prefer to have influence?
V63 53D. What have you heard or read about the Governments motion economic democracy?
V64 54A. Have you heard or read about other motions?
V65 55A. The Government has moved that both private and public employers pay to a joint fund which all wage earners own jointly and for the money should be bought shares in trade enterprises. Would you be for or against such a motion?
V66 55B. If you were employed in a private enterprise and should choose of whether to own shares in the company in which you are employed yourself, or own shares in the joint fund for all wage earners what would you then prefer?
V67 58A. According to the Government motion the employers are to pay the money to the joint fund to be owned by the wage earners. Would you find this suitable or not?
V68 58B. If the employers are to pay the entire amount to the joint fund, do you then believe that there will be less money for wage increases?
V69 58C. Do you think that the amount will be paid by the company itself?
V70 58D. Do you think the amount will be added to the commodoty prices?
V71 59A. Let us suppose that the introduction of economic democracy would mean that there would be less money for wage increases. On this assumption - as employed in a private enterprise - what would you prefer: that economic democracy is carried through in such a way that you will be owner of shares in the company in which you are employed?
V72 59B. The Government motion about economic democracy is based on the fact that the employers are to pay a contribution to a central fund as a percentage of the wages of the individual workers. All wage earners, according to the same motion, will get to own an equal amount in kroner as a share in the central fund. One could also imagine that the individual wage earner got a share in the fund in proportion to what was paid in his name. What do you think is reasonable?
V73 60A. Would it be reasonable, in your opinion, that the wage earner, himself, saves up a part of his wages to get shares in the company in which he is employed, while the employer, for instance, pays in a corresponding amount, or should the employer, in your opinion, pay the entire amount?
V74 60B. Should the wage earner then be free to choose if he would take part in the arrangement or not?
V75 60C. What do you think is most reasonable: that the question about economic democracy is arranged by agreement between LO (that is to say the trade unions) and the Employers Associations or that the question is settled by legislation?
V76 60D. Some people own more than others as they have earned more and may have saved up more. - There is a smaller part of the population that owns much more than the other part. Do you find that this is in conflict with democracy that some own essentially more than others?
V77 63. Are you employed in a private or public enterprise?
V78 64. How many people are employed in the company?
V79 65. Do you yourself, have any subordinates? (If yes) How many?
V80 67A. The doctors are now able to transplant organs, for instance kidneys form one human being that is passed away to another and can thereby save human lives. Are you for or against that such operations are made?
V81 67B. Have you heard or read about the socalled death criteria, that is to say when the doctors can declare that a patient is dead?
V82 67C. The doctors can now immidiately ascertain when a patient is dead, because the brain has stopped functioning, but, at the same time, it is possible to keep the body alive artificially. Do you find that the doctors should be allowed to declare that such a patient is dead or should they wait until the patient bodily is completely dead because of suspended heart action?
V83 68A. If it was moved that women should be free to get induced an abortion would you then be for or against such a motion?
V84 68B. Would you mind telling me why you are against? Morally reprehensible/even worse
V85 68B. Would you mind telling me why you are against? That is to take lives/murders
V86 68B. Would you mind telling me why you are against? Unnecessary/many ways to avoid pregnancy
V87 68B. Would you mind telling me why you are against? Will result in more irresponsibility/young girls will be more careless/will result in low morale
V88 68B. Would you mind telling me why you are against? Abuse/will be exaggerated
V89 68B. Would you mind telling me why you are against? Other answers (to be noted down)
V90 68B. Would you mind telling me why you are against? Dont know
V91 69A. At present there is talked much about the womens position in the society either as a homeworking housewife or out-working. If we imagine a married woman with small children up to the age of 10, what would you then find most natural: that she devotes herself to the work as homeworking housewife or that she is outworking, for instance half a day or working out all the day?
V92 69B. If men and women would get exactly the same possibilities of education and same wages for the same work and the women should not be dependent on the home, do you then believe that the woman could compete with the man on the labour market?
V93 70. Why not The woman has too many days lost through sickness
V94 70. Why not She is not strong enough/not so robust/ cannot manage heavy work
V95 70. Why not Not strong enough psychically
V96 70. Why not Thinks too much about the home
V97 70. Why not It is a mans society we live in/the man is more cynical
V98 70. Why not The woman does not understand how to lead/ women are subordinates
V99 70. Why not Other answers (to be noted down)
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