Søgning » Torske togt
Aflevering 50018

Torske togt (2008-2020)

Alias: Cod Survey , Torsk

Skabt af ?
Formål ?

The goal of the Kattegat cod survey is to estimate the abundance, biomass and distribution of cod and to establish a fisheries independent time series of catch and effort series. Furthermore, a recruitment index will be established. The results should be used, together with commercial catch and effort data to strengthen the scientific advice on the cod stock in Kattegat. The survey will also monitor the amount and distribution of cod within the proposed “closed area” in order to analyse the effect of the closure.

Indhold ?

Data formatet ligger som et velbeskrevet data format i 3 filer. HH, der beskriver selve fiskestationen HL, der beskriver længderne af de fisk der blev fanget og CA der er individ data (alder, individ vægt, køn modenhed), disse bliver brugt af den internationale havforsknings råd ICES hvor alle variabler er beskrevet. http://vocab.ices.dk/?theme=1

Dokumentation ?
  • Rigsarkivets Afleveringsbestemmelse
  • Projektbeskrivelse gældende for det afleverende data, togtprogram
  • Joint Swedish and Danish survey for cod in the Kattegat. December 2008
  • Videnskabelig survey eftr tunge i Skagerrak og Kattegat. November-december 2008
  • Joint Swedish and Danish survey for cod in the Kattegat. December 2009
  • Outline of the joint Swedish and Danish fisheries research/fishing industry survey for cod in the Kattegat. December 2009
  • Outline of the joint Swedish and Danish fisheries research/fishing industry survey for cod in the Kattegat. December 2010
  • Joint Swedish and Danish survey for cod in the Kattegat. November-December 2011
  • Outline of the joint Swedish and Danish fisheries research/fishing industry survey for cod in the Kattegat. December 2011
  • Joint Swedish and Danish survey for cod in the Kattegat. November-December 2014
  • Outline of the joint Swedish and Danish fisheries research/fishing industry survey for cod in the Kattegat. December 2014
  • Outline of the joint Swedish and Danish fisheries research/fishing industry survey for cod in the Kattegat. December 2015
  • Joint Swedish and Danish survey for cod in the Kattegat. November-December 2015
  • Outline of the joint Swedish and Danish fisheries research/fishing industry survey for cod in the Kattegat. December 2016
  • Danish survey for cod in the Kattegat. May 2017
  • Outline of the Danish fisheries research/fishing industry survey for cod in the Kattefat 4nd quarter. November 2017
  • Joint Swedish and Danish survey for cod in the Kattegat November-December 2018
  • Outline of the Danish fisheries research/fishing industry survey for cod in the Kattefat 4nd quarter. November 2018
  • Outline of the Danish fisheries research/fishing industry survey for cod in the Kattefat 4nd quarter. November 2019
  • Joint Swedish and Danish survey for cod in the Kattegat November-December 2019
  • ASTA testlog
  • ASTA konverteringslog
Emneord ?

Der er ingen emneord.

Dækker perioden ?

Fra 01-12-2008 til 12-12-2020.

ID-oplysninger i data ?
  • Ingen